Name a worse sequel

Name a worse sequel

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Does the Martian Successor Nadesico movie count as a sequel? Because that.

Kemono Friends 2

Yup, definitely this one.

Last Exile Silver Wing
Orphen Revenge
Project Ako sequels
FLCL Prog/Alt
East of Eden movies
Sakura Clear Card
Boogiepop and Others
Any sequel of Fate/Zero
Kite Liberator

>Any sequel of Fate/Zero
Prisma Illya is great, you piece of shit.

One in the same vein would be the Nadia movie, that one was completely unnecessary and utter shit, it was so bad that the movie got a LaserDisc and VHS release half a year after its premiere at theaters, but that was all, because it never got an official Japanese DVD or Blu-ray release, even though the TV series has been re-released several times on those formats on Japan, basically that movie got memory-holed.

Yes, but its worse than Zero.

i literally can't

how does that make it a bad sequel

Gou is fine. Sotsu is what shit the bed.

Easily, not only it was bad, it shat on the whole cast multiple times, the fans, people that worked on it and more.

>Gou is fine
Gou was not fine, and retards who kept defending it got slapped by a reality check when Sotsu didn't deliver shit

Sotsu would've been fine if they just cut first 12 episodes or so.
Alternatively they should've just adapted Gou/Meguri instead


OP said WORSE sequels, not BAD sequels you imbecile fuck.

I'll also add, Nanoha Strikers. I like magical GIRLS, not magical HAGS.

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>Kite Liberator
It's better than the original

Sotsu is not fine, it doens't justify how retarded satoko acted and the whole plot being shit

Fuck you.
That's all I'll say.

And that reminds me, Mezzo DSA also sucks compared to FORTE.

RIka >>> Satoko.
OK bye.

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Eureka Seven Ao

It's truly fascinating that when you remove Shiro from Fate, it automatically gets 100 times better.

Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot.

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>GouSotsu was ba-

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Can't imagine still being a Retard07 cult member.

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OP said sequels not prequels

Based. It was always trash

StrikerS was a 7/10, Sotsugou is a 1

easy, what do I win?

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The manga was shit too

That fucking ending, it was the anime version of "Blah blah blah shit happened and uuhhh thats it the end"

Sotsugou was a zero

>Implying it was bad

it was not bad, it was terrible.

whowzers, look at those bazonkas on blondie

I unironically cannot believe they expect the viewer to just forgive Satoko.

Last Exile Silver Wing Senpai
It fucked up so much despite having great potential.

Also I liked both GOU and SOTSU and Satoko at least improved her uncle.

You first OP

Rebuilds if you count them as sequels.
I don't, but I know people do.

>shits on everything about the original with shittier art just for yuribait that goes nowhere
Literally only shitper compares.

OP meant worse sequels than gou. no need for name calling it only makes you look foolish when you're wrong.

Oh, this is brutal.


EoE and 2.22 are both masterpieces, cry more faget.

Danganronpa 3
Eureka Seven AO


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Strikers has hags. That alone makes it shit.

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there is so much worse shit than this but you faggots hate it because you are transexuals most likely

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Kaban lived for a thousand years watching Serval and the others dying and being reborn over and over.
A retarded shota took over the MC role. They had the audacity of playing the first OP at the end. And a lot more bullshit.

Its just a cartoon, calm down.
And season 1 wasnt anything special. A 6/10 at most.

promised neverland

Where do you think you are? and you sound lke you are not undestanding why the second season did generate that level of rage and hatred.

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Why the fuck did you come into a "name a worse sequel" thread just to say "there's worse shit"? Are you retarded?

because im drunk and couldnt think of one off the top of my head and im tired of seeing higu hate threads? are you retarded?

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he doesn't owe you the emotional labor of thinking of one

SouGotsu haters deserve the rope. It was ok but the last arc was over the top, I will admit that...

They were expecting the viewer to want more of her. And they were right!

Ok what if we do the first arc again but change something at the end for shock value?
Lets do it again with the second arc
Lets do it again with the thirs arc
Lets do it again with the fourth arc haha