Ging gave birth to Gon

Ging gave birth to Gon

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Did we ever learn how long greed island was around before gon and killua arrived

it was created in 1987 and the Greed Island arc took place in 1999-2000

that... would explain a lot actually

the other user answered your question but I'll add that GI happened over several months, it's probably the longest arc in terms of it's timeline

But.. what determines the other half of their genetics, or would it be a clone?

psuedo clone with random mutations due to normal dna replication errors

Does this also explain why Gon is actually legit insane?

no thats just from a lack of socializing with other humans growing up. most of his friends were animals so the idea of friends killing and eating each other seems normal to him, among other things

Well, I also mean the fact he is 100% of the belief he is above consequences and him alone. Granted the plot has proven him right every time so far.

this explains a lot about Gon's character

>reddit theory
Gon's hair has a green tinge to it that ging does not canonically have. He's not a clone.

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This is actually a good schizo theory.

even clones can have different genetics from their donor due to various factors

>le various factors
The chances of a clone having a completely different hair color are tiny. This is just pushing a schizo theory for the sake of it. Either that or the fanbase has a malepreg fetish (like togashi).

Kill yourself, tourist.
You're being just as specific as that user, you have no right to complain.

hair color is determined by a tiny number of genes so a clone having a different hair color really isn't all that unreasonable

>le tourist!1
Keep coping faggot. I'll wait until you explain how one would get the genes for a completely different hair color when no one in his family has it.
>inb4 it's just an astronomical coincidence
That just means there's an even less chance of mutation in any one of those genes.

Gon literally has the potential to become one of the strongest nen users ever so it's not unreasonable to assume he's got some crazy genes

Because his dad is also a crazy nen user. What does this have to do with hair color?

In terms of conventional intelligence ging is a genius while gon is borderline retarded. If gon is a clone then he got real fucked up somewhere in the production line

>Gon's hair has a green tinge to it that ging does not canonically have
Retarded 2011 nigger.

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Gon's hair is canonically black in the manga

>hasn't even seen the volumes
>relies on coloring not done by togashi
Stupid fucking fake fan. Kill yourself.

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I agree that Gon probably isn't a clone but I also want to point out that people's hair color can change as they grow up. My own hair has varied a lot in shade over the course of my life. Used to be light reddish brown, almost auburn, and now it's darkened enough that it's close to black.

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>>hasn't even seen the volumes
Leorio's hair is constantly changing in the volumes, and in volume 3 Gon has black hair.
I think you're the fake fan here.

Not surprising coming from the no.1 tranny shonen

>b-but the exception!
In vast majority of cases it has a green tinge. He even makes it full on green in some others. Your reddit theory is tripe.

all of the characters in HxH have inconsistent hair color because Togashi literally doesn't give a fuck, he only thinks in black and white and his wife does most of the coloring

>muh hair color!
That's literally the most retarded discussion I've seen about HxH in a good while.
Hunter x Hunter is a MANGA. It's black and fucking white. Togashi has literally said on interviews he only thinks about his characters in black and white and uses whatever color he feels like in color pages (something he doesn't
even like doing in the first place).
Pitou has been featured in official color pages with 4 different hair colors.
I have literally all the volumes, you braindead baboon. Unironically never talk about HxH again.

I guess Gon is a redhead, then.

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please post pics of your HxH books to dunk the haters, user

>using the least least canonical hair color for your shitty theory
Gon's hair in almost every case togashi draws him is green. It's green in every animated adaption. It's green on almost every shonen jump cover page.
>le exception
Kill yourself.

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Fuck off back to Yea Forums, tourist.


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Gon's hair black with green highlights.

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>le exception
What did I just tell you?
That one has a green tings to it you blind fuck.

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>That one has a green tings to it you blind fuck.
I finally understand the issue here, you're colorblind.

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exceptionbros, what is this????

Keep coping fake fan.

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They're stylized exceptions.

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>trannies this mindbroken that someone challenged their malepreg theory

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>someone comes up a retarded criticism of HxH
>hunterchads instantly refute them
every single time.

How would this work? Will it turn you into a woman for the duration of the pregnancy? Will it only change your genitals for the duration, will it be a magical pregnancy with magical birth, baby appearing in your hands in a blinding flash when the time comes?
Come on Togashi, give us the answers!

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Dude, he had revealed information about Gon's mother. Info that Gon didn't want to learn.

he could have absolutely said "yeah btw your mom is actualy me" tho

Stop being retarded.

A meaningless character who was given another character's goal.

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What criticism? This thread is about a fan theory.

This is the worst speedreader post 2011 braindead shonen shitter theory. R*ddit and YouTube comments love it. Despite the fact that we know for sure Gon's mother exists and her and Ging broke up. Only a deranged theory fag can make sense of Ging getting himself pregnant for some dumb fucking reason and have a child he doesn't even bother raising. But this doesn't stop the damaged brain of a schizo theory crafting shonen shitter. You see these type of theories daily among One Pissers, that's where all these retards come from. Building retarded fanfiction from a tiny irrelevant and unconnected detail to feel like Sherlock Holmes who cracked the code from a trace of shit. They never make any sense and are debunked by canon information these retarded speedreaders forgot about or chose to ignore, with no consideration for the narrative consistency or characterization.

In short, cancer upon all the retards who support this braindead theory even in the slightest, go back to R*ddit and One Piss

State of huntertrannies

>Despite the fact that we know for sure Gon's mother exists and her and Ging broke up
Surely you can post the page where that is confirmed then.

Not him but ging was about to explain about his mother. I don't know but saying that he got pregnant with a rock and had him with magic nen doesn't seem the right thing to tell a kid.

>about your mom...
He could've very well said he doesn't have one.
Gon never listened what he had to say.

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This is not proof that he has a mother. Also many things Ging says and does are not great for Gon.