Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road

What are your expectations for Episode 2?

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Lots of road virgins

Lots of shokei shoujos



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More killer priestess thighs and pits

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Was it love at first sight or not? This week, on Virgin Road!

It's going to be love at first stab.

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They should do some infodump, otherwise animeonlies will find some stuff confusing. We'll also have a fair idea of the pacing for the rest of the season, depending on how much this episode covers.

Eh, I can see how this is going, Heroine ends up supporting and helping the schoolgirl, turns on her isekai protagonist killing order, putting her in conflict with her master. No actual use of it's initial generic protagonist shanking premise.

Lesbian violence

Nah, she will only become more determined to kill her

Menou penetrating Akari

Be happy then user, the premise won't be dropped apparently


The series premise is a girl's journey to kill a girl though, and I don't think it has changed in the LN
So this counts as one of those rare types of series that keeps to its premise.

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This isn't the kind of setting where you can just ignore the people who are doomed to go critical and wipe out continents. Every group is bad but they've still got to die.

So, meta aside, will there be any in-universe reason as to why only Japanese people get isekai'd to that world?

The summoned need to have a desire to be summoned.

Wont be as exciting so maybe the shitposting would move on to something else.

That could be anywhere in the world though, particularly 3rd world countries.

Japan is special to the Japanese

I don't like this Menou

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feminist propaganda female power fantasy anime for cucks.

Menou's death

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Quite common in moe anime.

Generic shit like episode 1

lots of threads for something so generic

those thighs, thigh band, hair ribbon... i coom..

Doubt it, some of those are the most mentally ill shitposters Yea Forums have
The salt spams have already started even

>some of those are the most mentally ill shitposters Yea Forums have

Things from this PV

It looks they are expending on the escape, and the episode title feels like there will be some necessary infodump

I can't believe Mili is wasting their time with this series when they have to make more songs for GS.

Neck stabbing
Soul hugging and handholding if the train parts are adapted

More cute Menou, that's all I ask. Hopefully slashing things up with knives. That's sexy.

I've only seen the webm of the guy getting stabbed in the head, other than that I've never even touched this series. Should I watch this? The girl looks cute and I enjoy violence

There won't be much DV unfortunately, I was hoping it would be as glorious as this one since it was about a girl attempting to kill an immortal girl

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Yes Menou is cute and there is more violence than just that one guy getting stabbed. So far it's good.

Do you like fantasy adventure series?
Do you like cute girls + actions series (with handholdings and blushings at each other as bonus)?
Do you like conspiracies and keikakus?
Do you like time looping plots?

If so you will like this, probably. I have decided to watch this the moment it went Drakengard on me though

We're going to get at least one DV scene next episode, that scene should go nicely to the yuri DV compilation.

I want to fuck Menou straight!

>There will only be two dv scenes for the whole season

the true DV were the (girl-)friends we made along the way


Girls like that can never be corrected. And if you try they will stab you in the face.

>the bait and switch + the plotline of having to kill someone you love because of love
This is basically ga rei zero. Nice.

The sad thing about Ga Rei Zero was that the yuri was also bait otherwise it's a very good anime. yomi ;_;

Works for me. Will start tomorrow

When was the last time an anime relied so heavily on the bait and switch like ga rei zero that they even used the promo art to get bait and switch to be more impactfull?
I really appreciated the effort that went into it.

Probably nana? Not this one though, while I nearly got baited cos I went in blind, all the promos for this were honest

read the mango up to the point where the old hag gets btfo'd
i must say, i have no expectations at all
story's bland and uninteresting
not a single likeable character
yuri to be found only in micrograms, it's more like muh girly-girly frensip
gotta give this one the 3-ep rule tho, maybe the animu is better than the sauce

ITs kind of sad that the only decently looking isekai of the season is yuri shit.
Ill take it because at least its better than the others.

it would be good if it actually was yuri

Is it yuri if it is with your possible half older sister who is a thousand years old loli of a walking calamity?

>“Ah... Menou’s... Ngh. Inside meee...”
>“Would you mind not making this so weird...?”
>Akari’s reactions sounded unnecessarily sexual.
>“ really...tiiickles...”
>“...Well, I’m glad it’s no worse than that.”
>Unlike Momo’s usual calculated approach, Akari’s voice had a tint of natural seductiveness that Menou tried her best to ignore.
Just good friends. Akari is literally powered by AI YO and Momo is a broken person with nothing but love for Menou keeping her going. Menou is an impressionable autist who will give in eventually.

They sort of kissed in the OP. That counts for yuri right?

Look at these esl fags

Author literally said he is writing them as a couple who will be together for life
So you falseflagging faggots can fuck off

Excuse me, but crazy pink is for the princess knight

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>anons express their disdain about shitty anime
>must be esl!
cope moar fag
and in any case, most of the anons here are indeed esl

What a sad deflection attempt.

Cry more fag

Is this [Ivory]?

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Pink is meant to be crushed between those legs.

I cant talk about the other user, but I at least Im certainly ESL
I think that doesn't make my opinion less valid though