She promised to give him everything he needed in isekai

>she promised to give him everything he needed in isekai
>only in exchange for his loyalty
>faggy MC refused
How about you anons, what would be your decision?

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>faggy MC refused
It will be eventually revealed that he is an eunuch, right?

>that feet
>imagine not obeying her
I hate faggot MCs so much.

There are too many beta protags in the genre, after all.

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I want to be dominated by a hot girl like you couldn't believe. What is the solution?

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Why are you pushing your shit fetish by making that the OP of 2 threads in a row now?

Isn't she a little too old?

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>turned down that
Man, why do so many MCs have to be such losers?

Child out retard, I only make this one thread.

One GENTLEMEN bait thread, one real thread
As is tradition
And this is obviously the GENTLEMEN bait thread

Why do japs think all merchants are bad, except slave traders?

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>GENTLEMEN spergnigger
>so obsessed that it lives rent free in his head

>He says
>Right after a /pol/fag bait question
Lmao even
With some kek on top to spare

Why don't most isekai portray elves as evil beings, like they are in the myths?

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Swear loyalty to bratty ojous

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it proves the only faggots that bitch about the gentlemen meme are those angry they get easily called out now
anyone else either filtered the word or doesn't mind the meme

I'm really enjoying this so far.
How is the release schedule? Volume 2 when?
Bookwalker lists 148 pages for volume 1 and the first 5 chapters amount to just that.

There were four months between chapter 4 and 5, but it was pretty regular before then.

Why hasn't the coon raped Naofumi yet? I bet she could if she wanted.

Merchant's competitive everyone for themselves style is an anathema for nip hard honest work group-centric culture.
Which is kinda bullshit, because they will screw you over same as everyone else if they can.
Less than the Chinese, though.

Didn't you see Virgin Road, it pays to be suspicious

Garbage OPs always attract garbage posters.

or falseflagging/samefagging.

That would be sadeena who could, instead.

I don't like the idea of a MC relying on his waifu's influence to solve problems he can't handle himself, but I absolutely do like the idea of a MC that indulges a bratty oujo's foot licking fetish.

>She abused him verbally and psychically ever since they were forcefully engaged.
>MC refuses to chain to be a prisoner in his abuser's political agenda
>Simps on Yea Forums call him a beta
Neck yourself

Because nips used to own slave so they always justify the slave merchant.

>awkward princess wishes to save crush from his evil family
>probably a bottom in bed
>MC rejects her due to autism
Self-inserts are just terrible characters

>A Heroic Tale About Starting With a Personal Relations Cheat(Ability) and Letting Others Do the Job
Finally my kind of isekai.

You mean the user memeing about GENTLEMEN is also the one seething at that very post? Make sense then.

Let's be real user. It's not simping to wear your fealty to a hot ojou. Only insecure manlets think that way.

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>A Heroic Tale About Starting With a Personal Relations Cheat(Ability) and Letting Others Do the Job
That sounds oddly familiar

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Have Japanese people never heard of sourdough

What is the origin of the isekai city?

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I want to be isekai'd into a world where men are rare, so every adventurer is female. I'll go around and find all the hags who never found a man and collect my personal hag harem.

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isn't that 99% of shoujo isekai?

Normal merchants are but middlemen who buy goods from someone to resell them at higher prices to someone else and live off the profit. In other words, parasites whose removal would cause zero loss and only improve the living conditions of the society since people could then buy good at lower prices.
But slave merchants are different. They don't trade material goods, but the labor power of slaves, which is the thing that generates surplus value to the economy. Without them, many slaves wouldn't be turn into slaves and only remain lazy peasants, who drink all days instead of working to create more value to the society. Therefore their existence is essential.

>You'll never pledge your loyalty to an ojou and save her from, her condemnation event and elope to somewhere they will never find the both of you
why live

>I'll go around and find all the hags who never found a man and collect my personal hag harem.
Nah, in such a matriarchy, you will be put into a cage as all other males.

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You can wait for the next Japanese princess.

Don't worry, god will hook me up with all the cheats I need. At most I'll serve a hag ojou-sama and bone the entire maid staff while I'm at it. Maybe even her mum.

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>You'll never pledge your loyalty to an ojou and save her from, her condemnation event and elope to somewhere they will never find the both of you
That never happened because she still loved the person that cast her aside, instead of (you)

>not knowing what yeast is
I'm not sure if this is worse than that other shitty isekai where the natives didn't know what a bronze alloy was, but it's close. Unironic "invent soup" tier shit.

and most of the time, if she changed her mind is because she came back in time, regained memories from another world or her body was usurped by someone else.

they provide values by distributing goods, user. not all consumers live near a producer, and a producer usually only specialize in one type of goods. you don't want to eat potato everyday and have go to the next town to buy lumber for your crafting shop. if we're talking about leech of society, there's no better example than landlords

Started reading another "age of maturity appraisal ceremony, oh no I'm the weakest class and got kicked by my family" isekai that was a video game in his previous life, but this time the twist is that he's a Heavy Knight. It sounded promising at first...
>miniscule atk growth, apparently other tank classes existed and were better
>garbage skills that took five years of player research to figure out, apparently mega technical but broken as fuck at high levels
>but difficult to level up because of its poor attack
Makes sense until he oneshots the first enemy he encounters with the first skill he learns at level 1 from his class. What happened to the garbage attack and difficult to level parts, lol?

But it got me thinking. How would you make a heavy knight broken in isekai? AoE items and consumables and go full dynamite fu?
Your only qualifier is that she's hot. Textbook definition of simping right there.
>warrior courted by enemy female mage
Basically male mithra in FFXI.

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user call him beta because he is supposed to use his D and give her the correction she need.

I always hope for the original character's friends and family to turn from allies to antagonists rather than pulling the whole "I like this imposter more than my real daughter" routine

It must suck for the Mc to find out that he was never an option, he's just her consolation prize. Honestly that's why Leon most likely couldn't find it in him to be with Angelica and Olivia because he knew their true happiness was with others.

In old Japanese social hierarchy merchants were pretty damn low on the totem pole. The higher classes like the samurai were also barred from handling money. Guess it still carries over, seeing how cutthroat their business world is and how money crazy some characters are.

Not always a bad thing - like that merchant dude in Evil Eye & Scooper is looking kinda cool and Kinji was based as fuck.

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>In other words, parasites whose removal would cause zero loss and only improve the living conditions of the society since people could then buy good at lower prices.
How are the goods going to get to your area? Merchants are part of the process of logistics. In many cases, both today and in pre-industrial society, they were the only reason certain goods were ever sold in areas far away from those goods production. For example, in the Bronze age, Merchants were the only reason why people had Tin to make bronze with because the only way it got to the near-east was through the trade of merchants going to and from Afghanistan and Britain. Likewise, even though copper was fairly abundant, copper trading was quite important to maintain a proper copper supply. They serve a very important purpose. You just don't understand what you're talking about.
Merchants were considered the lowest class in the social hierarchy in feudal Japan. Hence why they're usually considered scum. In the case of slave traders however, many of them were just court officials for daimyo or simply the daimyo themselves, the highest ranking members in Feudal Japanese society. The likelihood is that the Japanese authors are writing in accord with long held Feudal traditions. These were in place much longer than feudal traditions elsewhere as the Shogunate and the corresponding feudal system was maintained by the isolationism of Japan until the late 19th century.

>How would you make a heavy knight broken in isekai?
Just as traditional tanks do, form a team and have others do the attacking for you, while focus solely on defending them.

Merchants being bad is a universal constant in practically every developed culture.
Christians used to forbid the lending of money until it became extremely inconvenient not to do so.
Muslims still don't lend money.
China absolutely fucking hated merchants, except for the Dutch. You can tell by their artistic depictions of each culture's respective merchants.

become a dark souls boss

Oh hey it's even got a few doodle chapters. Going by that big fuck off lance, I'm hoping the way to make the class work is by finding a big mount and COUCHED LANCING everything to death.

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>merchants were pretty damn low on the totem pole
as they should be

There's always the daughter.

Oh yeah, this guy has solid CHAD energy.
Guessing it doesn't have any taunt or aggro skills, so unless they have solid bottlenecks or formations it seems clunky. Plus there was an emphasis on the other tank classes having more utility.

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chinese depiction of merchants

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Now imagine that a butler regresses or otherwise regains their memories of another world and go "oh no fuck this shit" and quickly turns tail before the villainess ruins everything.
Well, almost the exact same as that butler who ditched his ojousama to go to the neighboring empire.

>luring in enemy attacks to him
That video game AI shit is retarded. Might as well make him a wizard specializing in mental magic.
Aside from that, heavy armor is cool when fighting humanoid enemies but it doesn't work in settings where monstrous opponents weigh several tons.
Ideally the 'heavy knight' MC should be a massive dude, the idea is that the MC crushes enemy formations because they can't do anything to him and that's obviously no good if he can be overpowered.