ITT: Trash villains

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Your favorite one.


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Sounds good. Why don't you start us off, OP?

Tell me one good reason why this Buu lookalike dervered to be the main villain?

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Because Toriyama can only draw, like, three characters total. Everything else is done by changing the color pallet and swapping between a dozen or so hair styles.

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He isn't the main villain

toriyama is a good character designer with more creative and diverse character design than almost all anime coming out right now

maybe when he does dragon quest. He phones it in for Dragonball anymore

yeah nah I just mean in DB and DBZ really, who knows what he even does in super

Animater man is a trash Yea Forums villain, I've beaten him hundreds of times yet he's still there lurking behind every (you)

But we have the same favorites!


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>bland motive
>far less compelling than other antagonists in the same series
>literally big boss with set amount of evil minions in evil lair, cliche as fuck
>another character lookalike design because mangaka bitch has no creativity
>generic shadow darkness form with evil smile
>another lookalike design for final form because mangaka bitch has no creativity
>never does anything interesting or unique with alchemy, makes a minisun but never uses it, immediately BTFO

To this day I am baffled by FMAB's popularity. It is legitimately one of the worst shonen I've ever read and watched. Ed and Al's relationship is great but everything else sucks shit.

Because it's literally the only shounen where the writing isn't complete ass and got a very good adaption with an actual ending.

Oh, this guy's trash alright.

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Am I retarded? I thought Toriyama only came up with vague story outlines for super? Isn't everything else taken over by some other guy?

They were funny come on.

Garbage fanfiction-tier character

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Father is just as bad. At least Dante isn't a literal black evil darkness monster with an evil lair and seven evil generals. Father's motive of gaining knowledge sucks shit because all Alchemists already pursue knowledge and try to uncover the mysteries of the world. Dante as SHIT as she was, at least was more grounded, had a more realistic motive in the context of the story, since anyone with the Philosopher's stone would do the exact thing she was doing. Both villains are shit, just for complete opposite reasons. Father is bland and generic only existing for DBZ-style shonen fights. Dante is just forgettable and underwhelming for a final antagonist, it would have worked if Hohenheim was more fleshed out in 03 but he wasn't. Hiromu Arakawa's characters just suck in general. What was Lan Fan and Fu's character development again? Why was Maria Ross, Huges, Armstrong so one-dimensional? FMA starts as a compelling drama and just devolves into generic braindead shonen. FMAB went with the cliche zombies and avengers-style finale with a large scale battle. FMA tried to do more mystery baiting but fails to flesh out the concepts and characters.

Well Father as a villain is symbolic as he sees Alchemy as the answer the everything and what matters the most which is in contrast to the conclusion of what Ed comes to where he gives up his alchemy to save his brother, Father is a good thematic villain but also a shitty boring one

Is this a Mashima manga? What the fuck


Genthru was fucking based though, just a PKer having the time of his life fucking people over

this lil cunt
>came out of nowhere
>knows everything just because
>his character is copy-paste of L

2nd half would be much better he didn't exist and Mello took his place

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>played a healer class in world pvp
nothing personal kid

genthru was fine, wouldve been better without the two generic jobber goons


Says the guy that can't write up a legitimate response

The main thing I liked about him was how smug his smoke form sounded and him yelling KENJA NO ISHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII at the very end

He's fine. Not great, just fine. I like him because he did based retard shit like this and fucked with the other players in dumb ways before killing them

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he's not as interesting as Hisoka, Chrollo, or Meruem but I still think he's a good villain, he was a very simple character that was perfect for the arc he was in

>double dubs
I kneel

Yeah. People always seem to cry whenever villains are just "evil" and that's it but if none of them were like that, the non-evil ones wold be much less desirable.

It's just that evil villains need a much bigger presence to work, the most evil villain I know committed monstrosities that persisted well after his demise and he was legitimately fucking disturbing.

It was me, Naruto. Everything that went wrong in the ninja world was because of me.

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Genthru is handsome.

Yo E, age a bit

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Thank god you're the only one with such shit taste user.

>Father's motive of gaining knowledge sucks shit because all Alchemists already pursue knowledge and try to uncover the mysteries of the world.
>Dante as SHIT as she was, at least was more grounded, had a more realistic motive in the context of the story, since anyone with the Philosopher's stone would do the exact thing she was doing.
Did you read what you wrote? By that logic, they're the same. You're contradicting yourself.

Unironically this. I can't believe I first had hopes for this manga and thought Makima could be interesting.

she had the potential to be one of the best villains ever but her reveal as a Chainsaw Man simp ruined her

Started out as my favourite character, ended up being my most hated one.

>All these buzzwords
Father is literally the dark reflection of people who pursuit Alchemist and knowledge, he wants power, he want knowledge because he thinks he could find a purpose in the pursuit of knowledge.


The real villain is Ankhseram

"Trash" is a strong word but Muzan is way more boring than his minions. His only motives were to continue living and become stronger.

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Nah, he is the ultimate embodiment of human desire to live, Muzan don't care about power, he just want to never have to fear death again in his life. For him dying is the most horrible thing. He also believe that he "deserve" the right to trample on everything on his pass toward immortality due to his "unfortunate" birth, a person with ultimate victim complex

Just your average woman

kys samefag

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I don't think the problem was Makima at all. It's only that the final arc was rushed as hell.

>be Makima
>wanted to kill War Horsemen, Famine Horsemen, Death Horsemen because ???
>loved CSM because ???

author couldn't even show her flashback to explain why Makima wanted to do those things

half-assed character

overhyped manga, overhyped anime

If CSM hadn't been published in WSJ, it wouldn't have been popular.

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These things will most likely be explained in Part 2

No that makes him a good villain because there is no reasoning with him.

koku should have been the final boss

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Get back in the cage.

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It is indeed a Mashima manga. And this isn't even the trashiest villain he's come up with. In fact, he's making them garbage on purpose now. Get a load of why.
Aren't double meanings fun?

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What was Araki thinking?

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Bitch please.

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