Why the FUCK do most of these shitty harem romcoms nowadays never have bro characters...

Why the FUCK do most of these shitty harem romcoms nowadays never have bro characters? Its always some shitty loner/otaku character who befriends every hot girl as a loser and never any guys that he can relate to. Most guys ive known in school always had a group of guy friends. I would find it more interesting if romcom MCs had a bro friend group where it could potentially create an interesting love triangle situation but many animes refuse to or they just make the guy friends irrelevant

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I dont have any friends, its easier to self insert

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Iroha deserves a better series.

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In high school my friend group was like 5 girls and 1 guy lol. I think the reality is most girls or guys generally stick to a group peers with one or two others. And if you're gonna have a harem that group is already taken up with the girls.

I mean when you really think about most girls and guys don't share hobbies so it makes sense

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>Dude i dont have any friends so i want every friend to be a bunch of annoying cookie cutter girls to be able to self insert
Why does the industry have to cater to people like u?

if you dont like it go back to western media

Not only should the MC have bros, but the bros should get girls as well.

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they realized they could never write a bro as good as sunohara so why even bother

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in pic related it was kind of a major plot point that the MC had no friends whatsoever

>Its always some shitty loner/otaku character who befriends every hot girl as a loser and never any guys that he can relate to.
Yeah when did this start to happen. A few years ago romcoms weren't like this at all. MC had guy friends and girl friends that weren't romantically attracted to the MC. The MC has 2 love interests top and we see other couples other than the MC

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>If there's more than one girl in a group it's a harem
This is why you self insert faggots need to rope yourselves.

kys fujo

thats the argument tho. A literal loser doomer zoomer MC accidentally befriends a bunch of hot chicks to then be later in his harem. Its just the same plotline of how the loser MC befriends a bunch of hot girls instead of ever befriending a bunch of bros too. Its just so boring and i dont know why self inserts badly want every friend of theirs to be some fucking woman

>if u want guy friends ur a fag
you should kys

Not only romcom but pretty much every single isekai these days

honestly i dont know. I really dont understand how things changed to the point where the market just wants their dream to be befriending chicks who want to all fuck them

bromance in anime is fujobait stfu

Shut the fuck up fag

It's funny how Goblin Slayer managed to do that correctly even if it isn't a romcom. He has his bros and they got their own girls, one got a beautiful princess/knight and the other one got a Witch who is arguably the hottest character in the series.

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gotta watch out for your bros. main dude has to take a pass on a girl, well guess who’s there to be a shoulder to settle on. the bros.

the fujos want this kind of division. they thrive on it

>love triangle
Dick length competition is exclusively a shoujo trope. fighting for some roastie affection has got to be the most beta shit ever. either you and the hot chick are some destined couple who are meant to be together or you are strangers.

Holy fuck you are pathetic. You gotta be fucking 12

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You will never get a girl

they realized a girl could fill that position just fine

The average self insert loner otaku MC is so pathetic that putting any male supporting characters beside him would instantly call into question why the female cast even cares about him in the first place.

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>what you deserve is some roastie who only think of you as a second choice
I will work on myself sure but not because of some meme girl

Dead weight, could spend the screen time on more girls
Closer self-insert for the loner otaku watching
More alienated writers who don't have good male friends themselves and thus wouldn't know how to write one

I generally agree though, I like when the main guy has friends.

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japans society is highly gynocentric and low T. men do not share comradely or a brotherhood like western culture. all the men in japan are deceitful and back stabbing/ manipulative like women and it is considered cool to be feminine.

>harem manga
>only one girl win

This whole post sounds retarded.

>even if it isn't a romcom

>watching harem romcoms
>expecting anything but bottom of the barrel writing
get better taste in fiction

Cause no one really reads and watch romcom ,harems type series for the guys, most of authors can't even write a proper male mc. plus adding another male character would just alienate you're audience cause those character would just seen as a threat and "ntr" those girls since you're main character is literally a empty husk of a character.

Yes they do. A Couple of Cuckoos is airing now and has one, 5toubun had a few, even some shitty isekai have some.


>Pic unrealted
Oregairu has actual developed male side characters instead of these non-character "bros" that only serve to create flags in VNS. The whole point is that the MC considers himself a loner, he still has friends whether he likes it or not like Zaimokuza and even deuteragonists like Hayama, what the fuck would a "token" bro character add to the the story.
>if romcom MCs had a bro friend group where it could potentially create an interesting love triangle situation
Just read a fucking shoujo, male love triangles are common there and they're usually pretty garbage. Bro characters are never pat of the romance in any case.

The only thing I remember about Sunohara is how well he wingman'd for Tomoyo

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Because they're pandering to an audience that largely doesn't want a reasonable set of relationships, just the fantasy of a very ordinary guy being surrounded by hot/cute girls without having to put any real effort in.

because self-insert fantasies are getting more and more embarrasing

stop watching haremshit
its always bottom of the barrel shit with horrible writing
they just cant add male friends without making them comic reliefs or faggots because it would ruin the illusion of MCs harem
yes its a fucking illusion since MC never has a real harem and all of them would be free to befriend or even date anyone else
this would result in """ntr""" shit and probably a meltdown of fans or even worse it would attract fujos
long story short, just watch better romcoms

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hachifag has like at least 4 girls orbiting his dick, tard

so what was the deal with Nagisa? she was retarded right? Every other girl had way more personality than her. (love Nagisa btw)

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Not haremshit but the last time we had a bro...

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Nagisa was
>devoid of confidence
so Tomoya was basically her tard wrangler. In a weird way she was pretty unhealthy for him compared to the other girls.

She was deathly sick as a kid so grew up isolated and autistic

this retard is also fun

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I had a lot of bros but no harem...

Shion is barely a bro. Nagi's bro posse is the nerd greek chorus and they show up even less than shion.

wait, i swear 8man got this guy as his bros
whatever happened?

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high IQ post

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Nisekoi still got bros
Yuuki Yuuna still got bros (though minor screentime)

Then came Bokuben and 5tobun with no bros.
I blame them.

Who? I genuinely can't remember who he is. I only remember Kyon and Itsuki.

Zaimokuza IS the bro you dipshit. Not a 1 dimensional friend who only serves as a positive/negative measuring stick, someone to lean on and a decent friend from the same sex. Not the original user but when there ARE bros in modern media they're just there to play wingman or to cause artificial drama before quietly settling into the background, like in OreSuki. And some shoujo manga, even shoujo romance, has the main character have a same sex best friend. Hell Fruits Basket had two of them and at least they had small personal arcs. The cock measuring contest you speak about is just the girly romance equivalent to the haremettes competing to mash their pussies in the male lead's face

Taniguchi. The minori shiraishi character? Least he got more content than poor kunikida

Hard mode time:

>Romcom MC has 2-3 "bros"
>He and the bros ALL get girls.
>NONE of the guys SUCK for loser otaku's sake.

>non-character "bros" that only serve to create flags in VNS
presumably extinct trope
we use literal fairy nowadays

Anime doesn't imitate life, it imitates anime. This was my answer to normalfags with whom I quibble with daily on this board. They expect tv shows and movies to conform to their life's experiences and get all confused when anime breaks the norm. They don't understand anime and what makes it great.

>tfw never had a real friend bro
What's it like?

Is it?

Most friends you "make" in school are for convenience and due to proximity. After high school they stop messaging you and move on with their lives.