Just found out MPClassic hasn't been supported for 5 years

>Just found out MPClassic hasn't been supported for 5 years
Wait, so what should I use to watch anime now that has all the necessary codecs for subs?

Attached: 1648839396817.png (903x410, 635.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:



I use mpv. it just werks

MPC hardcore is good replacement

Why are you using a video player to watch anime...


>Releases: 1.9.20 Mar 16, 2022

Attached: 1629658535811.png (460x490, 157.11K)

clsid2 continues to develop MPC-HC:


VLC is waiting for you

it's time to finally stop resisting and swallow the vlc pill

mpv is literally retard proof

It's still updated though.


Attached: 1631793467227.png (800x790, 567.9K)

Oh phew, so I can just go back to using that. Great, thank you, I don't like things that are different.
No! Never. NEVER.

Attached: 1645164833107.png (826x360, 150.52K)

no clue what any of this means, use 9anime like a non virgin

K-lite codec pack still gets regularly updated. Started using it after support for CCCP dropped.
MPV is awful when in comes to control and even quality compared to MadVR.
Currently using mpv on my mac and I honestly much prefer MPC

I will never not use vlc, I've never once gotten the meme things when watching shows although I do enjoy the vlc memes a lot


Attached: madvr1.png (3841x1080, 3.78M)

who the fuck streams anime in 2022 besides children, retards and third worlders?
everyone has good enough internet these days to download 1080p episodes in 8 minutes or less
Just use 5 minutes to add RSS feeds of the shows you're interested in on your torrent client and you'll automatically have all the episodes

>ctrl+f "potplayer"
>phrase not found

I set this shit up in 2014 and it still just works
Has anime viewing technology passed me by?
Should I consider getting a more modern alternative or am I fine with not changing anything?

Im using the same thing and it just works
Crisp quality and a player Im used to with all the bells and whistles it needs

You're fine. The K-lite codec pack is literally just that with some extra filters.

Thanks, I just felt I needed to ask since I literally haven't made any changes to my set up in almost 10 fucking years

>inb4 vlctard asks "what's the difference"

Attached: 1629986204033.png (1200x780, 677.67K)

You don't need to update a video player. Is this some zoomer thing?

the built in video player on firefox duh

How about torrenting client for Windows? I mostly use my Linux machine which just has Kget.

Streaming quality is good now grandpa

qbittorrent is /g/ approved

I've been using utorrent 2.2.1 for like 10 years, but qbitorrent is very popular for a more modern one

>different frames
>steam scene so the luminosity may change
>hurr durr use my specific brand of japanese cartoon player or ur LE BAD

Attached: 1634893437114.jpg (575x584, 86.86K)

yep qbittorrent is th way to go
don't install utorrent or you'll get a shitload of miners

Yeah, I'll stick with VLC, left image has fucky upscaling/sharpening going on, makes the faces look like shit. I'll take native res over what some software thinks looks good.

whomst the fuck isn't using mpv in the current year

Based. If it works don't change it.

>everyone has good enough internet these days to download 1080p episodes in 8 minutes or less
not even remotely true but
>waiting 8 minutes
fuck you, kys, I'm not gonna waste my time downloading some shit I haven't seen first, retard

At some point utorrent sold out and started bundling all their updates with the worst shit. Once a friend of mine installed the latest version without knowing this and I got to see the disaster unfold in real time. A shitload of extra programs installing, browser home page getting rerouted, the works.

Is this bait?

You know most people who watch anime stream it?

Why did it stop being supported?

Attached: kawaii-codec-pack_432558_full.jpg (503x389, 31.07K)

I like Deluge, it's very light.

you have to be a turbo autist to care about quality this much right?
is there an example of this where the difference is significant like maybe a landscape shot.

but most modern media players work out the box and the videos now are standarized? it's not 2007 where we need to deal with mkv

Or how about you just watch it in 1080p straight away by streaming instead of taking up 8 minutes to download it and wasting file space? Hell if you just DDL it from a streaming site then it takes like a minute

Is decoding a video file not a deterministic process? Why would different players produce different quality?

I chose mpv for a perhaps-trivial reason: if I ever switch back to linux desktop, I believe I can just copy my config files and avoid configuring something anew.

Same, it's my favorite video and music player.

>8 minutes to download it
>if you just DDL it from a streaming site then it takes like a minute
Take a moment to think about why that is.

Faggot here, I'm pretty sure I did this and didn't notice a color difference. I'm guessing you need the "Mad VR" thing to actually get it like that.

I much prefer Deluge's UI to qBittorrent.

Hilarious cope image bro. They don't 'seem like' they are part of the LGBT community. Your community houses and hides kiddie diddlers and are far more likely than whatever cishet you hate to rape kids because your entire identity is already being degenerate.


Thats why he mentioned RSS feeds you blithering retard. Plus you can watch shit as it torrents these days

It's still being maintained, but I haven't used it in years I've migrated to mpv especially since moving on to Linux.

I used IINA/mpv

Attached: IINA.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

because it was shit

>quotes three different answers
>back to using that

i just tried this and there is 0 difference between vlc and madvr

What? Isn't MPC gets updates every now and then?
The only thing not getting updates anymore is madvr, but that shit still works so idc.

I like MPC-HC.

I use mpv, i just werks. On my HTPC, I have it call the updater script once a month to update to a newer version so I don't have to deal with it at all.