ITT: anime that were probably cursed

We talk about anime that seemed to have been cursed, as proven by the passage of time. Take Takunomi for example:

>it was the last anime the studio that animated it did before going bankrupt
>it was the last anime the MC's voice actress played before retiring from the industry

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Kodomo No Jikan

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Negima, Berserk and DAL are some that came to mind.
Too bad DAL did not rid the world of that pest called JC Staff

How many directors have died while working on Gundam ovas/movies/etc so far?

That one at KyoAni that made the train artist set it on fire.

I'll never forgive the Japanese.

wasnt that Tsurune?

That's the one!
>During his transport to the hospital, Aoba admitted to having started the fire,[68] possibly for revenge,[69] accusing the studio of "ripping off" or "plagiarising" (パクリやがって, pakuri yagatte) his novels.[d] In spite of this, Hatta had initially stated that there is no record of anyone submitting work to their annual writing contest under Aoba's name.[74] Subsequently, Kyoto Animation revealed that they had received a draft novel from Aoba; however, it did not pass the first-stage assessment and was forgotten, and its contents were confirmed to have no similarities to any of their published works.[75][76] It was later revealed that Aoba believed that a stereotypical scene in the fifth episode of Tsurune was similar to one in the novel he submitted.

>one scene in one episode in one anime
jesus christ i didn't know if was that obscure i thought they did a full on series. did the mother fucker even read out before sperging?

redline, cursed to be the last good anime

From I heard in some posts that he made, maybe on 2chan, it was even less significant than you think. Something like he thought he invented a word for a certain way of taking pictures of trains. Then, allegedly, one character says a word that sounded similar to it. A single scene from an anime got him to kill 36 people. Nuts right?

I thought the train thing was just them meme-ing.

How was Negima cursed?


I wish I had some images of those posts. They were translated and he was positive that the train photography thing was stolen at least. Maybe some autist can post them if you make a thread out of it.

This is the scene.

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Not getting a good or complete adaptation.
Mahorafest not getting fully animated.

fucking waste.
especially something so mundane. i feel like i've seen that interactions 100 times before.
thinking about this and the patent for (i think) the telephone being just minutes apart gives me a chuckle.

>thinking about this and the patent for (i think) the telephone being just minutes apart gives me a chuckle.
For me it's Dennis the Menace.

I watched this entire boring spiel and there's nothing about photos of trains.

That's because the train thing is about a specific 2chan or 2ch trainautist that people thought were Aoba, until he started posting again the day after the arson.

The whole kyoani incident had absolutely nothing to do with trains or photos. All that stuff was just shitposting/early assumptions by nips because they have a particularily autistic trainfag who hates kyoani due to something equally mundane. All of this was cleared quite quickly when the trainfag appeared a day or two later but the memes stuck.

I could have sworn that there were posts about trains. My mistake I suppose.
Ah, maybe I saw those on the first day or second and thought they were accurate.

Then what was the part that he complained about being stolen?
Two homos shopping for meat at a store?


The train thing was someone else.

I'd love to see his manuscript compared to the homos buying meat scene then.

>Dennis the Menace

British and American Dennis the Menace are completely unrelated.

Samurai Flamenco

This one.

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How was it cursed?

It was one of Manglobe's last shows before they went bankrupt

she is back i guess

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Does New Game count? Yun's VA ended up retiring.

Does Tenshi no 3P count? One of the VAs retired from voice acting completely while another VA went on hiatus for a few months over health issues.

kek, so he isn't a yurifag, but instead he is a gay fundashi?

Did she really come back for Irodorimidori or was that some role she already had before she retired and they just re-used her old lines?

Was it just them?

What do you mean just them?

Manga axed because anime adaptation failed to increase domestic popularity. It's not super popular in the beginning. But after they pour "investation" without result, higher up probably decided to make room for another title.

Just those seiyuu that left.

>was the last anime by manglobe before going bankrupt
>mangaka is chronically ill, blind in one eye

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Owner of the studio disappeared without paying some contractors before eventually filing for bankruptcy

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I loved this show.

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she have lupus or somenthing like

It's not Lupus.

date a live went bankrupt about 3 studios

nobody likes lesbian cakes

I fucking wish user

>both comics were first published on the same day
What the fuck.

AFAIK only them

Only two studios involved with DAL went bankrupt (AIC and IMS). J.C.Staff and Geek Toys are still alive (for now).

>Tear Studio
Perhaps the most appropriate name for a studio ever given what they did.

Bocchi still has no friends

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Wouldn't Genocidal Organ technically count, since they were partway through it before going under?

>Geek Toys
God, I wonder how that's going to turn out. Fantasia Sango was a total slideshow outside of the intro and outro, and I don't imagine any of their other works, including a DAL movie of all things, are going to be big surprises like seeing JC Staff's work on the Konosuba movie after only seeing their slideshow seasonals.

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You didn't watch Hensuki?

Drunk girls are cute

Z/X Ignition? That anime had an anime-original character whose VA even sang the ED song, and just a few years later said VA ended up retiring.

surprised nobody's said nichijou

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