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I don't have any faith in netflix anike adaptations for obvious reasons

Its been over 10 years. Now I'm older than Tiger and don't really care anymore.

People will care once it’s dropped. I do wish it was weekly though, but guess they had to get money somehow.

It's been over 11 years.

It's live!


its over.

Hasn't it always been on Netflix?

I'm not a fujo, user

No. I tried giving ultraman a try, and they fucked it up.


Doesn't it all drop at once then later on air weekly in Japan? I think other shows have used this format (not that it matters).

They took way too long to make a sequel and the story was pretty complete anyways. Plus Kotetsu has no powers now.

They got some new gay heroes

>S1 looks like shit because it was made by a B team because "they didnt expect it to be successful"
>S2 still looks like shit with even worse CGI
What went wrong?


s1 while "looking like shit" still looks better than almost every show this season and last
it'll fit right at home

Did you actually watched it, fag?
Its popularity between fujos is another reality in regards of the story.
I can't wait for Blue Rose.

Was this always supposed to take place in the 80's?

Sci fi 70s

I noticed there's no logos to be found on the promotional image there.
Are they at least still actually in the anime itself?

>Netflix kills the hype
Many such cases!

Yes. That's just what Netflix was putting up. The proper poster and anime has logos.

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Netflix just didn't want to be sued, even though it's literally free advertising, so they're taking them out of all western promos.

The most circlejerked garbage out there.

It would unironically be soulless without those on the suits.

Give it to me straight, will the threads and discussion be kill because of netflix scheduling? The threads were the best parts I'd really hate if that happened...

Attached: feels bad kaisar.jpg (593x593, 51.91K)

They're releasing the whole thing right away are they not? I'd say they'll be kill if so.
No speculation, no weekly anticipation. Just a brief 1-2 week period of threads as people finish binge watching it.

Yes, straight up. It's over.

Just started watching, I know the intro is supposed to be a callback to the first episode of season 1, but did they seriously reuse the exact same animations for Fire Emblem?

Yes, see what happened with Jojo 6

>release one of the most anticipated anime 11 years later
>it's all streamdumped killing all fun, specula and discussion
Monkeys paw, etc. I guess I can only be grateful it even happened.

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Batch releases kill discussion, Jojo pt 6 is dead on Yea Forums because of the batch release

Discussions will probably last a week, 2 weeks at most, better start watching now if you want active discussion for the first half of the season.

There's two cours. They'll release the second half later.

No. I'm actually going to rewatch the original, since it's been so long. That said, will Netflix be doing the usual retarded release model of dumping the whole series out at once?

What the fuck did they do to her?

Attached: screencapture-netflix-watch.png (1248x920, 940.7K)

First 13 episodes now, the next batch who knows


it's been 11 years, user

Goddamnit. I expected as much. Thanks, user. The discussion is going to be dead right out the gate.

How’re you able to get screenshots?

The wall claims another victim

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Kaede confirmed to have a new mom.

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The nip fanart train has begun

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She was always a bitch, now she's a fat bitch.


My browser extension lets me screenshot the webpage I'm on.

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What the fuck?

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>that size difference
Ryan/Rose porn fucking when?

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>white and pink
very gay

will they finally be real bonnafide homos now that they're under Netflix

It's kind of funny how this series has managed to make both in-universe and real-world advertising a part of its brand identity to the extent that if it was not covered in ads people complain.

theres been movies since

someone post new screens AAAAAAAA

It's on the cat site already.

For anyone lurking, the Kotetsu and Barnaby gayness hasn’t been toned down. It’ll be interesting to see if it just stays how it is or if anything else happens.

They weren't really gay to begin with.

dude had a wife he impregnated

Barnaby is the one with out of control homolust while tiger just doesnt give a shit.

samefag or what?

That could be true but how do you explain the eyelashes line. What was it, fatherly expression?

I didn't know Ryan was returning. He's pretty cool.

Three episodes down so far, it's great.

The architect strikes again

no one remembers whatever that line is because we aren't fujo shipper fags from 10 years ago

From now on ignore their delusions, and talk of the episodes

No, I just rewatched it recently and there was nothing gay between them. Then again I'm not a fujo, so maybe I missed things.

This is hilarious given the plot of the episode I’m watching right now.