Mahoutsukai no Yome

I'm not really into japanese stuff outside ghibli and eva, but a girl rec me this, is it good? What did she mean by this?

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It's an anime made for women
>MC is an emotionless damaged girl who gets adopted by perfect tall rich monster boy
>The anime revolves around the MC doing nothing but bleeding all over the place and being pampered by afromentioned stoic rich monster
It has decent visuals but the story feels very aimless at times, it's just a ''good'' self insert anime for women.

This was a fucking slog to read as it released. I would only binge this all at once when it's over or not bother with it.

Fantasy nerd guy here, its actually one of my favorite manga. The show isn't as good as the manga IMO, but its still good.

Magus Bride has a REALLY good magic system that really sells the mystical aspect instead of feeling like glorified game mechanics. Nice old world pagan magic and mythology is at the fore there.

Story wise, the promotional art and advertising and even the name really wants you to think this is a romance. Even characters in the story assume that what the two main characters have going on must be romantic. But its actually a much stranger relationship than that based on tragic levels of co-dependence and a monster man trying so hard to be a real boy that he has himself in denial.

Its slow, there are maybe 3 fights in the whole show. But they are really good characters in a good story.

>a girl rec me this
Women are certainly the primary audience for it, it's the worst kind of beauty and the beast story. Average-looking girl is picked up by a dark and brooding stranger who gives her a new lease on life through a toxic and possessive relationship. I'd say it's worth a watch but keep your expectations in check.

I see, thanks anons, maybe I'll give a try on the first episode

Yeah it's good. It's Beauty and the Beast except with magic and exposition. The anime is a bit lacking I felt, reading it might be better.

Do women really get off to little girls getting groomed by older men?

Thanks to you guys also, I also got Beauty and the Beast vibe

Yes but only if said older men are rich,tall and strong.

>>MC is an emotionless damaged girl who gets adopted by perfect tall rich monster boy

Monster guy is extremely emotionally stunted. The girl at least redevelops her emotions and acts as a good foil to Elias

>it's the worst kind of beauty and the beast story. Average-looking girl is picked up by a dark and brooding stranger
is that not every Beauty and the Beast story?

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>asks a stupid question
>blatantly disregards answers

>but a girl rec me this, is it good? What did she mean by this?

This series is quite literally the Twilight of anime

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That's what your get for spoon-feeding faggots

The girl starts off as a zombie for a long ass time from what my memory serves. Which I suppose isn't unusual considering the story setting but at the end of the day it's very obviously very shoujo.
How'd he disregard answers kek

That's quite the insult

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I mean, I'll just waste 20 mins to see it with my own eyes, but based on the user response I'll probably won't go further, thats it

who the fuck doesn't fantasize about an attractive stranger sweeping them off their feet and taking care of their every need?

just form ur own opinions

Girl with tragic past gets taken in by a half-monster man with no social skills and limited empathy. She starts learning magic while he wants to learn more about humans. She becomes best friends with a former drug addict girl who's a tomboy. The main villain is the result of a magic fusion between a young necromancer and the guy who was cursed by God to suffer a rotting body until HE returns to the Earth. This was done because the guy threw a rock at Jesus.

After the anime ends the girl has matured enough to attend Hogwarts and becomes roommates with the "I'm not here to make friends" tsundere girl who also has a tragic past. Now the girl makes a ton of new friends her own age while getting dragged into the conspiracies of the Alchemist community and their noble houses. The Morrigan appears. There's also stuff from H.P. Lovecraft that appears.

The series is on break this month since the author got a cold from the weather change.

>an attractive stranger

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>The series is on break this month since the author got a cold from the weather change.

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Toxic and possessive is most of the relationships this author writes. Matthew/Mina and Nathan's Grandfather/Romy were the same. And Zoe/Lucy seems to be heading in this direction as well given how she's become his seemingly sole motivation to do anything even though he keeps lying about his true motives when asked.

>Nathan's Grandfather/Romy
To be fair the story of the Selkie is pretty textbook toxic and possessive. That little aside was pretty standard retelling.

I fear for the college arc being animated because I think they'll do something to ruin Violet and Jasmine's characters.

I honestly couldn't give less of a crap about them. None of the other student characters have really sparked my interest and they've wasted so much time on them.

>it's very obviously very shoujo
It's actually published in a shounen magazine.

I hope you love Zoe and Lucy because they're here to stay for awhile give the author's comments on twitter about wanting to explore Zoe's character more.

They're fine because something's being done with them, but the other students are really pointless, except Philomela I suppose but Joseph was a better shadow

I really like how the first major arc just makes being a Magus seem like a bunch of restrictions and you can't actually do that much without big danger, but from the perspective of the rest of the setting the Magi might as well be mythical beings themselves.

Hogwarts is full of this magical community intrigue and mystery that Chise is just sort of not following at all because she just got here, and it stretches on foreeeeever as it just keeps ramping up with more layers and chess moves. And it finally gets to the point where it starts threatening the lives of her new friends, at which point she puts her foot down and says "I am through pretending that I cannot solve this problem with overwhelming force."
"You can't just overthrow a wizard family, you can't even leave this building!"
"Fuck you and fuck your rules."
And then she turns into a dragon, teleports, pops out on top of the enemy stronghold and lets loose an actual god of war on top of them to butcher their security.

the college arc has been annoying considering that you figure out what's happening pretty quickly but they stretch it out going through the motions way too long giving all the new characters you don't really care about too much page time.

I feel like the college cast will come back in different ways later. Violet and Jasmine come from a family that kills dragons. Obviously they'll be at odds with Lindel or Chise and Zoe at some point. Veronica might try to reform after this arc or become Chise's personal antagonist because she might blame Chise for everything in her life going wrong. The others could become relevant, but so far Kevin just seems like Alice and Lucy's punching bag.

He's attractive to women, that's all you should know

It's because the Magus is hot or something. MC is a self insert

I agree, but at the same time the payoff for it really does carry extra weight because we have been forced to spend as much time with these characters as we have.

The author mentioned on twitter that she loves all the new characters and keeps coming up with new ideas for them. She also mentioned that her editor gets on her for this and that she needs to keep focused to keep the story feeling like it's progressing.

He gets a human form

They only human female that's mentioned his looks positively is that one fat broad in the college and that was a gag.
Only Chise has had her appearance commented on, and mostly by fairies.

I just feel impatient at this point. We know who the important people are I just want to get on with it.
So did she do a pandemic/quarantine section on purpose or was that just her getting distracted?

I feel like it was her using a plot device of lockdown to justify Chise not leaving the school until just before her Christmas break starts.

I figure it was bad timing but once I realized what was going on I couldn't shake the feeling.
Poor Silver.

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The problem is that it's a story about magic yet the protagonist barely does any magic for plot reasons.

>Story takes place in college
>Immediately becomes fucking garbage

The college arc has become full of contrivances as of late. Why didn't Elias kill the werewolf when Zoe had it frozen in place? Torrey being out of shape while carrying Rian to the infirmary was used to bench Renfred and Alice from helping Chise this time because the group that went with Chise is already large as it is. But maybe the author might use it to follow up the plot from around 40 chapters ago where Rian was supposed to be observing Alice's gift for magecraft.

>might as well be mythical beings themselves.
that's established from the first chapter, what do you mean "might as well be"
I wish we got more indications of Chise's power levels compared to the wizards. That bit with the puzzle was too much of a joke.

I enjoyed it, I liked the character dynamics a lot, also the Axolotl dog is cutest spirit.

>story stops revolving around the characters you care about and starts playing out a really obvious mystery.
Golly, one wonders.

There's something alot of readers don't know and that's the college was supposed to be in the series from chapter 1. The beta of the story that was posted with the Merkmal background info book showed that Isaac was in chapter one. The author had already designed the school along with Lucy and Zoe too. I think the editors talked the author out of introducing it earlier, but it was always the plan for the school to have a large focus. Season 1 is just a prologue bait n switch essentially.

OP it means she thinks you're a hideous monster but is still down to smash.

the college was supposed to be in the series from chapter 1. The beta of the story that was posted with the Merkmal background info book showed that Isaac was in chapter one.
Really? That's a pretty major change.

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Absolutely this. I have to wait until a new volume or two are scanned to enjoy reading it. Otherwise it's a great manga.

- Chise's dad ran up debt and disappeared.
- Chise's mom ran away with her secret lover, leaving Chise alone.
- Chise was sold by the loan shark her dad owed money to.
- Elias still bought her
- Next thing is shown is Chise waking up after class in the college and talking to Isaac whose beta design is very different than his current one.

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Are you sure...?

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Damn, that's a whole different story. Although I prefer the one we got. I should take a look at this background book I love seeing stuff like this.

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The author thought about making Alice a boy due to wanting a character that was Chise's polar opposite in alot of ways, but backed out on that idea. I suspect that it would be because alot of people would prefer Chise with Alice if Alice's character were male.

Twilight is generally reviled so comparing things to it is pretty insulting yes.

Makes sense, and sounds plausible. I think the author is deliberately avoiding using jealousy as a plot device. Except for Stella but that was different.
Actually since most of Chise's friends turn out to be girls I was wondering if the author was going to make her gay.

It has an enjoyable magic system, good music, and an inoffensive cast. You could do worse. My wife loves it.

I noticed some things about it. It felt alot more grounded in reality and wasn't nearly as tragic, since both of Chise's parents were painted as terrible people in the beta.

The author has included some subtext with Philomela and Lucy. Alice's gang also mistook Chise for Alice's girlfriend when they went Christmas shopping together. You had the Nightmare fragment that showed the author will do gay relationships, but I don't think she'd go that route with Chise. And Alice might be out if she plans to have Alice end up with Renfred despite his protests of seeing Alice as his daughter.

I am not impressed at all by Elias Ainsworth's human form. He just looks like a random male side character. Now, he is currently pretending to be a short girl in the school arc.

Well she can't make Chise gay because then the whole ancient magus bride thing kind of goes down the drain doesn't it.