Darling in the FranXX was good and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't

Darling in the FranXX was good and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't

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You don't have to pretend back on your home board.

wtf I just started watching this. You better not be in my home watching me watching this

Ichigo was good, zero two was #2, a SHITE

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Like most Trigger shows, the first half is pretty decent to good, then it just kinda loses the thread and gets dumb in the second half.

>dude, aliens lmao!
Franxx was dogshit

>You better not be in my home
He's inside your head user, it's too late now.

It wasn't.

It had good material. Some interesting (scrapped) backstory for the world and its leaders in the fairytale. But it wasted most of the time on the wrong fucking shit. That shit being the stupid plantation 13 fucks the writers jacked off.

For example, Mitsuru is horrible in every way. he isn't a good rival character. His relationship with Hiro doesn't push him or the plot anywhere besides some seto-gay shit and Mitsuru fucking Kokoro because Hiro said so. Yet, he gotten so much more attention than 02, Hiro, Dr. Franxx, and the Nines in the ending episodes. And likely drained out the relevance for Papa and 001, characters that literally ruled the fucking earth. Sometimes, I wonder if they outright retconned Nine Alpha and the Nines into being gender-haters, since how Nine Alpha is introduced is completely different from how he is introduced in the Mitsuru wedding episode. Nine Alpha does the princely romance gestures on Ichigo and is rather a bit charmed from Ichigo's shocked reaction. In the wedding episode, he apparently is disgusted by gender as a concept and how girls and boys bond.

It literally took years of brainstorming and soul searching to finally rework these alien fucks into being fallen angels and completely drop the stupid space shit completely. The only thing clever about Virm is the vampire theming around them.

Other than that, it's clear the writers didn't know what they were doing or were misusing a lot of scrapped material. All I know is that episode 3 can stand on its own as a short, as intended, and the lore book it has provides better backstory to what is going on to Franxx's world than what we actually got.

*episode 13


actually more offensive than your shit taste

It should have just ended at EP 15, or atleast turn into a SoL afterwards.


it fucking sucked but watching it with Yea Forums was a lot of fun

>darling in the franxx aired over 4 years ago

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It was okay, the plot was pretty standard and the characters were fairly one dimensional. It had a nice aesthetic, but that's really the only good thing I can say about it. I liked this character for some reason.

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It had some nice aspects (mostly about 02), but as a whole the execution was terrible.
Can Trigger make a plot where the culprit AREN'T aliens?

I miss all the memes.

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Sure, the first half was. The second half was complete shit.

It is pretty decent, I remember some "anime critics" from ANN or something saying it was bad because it's japanese right-wing propaganda. Topkek.

Ruined ending

The first half was good.
And then it slowly deteriorated into whatever the fuck this trainwreck ending was.

What the fuck?
>Aired January 2018
I swear it aired barely 1.5 years ago. Where the fuck did the time go?
We really aren't here for very long.

1st half was good, I enjoyed it, but because all the characters problems got resolved they ended up getting dragged to complete the rest of 24 ep. No one is likable by the end

Thought it was animated by trigger but made by A1

>We really aren't here for very long.
And thats a good thing.

>aired four years ago and it feels like yesterday!
>aired ten years ago and it feels like yesterday!
>aired twenty years ago and it feels like yesterday!

Welcome to the existential dread that is the rest of your life.

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all the theories, the collective pants-shitting over TEEN PREGNANT, then the fucking mind wipe, catatonic zero tsu, ayys...
ahh, good times.

>Started lurking Yea Forums when I was 16
>28 this year

Is this show where this comes from?

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Same expect I was 14. You have no idea how much this place really shaped us. Think about it.


Nah it fucking sucked kid. Good thing it got mogged by Veg, it's pretty much what I remember it for.

Just like in the movies

The guy suffered.

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Time speeds up the older you get, there's no brakes

If a show is only good because of a single character, namely zero two, then it's not good. We all watched it because of her so don't bother pretending otherwise. Besides, after episode 15 not even zero two could stop the show from becoming a burning pile of trash.

tl;dr it's terrible and 02 was wasted on a shitty show

Nope. That shit is exactly how it got wasted into dumb bullshit.. Erase the SoL garbage, the alien sci-fi garbage, and get back to focusing on journeying into the terrifying Klaxosapien base. With some tragedies to the P13 squad (Goro's foreshadowed death along with Zorome's girlfriend wasting away), an alpha and Ichigo episode, and a stronger episode 20 to act as seto-finale episode. 21-24 could be the Papa arc, with 001 helping out with the humans that turned on him and finding out who he really is.
>It should have just ended at EP 15
15 is better as a mid-point kind of thing. Not as a finale. We have seen it being used the finale in the manga and it was fucking terrible.

The first half was pretty good, just the ending sucked hard.

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02, Ichigo, Dr. Franxx, episode 13, and the villain gallery were the things that allured people into the show. It's too bad the fanon is so horrifically bad at portraying them. Nor getting anything about them that made them appealing in the first place.

What do you call this archetype?

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volcel doomer

Nishigori is a-1 and it is pretty much his project right down to the script. Trigger was brought in because he worked with them back at Gainax and the anime itself is really just a collection of ideas carelessly lifted from Gainax properties he liked with maybe a hint eureka seven here and there which is why it's pretty incoherent, people like to point out the aliens twist but none of the show really makes that much sense.


it peaked in episode 13 imo

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The mecha original wild ride is all about the journey not the destination (95% of the time is trainwreck)

FranXX delivered.

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The OP and loli zero two were pretty much the only good things from the show

You know you can just say celibate right?

you're right. i've internet poisoning, terminal, you see.

>4 years
What the fuck. It can't be that long, I remember everyone posting about dinosizes and rewriting the ending like it was yesterday.

Should have either been more brutal suffering like Fafner or more OTT hotblood like Getter, either could have worked.

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Trigger writers were also involved with the project too.

I dropped it 6 episodes in
What an awful show

>I remember everyone posting about dinosizes and rewriting the ending like it was yesterday.
I am still doing that to this day.

hiro shoulda grown his horns sooner

was it ever confirmed if she kissed her other "darlings" as well? Had to drop it when it was implied, i don't watch WHORE shows.

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This show really let me down around ep 15 or so then just kept getting worse. I probably enjoyed the first half so much because I hadn't seen Evangelion yet at the time but looking back it rips so much off.

Anime for waifu coomers and blogposting. Nothing else. If that is fun, then you are messed up. Its barely even mecha

Episode writers don't have creative control over the series, they essentially finish a draft. The man who wrote the actual story, what takes place each episode, the pacing of each episode etc was Nishigori.

It wasn't

Pretty much my experience.
How do you think it rips off Eva? It's been a long time since I've seen either.