If you shit on Elfen Lied; you're a MAL-using, trend chasing...

If you shit on Elfen Lied; you're a MAL-using, trend chasing, Crunchyroll using faggot who refers to themselves as a "weeaboo XD". Sorry, I don't make the rules.

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Elfen Lied is for anime newcomers.

May you geneaology die in an ethnic cleansing.

Never watched it, It is probably bad.

It was just edgy shit and was trash. Get over it.

Fuck everything you care about.

Zoomers have killed this board.

Everytime Elfen Lied is brought up, anons post how the manga is overall better than the anime but that's honestly wrong. The anime just streamlined it and removed the chaff like the diaper fetishism. Also the ending was better.

Be your girl >>> Lilium

this was my first anime 18 years ago and i rewatched it last month. held up ok, not great
worth it for the ova though

Oldfags are all boomers and should fuck right off.

Too bad, Yea Forums is for boomers and millennials. Go be a zoomer on reddit

its dumb

Did Kouta end up with a harem consisting of his cousin, Nana and the loli?

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Yea Forums is a boomer website. it doesn't even have an app

Grow up edgelord.


Thank God, now please return to discord.

but i'm a boomer

This post gave me early onset dementia

>it doesn't even have an app
it had one once if you an believe it

Enjoy the decline, faggot. You'll eventually forget how to breathe and no longer burden your family with your uselessness.

Oh then you're okay then boomer-san. Zoom-zooms need to go though.


only the first scene is cool or fun

People above 18 hated Elfen Lied, though.

yeah pretty much. both are not good but the anime is more focused and less wack

is elfen lied the one with the girl who decapitates people with her mind?
I never watched it, but it looks interesting.

>elfenfag shilling his bad anime again
I watched the anime and read the manga and I still think its bad, you need to watch more anime.

It's stupid as fuck. If you bother watching it, you may end up even more retarded because of it.

I watched Elfen Lied back when it came out and don't remember anything about it besides the opening

i remember the song

No, the loli ended up with the military guy and Nana ended up with her daddy.

I thought it was retarded fifteen years ago and I still do now. Wouldn't be as bad if it didn't try to take itself so seriously but because of that it ended up being funny for the wrong reasons at best and insultingly stupid at worst.

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Elfen Lied is literally the origin of the gateway of the worst kind pasta. You will never be able to get around this fact.

Boomers are fucking 70+, you dumb shit.

I love this show and I always will

It's actually insultingly bad. Definitely one of the worst things I've ever watched.

Wheelchair demon loli is still the greatest character in anime

The anime doesn't even end properly, it's just a pretentious cliffhanger. The manga ends perfectly unless you somehow thought a sadistic mass murderer with a kill count in the thousands deserved to get off scott-free. Also, depicting the fact that there are adults who need diapers does not imply fetishism, but having an issue with it does confirm ableism.

This show sucked, but it was my one of my first anime ever and I never knew they showed nipples in some shows so I thought it was the boldest shit ever. Even painted the OP art thing on my wall

There should have been more retard sex but apart from that EL was perfect.

>If you shit on Elfen Lied
what if you shit on Elfen Lied long before MAL and Crunchyroll existed?

But the military guy and Nana's dad are both dead? I'm not sure about the military guy but I think I've seen him die in the end. Nana's daddy clearly died together with his real daughter.

I liked it when i was 14 so it gets that

She was pretty lit senpai

>Nana's daddy clearly died together with his real daughter.
Filler. In the manga, Mariko dies due to Lucy destroying the phone controlling the bombs, while Kurama survives and becomes a crazy hobo until a Mariko clone trying to kill Nana makes him snap out of it. Bandou survives too even after being cut in half by Lucy, and gets a robot lower half.

I hope she comes back in season two.


Jfl what are you talking about. Elfen Lied has a fucking 7.5 on MAL when in reality it's a 3/10 show at best. 4 if we're being generous. And the manga is even more cancerous

It's wojaktards like you who've killed the board.

MAL user here, can confirm me and my weeaboo friends find Elfen Lied to be very problematic and I certainly hope that the Sony corporation removes it from all of its platforms so that nobody will ever see it again

How did Elfen Lied get away with gore? Most anime nowdays doesn't have any gore at all and when they do have decapitation and others stuff it etheir looks like shit or is censored a lot.

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Maybe it was aired late at night? Not sure maybe an oldfag can enlighten us

It was the early 2000s. A lot of fucked up anime were able to be broadcast at the time.

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jesus christ what is that

What is wrong with using MAL as a backlog manager/completed list and nothing else?

Narutaru: Mukuro Naru Hoshi Tama Taru Ko

It looks disgusting based on what I’ve seen but I’ve been listening to it’s OP since the 2000s.

Code Lyoko?

Bait and Switch: The Anime

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Its babbys first edgy anime. Literally naruto tier

I heard that series was fucked up but that clip legit made me feel nauseous in a way that more graphic gore like doesn't.