Did she actually like Shinji or not?

Did she actually like Shinji or not?

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it's complicated


Why is this a question? Yes. The real question is: who does Shinji like

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Shinji liked Rei and Kaworu, Asuka was just fap material to him

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>In the original series
No, she just wanna be and adult and used Shinji because she failed with Kaji.

>In the rebuild
Yes, Asuka likes Shinji and compete with Rei for his attention.


>horny teenagers
>sleep a few feet away from each other
>constantly on edge due to monsters attacking them every week
I cannot imagine the sexual tension in Misato's apartment

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Bullshit. She tries to convince herself that she likes Kaji but she actually likes Shinji. Again ep22

It's not like that

Liked Rei so much that always avoided her after ep23. When Kaworu appeared he was so affection-starved that he clinged onto the first person who showed him some kindness. He likes Asuka but as you say reduces her to fap material because it's safer and there's no risk of rejection unlike if he goes to show that he likes her which Asuka wants him to do (kiss for example). And then EoE kitchen scene. He doesn't love anyone, he just doesn't want to be alone and that's why he switches between everyone like that.

I have tension in my pants right now.

She liked Shinji but also desperately needed him to validate her due to crippling self-confidence issues.

No. Anyone would have been fine.

>Did she actually like Shinji or not?

She does, but it conflicts with her idea of what she 'should' like, aka, Kaji.

The fact she's attracted to a shy, meek boy bugs her and she takes it out on Shinji, and on herself to a degree since she pushes him away and then twists about why he doesn't try to get closer to her.

>has thousands of love letter in school
>ignores them all and only approaches Shinji
>go on date with Hikari`s friend who wanted to see Asuka so much
>ditches him immediately and goes home knowing Shinji is alone and kisses him
Did we watch the same anime?

They might have lucked out. The sexual tension was probably so high that if Shinji and Asuka did it at it's peak I'm not sure Shinji actually would have survived or he'd have to fight Zeruel with a broken pelvis or something.

Shinji was in the right place at the right time. A male Eva pilot that also happened to be living with her. That's what I mean by "anyone would have been fine". All Asuka wanted was validation, and schoolmates or strangers aren't in the position to give it to her

so not anyone but someone who she can relate to, someone who can understand her

>A male Eva pilot that also happened to be living with her.

If you'd switched Shinji out with Toji I don't think she'd feel anywhere near as strongly despite Eva pilot status.


Yeah. Shinji and Asuka are pretty much written to be eachother's missing halves. The pain they cause eachother isn't because they're incompatible, but rather because they needed eachother but they were both too mentally tortured to be what the other needed them to be. They couldn't open themselves up to eachother because they were too scared and they didn't love themselves. If they could get past that (like they do in the eoe) then they complete eachother.

Emotional dependence doesn't mean love. I don't think Asuka kissed Shinji out of love and I definitely wouldn't use the word to describe their relationship

Short answer: yes
Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

she both resented and liked shinji, like the rest of the cast she didn't know what she wanted and couldn't articulate it outside of self-deluding aphorisms and desperate attempts at grasping something real. the thing that to me seems most relevant to understanding how the show treats relationships of this type is misato being asked if she actually liked kaji or if she wanted to get back at her dad and find a replacement for her dad at the same time, and the answer is yes.

or in short

I dunno OP have you tried watching the show where she spells out in detail what she likes about Shinji and what frustrates her about Shinji in excruciating, explicit, detail?

It's emotional issues they're both working throughout the entire series, Asuka kissed because of that lingering romantic interest but Shinji couldn't engage it because he halfway suspicious that it's some sort of set up by Asuka, can't open up and so Shinji freezes up.

Asuka reads it as a rejection and it just guts her for the rest of the series since it's something that keeps coming up in episode 22 and EoE about how Shinji wouldn't come to her or hold her, ect.

But it was at least out of trying to explore the romantic feelings she had about him, especially when she dumped her date to back and hang out with him.

The crux of the story rests on the idea of the Hedgehog's Dilemma. There wouldn't be much of a dilemma if the two didn't have a layer of truth to the ambiguity between them. They both clearly wanted to reach out to make something meaningful, but neither wanted to expose themselves.

Also, if we really want to go there, the Rebuilds have the two pretty much confess to each other on screen pretty explicitly, and they spend WAY less time building their relationship with each other there. Not to mention the context of their confession is within the setting of the EoE beach.

Considering the final movie goes out of it's way to reference and clarify some of the pivotal EoE scenes, I think it more or less tries to answer that the two did genuinely love each other in the entries prior.

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Shinji was just scared of Rei but likely would've came around to liking her again if given the time, and Kaworu would've grown close to Shinji in pretty much any context due to his personality

Yes, but as an obedient sissy boy.

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Her liking Kaji was just her wanting to feel important by being affirmed by an adult. Like how a teenage girl wants to feel like an adult? It was a cope, like the reasons she piloted the Eva

>obedient sissy boy.
that`s exactly what she doesnt want.

no, if shinji had made a move on her she would've convinced herself she was in love with him until they both disappointed each other to their mutual heartbreak

she does it to confirm her adult status to herself, it's pretty common among teen girl

This user gets it.
Shinji and Asuka are soulmates.

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>Shinji just stands and does nothing again

Asuka is faeces

Yes he saved her in ep 10 but shinji being shinji couldnt reciprocate her feelings plus he was turning into a better pilot that crushed her self esteem


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Well, she was in love with him, but, like him, LIKE him? No, not even a little bit.

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Wasn't there a scene in EoE that strongly suggested they did, in fact, have sex once at some point, and it disgusted Asuka because Shinji was his usual autistic self and didn't move or seem into it? It happens in the middle of actual memories, not illusions.

I am literally shinji but 10 years older so even more pathetic
how do I stop being so afraid of opening up to other people

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opening up to others is a meme, never do it

1.get in the robot.
2. turn people into fanta

just get in the robot bro

I have been a neet for 6 and a half years
I can't take the loneliness anymore

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You don't have to open up to people to not be lonely. Genuine relationships are a myth.

I recall several people making a strong case that this did indeed happen, probably the night she asked him for a kiss in Episode 15.


>3 minutes
>only argument is a single word that doesn't actually debunk anything since the very scene that is used to prove they did have sex clearly shows Shinji NOT holding Asuka
>drones on about something irrelevant regarding AT Fields and Ariana Grande (???)
>doesn't even know Asuka's surnames, like almost all surnames in the show, are derived from warship names because Anno is a massive IJN otaku
Yeah, no.

If he was a normal boy, she would've not aknowledged his existence one bit. Shinji was the only person his age she "wanted" (in her twisted way) because he was, like her, a pilot, thus having an important status, and Asuka wanted to be with someone who had somewhat an hig position, not because she's a gold digger, but to further her aknowledgement by people around her, to be with someone "on par" at least with her. It doesn't help he was the only young boy living with her, the only male person near capable of giving affection to her ... living, as an istrionic mentally damaged person, in the same household would do things.

If, unrealistically, Kaji entertained little Asuka's avances rest assured Shinji would've been nonexistent to her. Asuka doesn't want "Shinj", she wants to be aknowledged and "looked at"

>a show about human connections and loneliness just happened to have the main characters with the greatest personal conflict have sex completely offscreen and never mention it
you don't even need more than occam's razor to debunk this dumb shit
now them fucking like rabbits after the EoE fade to black, that's a crackpot speculation I can get behind

>drones on about something irrelevant
>doesn't even understand jap
why do you think you're qualified to even speak

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>let's conveniently ignore the usual behavior of the characters
If you understood anything at all about Shinji and Asuka, you wouldn't be surprised that they wouldn't mention it again. Not only that, but the theory also explains why Shinji is feeling extremely cocky in Episode 16, and why Asuka is particularly angry at him. Hell, it might even explain why Shinji's synchro rate surpassed Asuka's on that day.

>inb4 the synchro rate is the reason Shinji is cocky and Asuka is angry
It might make Asuka angrier, sure, but Shinji doesn't give a single shit about synchro rates, if anything he's worried that it might upset Asuka. And while he does enjoy being praised, at no other point in the show did any kind of praise have such an effect on him, before or after Episode 16.

>Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae), is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity".[1][2] It is generally understood in the sense that with competing theories or explanations, the simpler one, for example a model with fewer parameters, is to be preferred. The idea is frequently attributed to English Franciscan friar William of Ockham (c.  1287–1347), a scholastic philosopher and theologian, although he never used these words. This philosophical razor advocates that when presented with competing hypotheses about the same prediction, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions,[3] and that this is not meant to be a way of choosing between hypotheses that make different predictions.


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why'd he jerk to her in the hospital, lads?

had to edge too long in Misato's house so he took the first chance he got

You seem to be misunderstanding Occam's razor. Occam's razor suggests the simplest solution should be examined first, not that it's necessarily the right one.
Not to mention that Occam's razor always was a meme even in the context it was created for, was perceived as a meme even back then, and bringing it up is almost always intellectually dishonest.

she was only pretending

>when you dont understand Asuka

It was probably 10% genuine like mixed with 90% desire for validation. She was fully projecting in EoE when she accused Shinji of just using her (he was) when she was doing the exact same to Shinji too.

I get that she's very hot and that it's easy to feel bad and sympathetic for her, I do as well, but do people really would like an Asuka gf? Or one for Shinji? The tought of her being together with Shinji makes me uncomfortable (not Tumblr, Twitter "uncomfortable"), so does the tought of being with someone like her myself, like, genuinely makes feel stomachache: immagine being pushed around, abused, screamed at by some psycho girl that would probably get you in some serious legal troubles, while constantly reminding you how bad you are

They're sure an interesting pair to witness in-story, but as a serious long-term relationship? Hell no. They're meant to learn from each other and go on a path of healing, but not as a couple. This thing that the shy meek boy needs a fierce girl to grow is idiotic and overdond

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