It has recently been confirmed that in addition to the already announced volume 15 which will release on June 30, 2022, volume 16 will release only a month later on July 29, 2022. Is she gonna get bone's bros?
Overlord: Two New LNs
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Fuck yeah!!! mah lord Momonga sama!!
inb4 more of Maruyama crying about fan translations and threatening to cut the series even shorter.
Can't wait to see the theocracy get obliterated.
Also, does that mean there's only one volume left then? I remember hearing something about Maruyama getting bored and deciding to end things in 3 more volumes after volume 14
Does he have a day job so he can ditch this cash cow?
old chart
I think there's one more volume after these two which will be probably the alliance of platinum and slaine theocracy vs Ainz. Knowing Marumaya though it could be the epic conclusion to Enri's story arc.
I thought he rage quit his own series because his shit was getting translated into English by fans?
Is it normal if my peepee gets hard over the end of the Clementine v. Momongo fight? Asking for a friend.
Anyone knows who is this? It's been a long time since Ive read overlord can anyone summarize it?
Oc doughnut steel
That was just a stupid rumor.
Perfectly normal user.
Then explain why he's snipping Overlord in the bud when there's so much of the world left to explore
He's sick of it?
Will this bitch be in Season 4 or the movie?
No, but Neia will
It's good to be back. I've missed this. Hopefully, the unyielding negativity enshrouding this series will finally be dispelled by this one-two combo.
Doombros WTF is this!?
more importantly will we have /our guys/ translating it?
Why was she introduced so early?
I guess it's finally time to read vol 14.
Think our resurrected psycho waifu will pop up in these Volumes?
I hope she defects. She's kind of foreshadowed to do so. But then again, it's Maruyama we're talking about. He might not give a shit and just kill everyone off instead.
I mean she literally wants to be dominated by someone stronger than her, would be funny as fuck if it was Ainz though, make Albedo and Shalltear shit their bricks in jealousy.
Hey wait, who is TLing these new volumes?
Praise be Hitori-sama
I'm going to impregnate Zesshi with my lvl 100 seed!
> Hitori !!uIIzC9+wOLl
I really need to do something more constructive with the site.
>Victim is still stronger than Clementine
imagine being weaker than a sacrificial fetus
Is it true the series is ending at volume 17?
He literally increased it now to 18 volumes.
That's great news, I love Overlord.
By the way Ainz will win at the end and that's great, no asspulls will stop him.
This Your guess is as good as mine.
That's just how games work, appearance doesn't matter. It's all about game data
Clem has a substantional amount of data
Nothing official, just one of his who knows if serious or not rant.
I would hate to see that grow old, maybe she'll become immortal?
Race-change items are canon.
Vampirism is an option too.
Hey there's a chance, after all, doesn't Maru like the character and doesn't So Bin seriously simp for her?
I want to fuck Shelltear
volume 16 is just volume 15 part 2, maruyama wrote over 700 pages and had to split it into two volumes.
his twitter says volume 18 now, take that with a grain of salt.
You just know Maru's going to write a shitload of pages for the last volume and he'll then have to split that as well.
He seems to do this almost every other volume.
And to think he does this while holding down a depressing full time salaryman job.
He is such an overachiever.
Game wise, her data is negligible. If your talking about "that" type of data, eh still negligible. Plenty of people at nazarick far surpasses her. Only good thing she has is her voice actress and personality I guess.
He only got annoyed when he found out that the bonus volume got translated into chinese, not english. He would have got annoyed about the english translations if he found out about them first.
If he had rage quit then he would have announced it and blamed people for it, a normal quit would likely have gone unnoticed.
Haven't been able to read the series since Nigel dropped it. Like the next volume is spread through about a hundred Reddit posts or something? It's truly awful.
TL is /ourguy/, scroll up
For people who've read the LNs, is this slut in S4?
lol no, she's season 6 material IF volume 15 and 16 have her in it.
Checking up on the english official translations, yen press is releasing volume 14 on 21st june, I'm surprised maruyama didn't force a worldwide release, similar to what No Game No Life and Haruhi got.
Shit, ok. I like her character design and wanted to see her animated. Guess that's a never ever, then
How did you come up with never ever lol. She's simply endgame character that's why she'll be so late to show up.
She shows up in Season 2 by the way. It's pretty much a cameo but she does have a short bit in it and even speaks.
Who even reads the jewpress release? it's fucking awful.
I just don't really expect to get a S6 considering even IV came as kind of a surprise. But all the better if it does happen
Overlord is a top seller as a light novel though so it's not far fetched. I'd rather not have more anime of it though cause the adaptation sucks. As for her appearing by season VI thing, she should be appearing by season 5 since Volumes 12-13 is going to be a film.
Season 5 would be covering volume 14, it's over 500 pages long.
I own all 13 volumes, I have read 3 of them and its not too bad.
Will hitori comes back? I really look forward to daily reading with Yea Forums.
Lol, Madhouse is going to adapt Volumes 12-13 as a film. Unclear if it's multiple part film but if it's a single film then can you imagine how rushed that shit is going to be? You think they'll care about pacing? You have three seasons of Overlord as proof.