One punch mid

ONE should’ve kept murata on his leash, how did he manage to fuck up the story this bad? All he had to do was adapt the webcomic. It pains me murata has 0 faith in his readers so he must show garou’s exposed eye so we know he’s still human.

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A 1:1 remake would have been just as lame. Once you accept the webcomic and manga are separate entities, you will enjoy both more.
Well you would, but you're here, so you won't

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The series was doing just fine before Murata started taking liberties.

No one is saying they can’t add stuff or make improvements, but changing it this much to the point where it’s clearly worse despite the huge art advantage is retarded.

If Murata loved the webcomic so much you’d think he’d be trying his best to capture the events and feel of it as much as possible.

>Cope post
>Yea Forumsigger meme
>implying I read the dumpster fire manga outside what's posted in these threads
Lol, lmao

I'm infinitely more annoyed by Sweet Mask's character assassination than anything else.

>ONEnigger blameshifting
If OPM was a 1:1 adaption it would have ended years ago because the sack of shit ONE is too lazy to drop new chapters of the webcomics despite how simple drawn they are.

Quality > Quantity

>a 1:1 manga adaptation the ends with the Garou arc
Sounds heavenly, too bad our reality is a hell that caters to shounenshitter ESL niggers with double digit IQs and fujoshi

What a retarded take, this doesn’t excuse the poor story.

The creation of the manga and the advent of the second half of the Monster Association Arc has opened a fissure in the fanbase that has been unrecoverable ever since the Psykorochi fight. Maybe even earlier when the Amai Mask redraws emerged.
One Punch Man wields a unique flavour of hiatus hell in that the attack on the Monster Association began on Chapter 94 in the manga and has only just started to reach an apparent climax in the form of Saitama confronting Garou, the webcomic hasn't had an update in almost a year and the anime is virtually hopeless. The threads in the present are a far cry from when Season 1 began or when Murata communicated with his fans as he streamed.
Writing is a collection of separate skills, as is illustration, and working on a comic is itself a separate set of skills from both. Of the three detailed art is the easiest to appreciate to the onlooker because anybody could tell how much was poured into it to make it bloom, while writing is far quieter.
In the webcomic, Golden Sperm basically showed up and died off-screen without accomplishing much in the long-run. In spite of that, hewas one of the most anticipated monsters to debut in the manga. There was a reason he didn't do much in the webcomic: he just didn't need to.
Part of the reason why Golden Sperm was so notable is that he was the last dangerous enemy remaining who just received a powerup from within. To beat him, the heroes must utilise the power of friendship and gang up on the bastard. Amai Mask even pointed this out in-story. Golden Sperm was the supposed final boss, and so readers expected him to receive a grand fight worthy of that status. The final boss is near universal in action-heavy stories, and so even new readers would be intimate with the trope. The S-Class Heroes were going to win.
And then Golden Sperm was overthrown. The rug was pulled in a way that gave the story tension. Good writing can make anything work.

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murata is tone deaf when it comes down to writing a story, garou doesn't feel like the ultimate villain of the arc at all now, he was more scary at the beginning

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The manga is doing fine. Everyone is overreacting.

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>gay Jojo image
Kys you clearly have shit taste

>Implying the Boros arc wasn't adapted properly
It just added enough not to ruin the tone of the webcomic

People picked up the manga because it is supposed to be a faithful adaptation of the webcomic that improves upon the spectacle, but it was never the spectacle that made One Punch Man, One Punch Man. If I wanted to see feats, I could easily read the latter half of Toriko for some good action. Golden Sperm coming through Tatsumaki and landing a good hit after the story built her up as untouchable in a direct confrontation was dramatic, but in the manga she has been pulverised multiple times already for that to have any proper impact. She was reduced to someone who needed to be outright rescued by other heroes, which feels like a downgrade compared to how Tatsumaki was shown in the webcomic.
I've read Killing Bites and Kengan Omega and enjoyed spending my time on the threads as I did. Trashy works can be incredibly entertaining and I dislike people trying to dissuade others from picking up a series because it is gross or outside of the conventional cliches used in the genre.
With that said, if the OPM threads are anything to go by, it feels a lot of people are insecure about the manga whenever criticism of it gets brought up, and that has contributed a lot to the current direction they are in. People need to reconcile their feelings for a work and realise that it isn't necessarily good because they are entertained by whatever shows up on screen, and stop discrediting different viewpoints whenever they get brought up.
The manga adaptation has stopped feeling like a proper adaptation for a good while.

>use random new centipede monster for Garou to fight
>not Orochi vs Garou rematch
It feels like it's intentional to fuck up this badly.

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While I do think a lot of recent decisions are basically on Murata’s end and being lazily approved by ONE, I do wonder how much of it ONE really thinks is an improvement? I feel like ONE still has his writing chops, shown by the “recent” webcomic chapters, but it’s really just not showing up at all in the manga. Is he being convinced that the changes are for the best, does he really believe it? Could he even be acquiescing out of pressure? Who knows if there’s anything stopping Murata from just dropping the series. A contract maybe, but the specifics surely can’t lock him in forever if he wants out.

No matter how you slice it, this conclusion is unattainable in manga arc.

And thats why it really doesnt carry the spirit of things.
Saitama triumphs as a hero because he is... well... heroic.
The rest of the S class in the webcomic, and the asociation at large come across as a bunch of pety assholes obsessed with rank and who is stronger instead of being genuinely heroic (this gets hammered further in the neo-heroes) and this is why they fail.
Saitama on the other hand doesnt see a point in killing Garou and isnt afraid to go against the general consensus, the S-Class and by extension the hero association is bloodthirsty not because they want to save the world, but because they got their fucking asses handed to them and their pride takes a blow if Garou gets to walk away with that feat to his name.
Because if he goes on a rampage again they are well aware that they would job again in front of the whole world, but if they were heroes they would be more interested in reforming such a powerful and receptive asset.
Think about it if you teleported Batman or Spiderman or one of those redemptive western heroes once Saitama broke Garou they could very, very, very easily give him persuasion checks to join them, and it would be a low bar with Garou realizing that yes, he wanted to be a hero all along.

I can bet you my fortune that the manga wont go anywhere near the depth that the webcomic has shown.

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ONE is japanese, he probably just too shy to stop murata since murata helped propelled his career initially. Despite his accomplishments, perhaps ONE still feel like he owes murata one.

Between the release of every few chapter, I revisit the climax of the webcpmic's Garou arc and marvel at how amazing it is.
It is no doubt the peak of the manga and Murata fails to capture any bit of it.

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Everything leading up to the final fight was great

Such a wasted opportunity for the main antagonist of the arc to be, well, the antagonist.

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very true

Yeah... yeah I think this is kino.

I know they are separate and I was enjoying both right up till the last chapter which was just shit?

Let's put a positive spin on this thread.
ONEbros, how the fuck does ONE do it?
He's clearly somewhat autistic or just super-shy as you can see from his live interviews where he literally just does not speak.
Is he a savant?
I know he has drawn quite a bit of manga but still. I don't think he's the kind of guy to "practice" and "learn" manga skills conventionally.
His depictions are above the top, most-experienced mangaka, as well as the newest and upcoming hot young geniuses.
Seriously how does he do it?

How often is the world blessed with someone so great at both storytelling and artistry?

> stop sucking his dick

Where's the green hair lolibaba?

Stop sucking his dick.


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Awakened Garou just vanishing from the panel to lecture Amai Mask is a simple effect that's effective in making him look strong without being overbearing. Like when Saitama simply pops in front of Flashy Flash later on in the webcomic.
ONE has always been some of the best in the industry when it comes to action scenes and simple panelling. It's a skill that's largely only noticed when it is done poorly, and the webcomic blends everything together smoothly. People lambast ONE and call him a bad mangaka because his art is incredibly rough, but if anything I'd describe him as a professional with the hands of a rookie. Even then, when you compare the start of Mob Psycho 100 to the Reigen spinoff, there is clear and noticeable improvement. Creating a manga chapter isn't just about having good fundamentals in drawing.

the facial expressions,the terror garou emits and the "struggle" of the heroes is really SOUL, i dont know why murata wanted to ruin this scene in the first place because all of one punch man was a buildup for saitama vs garou. thanks for the most soulless adaptation

Jesus re-reading the MA arc is painful. It was so much better than this. I don't get it. Murata never really messed anything up before, even his changes weren't ever as bad as what we got

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The manga is trash though.
It would have never been as successful without One's story.

Now murata has turned it into the most generic battle shonen

ONE writes the story you retards need to stop coping.


Except the anime adapted the manga (back when Murata was serious about adapting it anyway) and that's what a lot of secondaries expect from OPM since.

Soul vs soulless

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How the hell exactly did this happen? I barely know anything about OPM but how did some artist take another guys story and make it worse while the original guy just lets it happen?

I stopped reading the Murata version when Blast appeared. Just no. Minor differences and some additions (that monster king) was fine but not a major plot point like Blast.
I'll read it when it's done.

No one actually knows which is why it's so bizarre to see unfold

I think ONE doesn't care. He got his fame and money via Murata and the anime an doesn't care about the masses. Those who can appreciate his own work will continue to do so.

Awakened Garou's design and how his appearance changes every panel is a good parallel to Saitama's static simplicity. I've seen a few anons call the webcomic design edgy because of the horns, but he embodies the basic villain quite well, as does Saitama embody the basic hero getup. Saitama's face has allegedly been said to be deceptively tricky to draw from Murata himself, and Awakened Garou has dozens of interpretations from dozens of fanartists. The pictures that form in a person's head when staring into something like an askew door in a poorly-lit room all vary from person to person because the vagueness causes people to imagine all sorts of things, and Awakened Garou captures that well. When the monster is actually revealed, people get disappointed.

>best JoJo part
LIVE, you clearly have great taste

end your life

rereading the MA arc makes me realize how utterly terrible Murata handled this. I can't even believe it,

>how did some artist take another guys story and make it worse while the original guy just lets it happen?
It didn't happen.

what's pissing me off is that after taking care of S-ranks it was just Garou vs Saitama with hardly any interruptions or commentaries in webcomic while Murata forces all those sidecharacters inbetween

Murataniggers are all filthy shitskins from 3rd world shitholes who need to go back.

At least we'll always have the webcomic kino...god damn Murata a shit

ONE draws the webcomic by himself for free. Murata has a team of assistants helping him and he's paid. There's a difference between a hobby and a job.

I saw another one yesterday in the boku no hero academia thread too.

Yeah, just look how much the first season of the OPM anime was disliked. You can tell that people absolutely hate how accurate to the manga, which was accurate to the webcomic, it was.

Oh wait, that didn't happen, actually the complete opposite happened where everyone loved it.


Reminder your case of emergency has already arrived.

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Hol up, i didnt read the past 5 chapters, why is fubs saying garou's line??

It's still decent but the tone seems a lot less serious compared to the webcomics.