It’s over Once you’re in decent shape they’re good for burning out, but like any other muscle group you should prioritize harder stuff as soon as possible. Dragon flags, weighted leg raises, then a few failure rounds with the ab wheel until you can’t sit up without physical assistance.
I feel you breh, I had the pecs of a god back in college then fucked up my scapular ligaments going for a bench PR. Recovered after a while but I still haven’t reached that level of power since then.
Julian Edwards
its probably not as fucked as you think and any regular muscles injury should be healed by then. have to want it enough and possibly evaluate your programming.
I fell for the brosplit meme way back in high school and it’s never let me down since. Benched more than I squat for a while and never regretted it. Then I hit 25 and just want to do volume bullshit to keep the aches away, go hard while you still can kids
Jace Wilson
Ive added ~375lbs on my total in the last ~1.5 years and i recently turned 32. you can easily get stronger and bigger till around 40 natty. it just depends on what you goals end up being
The hilarious thing is that Dragon Flags are EASIER than using an abs wheel. The core strength requirement to balance yourself and do a full range of motion is absolutely bullshit.