Was Naruto Vs. Pain the all time peak of anime?

Was Naruto Vs. Pain the all time peak of anime?
Will anything ever come close?

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Naruto should have ended here.

>is a Star Wars knockoff the peak of anime
Sure buddy.

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Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfags to show their faces here.

Kill yourself, narutard.

I wouldn't know because I skipped almost every fighting scene in Naruto

Narratively it was the best Naruto fight, but I still prefer Naruto vs Sasuke if we're talking about just the fight. Nothing else in anime can even compete, the art, animation, choreography, soundtrack, dialogue, everything was just on point

Kill yourself, narutard.

this is the art that only 2d animation can achieve, if you can't understand why this sequence in particular is really cool and what 99% of anime lacks, then I cannot explain it to you
wow so funny :|
Why? Sort of seems like a weird thing to do
Do you mean the final Naruto vs Sasuke fight? That does have to be one of the most emotional and well written animation sequences in anime. But in terms of cinematography, viewing animation as an art, I can't think of many sequences on par with 6 tails vs pain.

Kiritsugu vs Kirei is the best anime fight.

okay that was kind of awesome


yeah out of all the things to call a star wars ripoff Naruto vs Pain is not high on the list in any way

Naruto vs Ootsuki is way better.

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im not that far yet lol

It was something amazing. Naruto vs. Pain was one of the most important fights of the series: it was the climax of many running plot-lines in the story and if the series had ended at this story arc it would have been a good ending. The episode that features this very important fight is a poorly animated Loony Toons episode where Roadrunner and Coyote are replaced by an obnoxious kid and a corpse reanimated by a crippled emo.

Nigga you cannot be serious

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Pierrot is such an interesting animation studio. I would argue that Pierrot has animated more sakuga animation than any other anime studio.
While watching Naruto through, you can see the animation style constantly evolve, by shippuden they have a lot of stuff that heavily integrates cg and a lot of it's the best cg integration I've seen in anime. Pierrot is so creative yet so good at adapting manga, probably the best anime studio

The anime version was trash though.

I bet you haven't seen Naruto vs Pain or much of Naruto at all

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I do agree they could have done the blowing up konoha part better, but the rest was pretty well done, also kakashi vs pain and konohamaru vs pain were great

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Imagine if Pain didn't resurrect everyone at the end. Most of the village stays deceased. Naruto becomes Hokage and has to lead the village right then and there because everyone is desperate. Bad times ahead, Tobi is still around. Naruto could have risen to be peak shonen kino.

If they did this and left Gaara dead at the beginning, Naruto would unironically be a literary masterpiece

Obi Wan mentors luke, is killed by his former student Anakin, Luke meets the masters master, yoda, then comes back grown up in the force and defeats anakin and gets him to change his ways

Jiraya mentors Naruto, is killed by former student pain, Naruto meets the masters master Fukasaku, then comes back grown up in sage mode and defeats Nagato and gets him to change his ways.

The Tobi reveal wouldn't have much impact if Kakashi is dead.

Naruto is a story told largely through flashbacks, if Kakashi was dead I would argue flashbacks with him might be more impactful

I laughed my heart and lungs out at the first sight of all this, but it was honestly very well animated and deserves a better rap than it got.

That seems like something I could find in many other stories

Okay I see the parallel. I wouldn't call it a star wars rip off though, the master getting killed and avenged thing at least is a pretty common anime trope anyway

Naruto fights are more than just fights, they're abstract animation sequences, lots of them are very strange and have very unique cinematography, all of them are completely unique from eachother, no anime does it like naruto

zabuza arc was better and the peak of naruto

That's why it was so good. Kishimoto took a break from the usual ninja systems (aka: Uchiha wank) to introduce Naruto to an entirely new system, which gave him more identity and allowed him to mature. It truly felt like Naruto's biggest challenge.

I like all the arcs equally

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I'm not gay but I can appreciate Naruto x Sasuke as a kino ship

plebeians won't understand

agreed. when naruto finally got acknowledged by his village like he always wanted they should've done a fast forward few episodes showing peace in the village, Tsunade turning over hokage to Kakashi, then to Natuto.
if Kishi wanted to continue his uchiha wank he could've kept Tobi as Madara like we all fucking guessed instead of the shitty twist ending with Obito and had a nice showdown without "chosen ones" horse shit rabbit fight.

if Kishi must do Baruto: keep zestu's crazy ass around to try to rebuild some eldrich horror frankenstein rebuild of the akatsuki members or some shit and keep the aliens out of Baruto. or just not do Baruto all together so we don't have to suffer with Hinata's severely nerfed tits.

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I don't think any of the later villains even come close to Pain. Being self-aware enough to know that his plan wasn't perfect is about a million times better than the Uchiha Bros. sperging out over Infinite Tsukoyomi.


Itachi better.

Kakashi v Obito was short and sweet. Kino....

why is that guy spamming his mental illness?

naruto vs pain was top tier but maybe demon slayer surpassed it, maybe not

I really like the final Naruto vs Sasuke fight

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That's a really cool back and forth for once

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>for once
I always felts that naruto in general had pretty great fight pacing and tides of advantage disadvantagr.

How are they not brain damaged after these fights??

How did you feel about Pain reviving everyone by the end? I have mixed feeling about that part. To me, it feels like all was gain and nothing was lost.

Nardo vs Sauce fights are always one-sided for one side and then one sided for the other again and again, it's almost never back and forth like this

Chakra and manga logic.
Where some kids can lift huge boulders and other kids die from falling down the stairs and the flu.

they were already brain damaged before the fight

Shippuden as a whole was toilet shit compared to naruto, in terms of quality.
