One Piece

When will foxy return?

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if only Ulti were alive to make us laugh

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He's Blackbeard's 10th captain.

Nah. Foxy, although cunning af, isn't a bastard

What would Foxy's awakened ability be?

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Too OP

Literal timestop probably. Or something like KR Drive's Density Shift

nobody liked foxy, he most likely would have had buggys role if he had been more popular

It will be a glorious day when the Sunny leaves Wano without Yamawhore. The tears of the Yamato fags will flow like a mighty river. The rustling of their jimmies will put the Gura Gura no mi to shame.
The accumulated butthurt of all their seething will foam up about their waists and all the waifufags and edgelords will look up and shout "Save us!" and I'll whisper "No."

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he lost in davy back and got recruited

She will come back (nobody ever dies in OP) and join the crew.

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I hope that when it happens you deliver and literally only answer "No" to everything

Ulti is 22 and Yamato 28.

Foxy is the second best villain after Enel (Moria is third place and Dofflamingo aka most boringest generic piece of shit villain is dead last).
I love to rewatch his fight with Luffy. It is hilarious.

I don’t know about all that, but Yamato is joining the crew.

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Not another fucking granny. SHs should be a crew of young people. Enough elderly people already.

More chances than Yamato, to be honest.
She interacted with More SH than her. LOL

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When the Sunny leaves Wano without Yamawhore, all the Yamato fags will have to do a naked dogeza and apologize for their stupidity. Then they are allowed to commit Songoku.

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I miss afro Luffy when will he return?

will Luffy take out big mom after kaido like he promised?

I think you know already, I'm a D clan member sent from East blue to defeat you,the legendary warrior with a pure heart awakened by Joy, MONKEY D. LUFFY THE SON GOD NIKA!!!!!

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How many pages was Yamato's flashback again?
Kawamatsu got 10

When will HE return?

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When the Strawhats need him most

Usoop should have kept the Sogeking mask

When Usopp switches his weapon for the last time

If you count them all together?
less than that.
If you count one by one?
You can laugh about how little Oda cares.

Foxy fighting style is what I imagined a more mature and brave Usopp to be like. Full of tricks and mocking his opponents to get them riled up.
Sadly Usopp never really developed any further.

When will Bonney return?

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These are very cool

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What are you talking about? Sogeking never gave Usopp his mask. They never even met.

after celestial dragons had enough


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Can't accept that your shitty manga is Dragon Ball level of shit

What would his awakening be?

>boring chapter

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Wo’s talking about Hankek?

He was a bit like that at the beginning of post-timeskip at Fishman Island arc but his development was quickly reverted after that.

Will she rape him?

Luffy in /ss/ ships are god tier

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cool? more like boring


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I think robin wouldn't mind in actuality she's devoted to Luffy

god i hope so

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Whats the lewdest official OP figure?

>wall kissing overused hag with literal miles of dick on her record
do you have Lufy?

When will HE return?

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>Foxy was one of Luffy's toughest battles
Dude is amazing.

>age 31+
>luffy is retarded

how autistic are their babies going to be

>* * starts playing
Sanji vs Zoro
Base durability
Battle IQ
Zoro high to extreme diff

when Luffy goes for another impel down raid.

LuNacucks in shambles

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He's home, user.

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Za warudo

reminder now that foxy knows his mirror trick he could easily beat current luffy.

>gomu gomu no way fag

Hopefully never. I hate this piece of shit and was disappointed when he was revealed to not be dead.

How big is hanCock CoC?

Next arc

He's too based for this series

You don't have a soul.
Probably a Yamatofag.

The better question is how strong will they be?

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That Bonney one