When the remake is better than the original

>when the remake is better than the original

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maybe they're both bad

nowhere near as violent and batshit as the ova

It was good, I like the manga and ovas more though.

terrible taste but expected from that studios simps

>pic unrelated

>shilling netflix garbage
will bite you in the ass

OP here pic unrelated btw

ignore those fags, this anime was top tier

the animation was awesome, a bit quirky but a very interesting take on Go Nagai's style and the music was just on point as well

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it's better than the manga, manga is fucking shit compared to crybaby

Crybaby was shit.
Yuasa is only ever as good as the thing he's adaption. Reason Ping Pong was a masterpiece was the fact that the manga was already amazing

It's only good if you've read the manga first.

There is absolutely no tension about what devil did Ryo catch, if at all. The manga had the actual twist about how he was THE devil all along.

The fights are fun, the music is pure kino (even the rap parts), the animation gets creative from time to time, it doesn't bother with "you thought this was gonna be monster of the week, BUT GUESS WHAT, apocalypse!" and the characters get rounded and expanded well enough... but sometimes it looks like it bets you've read the manga before. It's not a very risky bet, but still.

Like how the HP series became shittier because by movie 5 if you hadn't read anything about book 5, you were totally lost as to what happened. It's the same cripple leg, but Devilman makes it work better.

Also, Ryo and Akira were more on the homoerotic line than on the best-bros one, that bothered me a little. But eh, the devil is a fag anyways Viva Cristo Rey

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>even the rap parts
I know it's probably just "It's ok when the Japs do it" syndrome, but I really like Japanese rap and hip hop stuff. Not enough to actively seek it out, but I always enjoy it in stuff.

>a very interesting take on Go Nagai's style
Completely throwing something away is indeed an "interesting" take on it, yes.

This shit started good but became just gore porn by the end. It presented interesting themes and did nothing with them. Just "suddenly the apocalypse and everyone gets killed off for no reason"

i fucking love yuasa

Of course you do.

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Yuasa saved this garbage manga

>another crybaby thread
i see these all the time now.
what's going on?

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Probably some dude did drugs while listening to the OST.

Yeah, that was pretty fucking good. I rarely show emotions when watching anime nowadays, but I almost dropped a tear at the end when they fought.
Music was nice and the ending as well.
Fuck God.

That one scene with the crying father was fucking brutal, it hit a lot harder than the girl or the ending.

Devilman was never good

If a Violence Jack anime was made today, what studio would you guys want to work on it?

Nah, The OVAs are better.

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I love both equally
A hentai studio

any studio brave enough to animate tatsuma and mondo crawling all over eachother
i didnt like satan's "alien" look in the OVA, or the way they did the jinmen fight but otherwise it was fun, it's a shame they didnt finish the third movie. the dub was especially hilarious.

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I think the key with "it's ok when japs do it" is that you can practically be sure that they included hip-hop/black people/other contentious content because they wanted to and thought it looked cool, and not because they want to preach to you atop their soapbox. Really japanese black characters work better because most of the time they have a character outside "I'm black".

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This has never happened

>This has never happened
It kinda did happen for Devilman: The OVAs (from around 1990) are generally considered better than the original anime (from 1972). Of course, OP is baiting with his Crybaby pic.

Fruits basket

Is it true that villain in this one was an inspiration when creating Miura created Griffith?

If you like faggy remakes that make non-anime fans jizz their axe wound holes, then sure.

casshern sins

I tried watching Devilman Lady and I couldn't stay awake past episode 5. Legitimately tried so hard so many times and just decided to throw in the towel with devilman.

Is crybaby actually worth checking out?

>It's only good if you've read the manga first.
this but the complete opposite

Is it just me or are there very few remakes in anime? At least compared to hollywood shit. The only thing that come to mind on OP's topic is battle ship yamato remake.

Fuck off

theres plenty of remakes you're just a newfag

That doesn't even count as a remake, the 1972 anime is a completely different story
the same goes for this too, but the original casshern is better

you're supposed to READ lady.

No. The manga's villain was.
Crybaby's villain was a poor parody of western capeshit villains.

Last episode really dragged down the rest of an otherwise awesome series. Didn't feel as rushed in the ova or manga.

>That doesn't even count as a remake
Then NOTHING in the franchise counts as a remake. Just different adaptations, if anything.

The only good episodes are the Selene fight and the last three episodes. Everything else is shit and they focus too much on irrelevant bullshit. The manga. They completely miss the point; in the manga, the demons only launch one attack on humanity once the secret gets out, after that they fuck off into the shadows and humanity destroys itself with only minimal demon intervention. It also suffers too much from telling instead of showing, shit like the Satan reveal, Akira figures it out on his own and it's displayed symbolically instead of in your face IM SATAN.

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Crybaby was good but I still wish the OVA didn't stop halfway through

The manga version who is nothing like the crybaby version. Original Satan was an extremist idealist.

You're supposed to read Lady since wraps Devilman with a "happy" ending (off screen).

HxH 2011 is a remake, Crybaby is a remake. The 1972 anime and the manga/OVAs are completely different, it's not even a different take on a story. The character names are the only thing they share.

Yeah, damn Ryo is really in your face I AM LE EVIL MUHAHAHAHA in crybaby, where in the manga he's a lot more nuanced, he gets these moments where his true personality slips and then he thinks to himself "what the fuck am I thinking/saying?"

Read the manga for both. Devilman's manga is a 10/10 classic where Lady is absolutely batshit fucking insane, but a really fun wild ride.

>Crybaby is a remake.
Of what? It's completely different from any other adaptation, and from the manga, in anything but some plotpoints.

Devilman Lady is a great manga if you have a rape fetish

This justifies its existence.

it's literally a different take on the original, 1972 is a different story

...or a ryo fetish

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>theres plenty
Okay anime pro, name 10 that happened last decade. And I mean legit remakes, not re-adaptions like shaman king or fruits basket, not n-th spin off in a old franchise like gundam or yugioh, not nostalgia bait pretending it's like a beloved classic like funimation's flcl, but shows with the actual original cast with a different spin on the story like rebuilds, crybaby, and yamato.


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You never read the original, fuck off with your donkey sex noises replacing every good scene in this manga.

>it's literally a different take on the original
That means it's NOT a remake of anything then. As I said.

that's what a remake is though, you're either extremely autistic or just shitposting

>legit remakes, not re-adaptions
With that kind of definition (which is justified, don't get me wrong, but not the definition some people use) there can never be any remake of something that isn't itself an original anime. The moment anything has source material, any "remake" of it will just be a re-adaptation of the same source.

>that's what a remake is though
You cannot have it both ways:
If a remake is just "a different take on the original" (which in this case is the manga), then both the OVAs and Crybaby are remakes of the 1973 anime, since they're both different takes on the manga than the 1973 anime.
But if the OVAs are NOT a remake, because they are a different take than the 1973 anime, then neither is Crybaby, which is yet another different take.

dude the 1972 anime has literally nothing to do with the manga. The OVAs and the 1972 anime aren't different takes on the same story. Have you actually seen the anime? Everything about it, including the main premise, is different from the manga.

>has literally nothing to do with the manga.
Except that it does. It's not strictly an adaptation, since they released concurrently, but 1972 Akira is a more faithful depiction of the manga's protagonist, as is Miki. And that's not even debatable. Crybaby has as little to do with the manga as the 1972 anime.

maybe they're both good

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