god i wish that was me
>Large breasts
>Good child bearing hips
>Excellent home skills
thats not kobeni
yes i am
Not a single good doujin
She's pure, after all.
Pure sex
I still kind of felt bad that she was just told "Oh hey you're supposed to marry this guy." I mean it worked out but man, good thing he wasn't some ugly shit, huh?
She knows what you've done with her pictures.
Massive. Giant. Udders.
This is canon.
Please don't forget her childbearing hips.
Why? You hate bestiality?
>just turned 16
Well, it's not like she's a stranger to unreasonable demands.
Superior Nippon genes
she's Yea Forums
>there is nothing good about having large breasts
Well this is just simply incorrect.
>they make you look fat
Breats are made of fat, but that doesn't mean the rest of her torso needs to be fat, so wrong.
>limit your wardrobe
They make clothes in all sizes, not an argument
>hurt when you run
Wear a better fitting brassiere.
>get in the way when you crouch
Learn to crouch in a more effective manner then.
>they're really heavy
I admit I don't know from personal experience so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt here, but I'm sure there must be a work around somehow.
All irrelevant.
I need to hold those child birthing hips.
Is fat
Is fat
I want all that fat to fall on my face
>Dirtying Kobeni's butt with your brains
So, if you pester Kobeni enough for sex she'll give up and do it?
I wish the author didn't bully me so much.
I've roleplayed as her. Sorry, Kobeni.
How did it go?
If you're at Benio's level.
That's private.
Kobenis kobenis.
No pouting allowed.
Beni's benis.
Please do not poke the Beni.
>I'm sure there must be a work around somehow
It's called "reduction mammoplasty" and it works really well.
>go to sankaku
>search for yonomori_kobeni jank*
>82916887 at pixiv
>hmm, there's another pic under this one
Nevermind, you guys can have Kobeni.
delicious milk inside
Absolute Chance
the picture montage at the start of the OP is surprisingly lewd
woof woof !
All the inhuman energy coursing through her body went straight to her hips and bust.
>162 cm
Imagine how this fat bitch would swallow all of your frigde like a tornado
I think it helped that he was pretty good looking in the first place.
I wish you were Kobeni too