Are anime girls the best when they're lesbians?
Are anime girls the best when they're lesbians?
Since we're just going to have yuri shitposting threads, I'll just dump a yuri manga instead.
>another shitty anti yuri bait thread
Kill yourself already, retard.
But the yuritards still take the bait.
Yes if they still wind up taking a dick in the end all the same.
Bullshit needs refuted or it spreads cancer. Not even half of the anons here are like this, only retarded crossshitters. Fuck off.
Every anime girl lesbian until proven otherwise.
You mean the yurifaggots leaking out of their containment board and hyper reacting to everything?
I'm pro yuri
And made another shit thread guaranteed to bait more retarded arguing over lesbians in 2D, knowing what the fuck things are like, especially without moderation around. Kill yourself.
>containment board
Yea Forums itself is one giant containment board itself.
I'm a yuri reader and a hetshit hater that's all
You faggots are no better accusing every Yea Forumsnon that likes yuri of being /u/tards or trannies.
thank you for your reply
I don't want to drag any drama to this thread but I wish to point out that part way through the conversation someone started replying pretending to be me, I intended to point it out but the thread was pruned just before I could submit.
This chain of comments was made by someone else
Go the fuck back, retard.
God, I wish these threads were actually about arguing over 2D lesbians instead of 3DPD dykes or yurifags. Then they might actually be bearable.
By definition anyone using the word "hetshit" is a /u/tard and probable tranny
No, wokeshit is never good.
Yuri existed long before any of this retardation. Kill yourself, retarded election tourist.
Who are your favorite gay girls from non-yuri anime? For me it's Ai/Junko
No user, (you) are the wokeshit
Sekijou Sawako.
All girls are best when they're lesbians because then they leave me alone.