Are you excited to see Tohka in animated form once again?
Date A Live
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>this garbage got a 4th season
Who watches this shit? Who pays for this shit? Is this proof of money laundering?
DAL is very popular in China.
I have no idea how I even ended up with a fetish for peeing anime girls
It's called being a patrician
I'm about as excited about it as reading Bible passages.
I can't wait for the scene where she fucks chop from gtav
>not wanting to date sluts
I have standards, user.
Isn't that bestiality?
Yes Tohka is mai waifu after all
I've never touched the series but google tries to shove their gacha down my throat every time I get on the play store. Is it really that bad?
Great taste
kurumu's been my waifu for 8 years but the rareness of seeing a tooka waifufag is criminal
I'm ready to cry because they they will rush it and shove like 3-4 volumes in 1 cour.
Joke on you nigga, i am catholic and I love Date A Live
I love Kurumu. She is the only reason why I watch DAL.
Tohka is a rare main heroine that is extremely likeable.
But I don't like harems in general
I'm more of an Origami kind of guy.
Which passages? If you mean, Deuteronomy, I know you're being rude. If you mean Genesis, it's a compliment.
The first visual novel is good, everything else is shit
>Is this proof of money laundering?
Probably or maybe it's just chinks trying to milk the gacha game as much as possible.
god, i want to have sex with miku, nia and origami
Tohka was my favorite.
Too bad they kept throwing girls at Shido and crowded her out.
She was the best because guy x lesbian is peak for me
Miku is butt ugly
Is Tohka dying this season?
i think that would be for next season
To anyone who's always wanted to read the Comics Anthology that was released a while back, here are the scans:
Does anyone want to upload them somewhere? I'd re-upload them on Catbox but Catbox seems to be down right now.
Hope Lent is going well for you, Catholic bro.
Favorite girl? I've got a soft spot for Yuzuru, personally.
>t. Orthodox
I only watch this shit show for her.
Fucking the gay away is incredible. I wish there was more porn of it.
Are you joking? The series focused too much on her, especially on the latter half of the series
i think that's what you say to natsumi.
or maybe you're just gay
Yeah, that's why her spin off failed even harder than fucking season 3.
Not him but I'm considering checking out orthodoxy. How is it? I really don't want to deal with faggotry.
I said *I* watch DAL for Kurumi, not that that's where the money is, you illiterate cretin
Why even watch the main series when you can watch the even shittier spin-off that focused on her?
Who said I haven't?
Kurumi and Tohka are both shit, only watch this for best girl Yoshino.
>date a bullet
lol. i don't even know what's that about.
I'm sorry, yoshino is cute, but clearly paper is best girl
Whatever happened to the Date A Bullet anime anyway? Wasn't it supposed to have been in production?
Then what are you even doing here?
It was released months ago.
sure, I'll mirror it
Why is watching the spinoff mutually exclusive with being in a S4 thread? Are you mentally ill?
I like the dumb loli witch.
i can't blame you, she's the cutest loli among the 3
Why watch the shit that barely has any of a shitty character when you can stick with the series that actually focuses on that character?
Tohka gives me a boner.
I hate when she stops being a loli because of her complex. Totally uncute.
Where are you planning to post it?
I don't want to derail the thread too much, but in brief Orthodoxy is a very sacramental and traditionally rooted form of Christianity. I would liken it to Latin Mass before it was gutted by Vatican II, at least in terms of how the liturgy functions. Almost all Orthodox churches are ethnically centered, especially in the West, by which I mean they are centered around whichever ethnic immigrant group first established the congregation, be it Greek, Russian, Ukrainian, etc. Services are usually bi-lingual. There's meaning to every element of service, but it's not always plain what it is because those elements are layers of tradition built atop each other over centuries. That can make it feel awkward when you first attend an Orthodox service. Speaking personally, I don't think there's any faggotry at all. I'm sure folks can find examples of it, but you're not going to find the local tranny at the altar handing out the Eucharist. The lack of centralization of the Church generally makes it difficult to really change anything of note either in terms of dogma or practice. Hell, look at our ongoing argument with the Catholics for 1000 years. Personally, I find that stasis comforting.
Was it? I must have totally missed it since I didn't see anyone talking about it.
Because I'm doing both, you absolute dipshit.
>excited to *hear Tohka in animated form once again
Fixed. She is way too dumb but I like Inoue Marina voice.
Inversed Tohka is completely different though, need more of her instead.
mega.ill mirror it later. I'm still busy with my deito posting
S1 was great
remember when origami tried to kill kotori?
But why waste time with the shit that barely has any of the shitty character? I don't get it, are you a masochist?
>tfw my favorite part of this series is when Shido drew Sandalphon and stormed the tower
sometimes I hate being a fightfag
I'm Catholic but I really don't feel like abstaining from meat on Fridays, only during Holy Thursday and Friday. What does that make me?
Because it has Kurumi, and I'm watching it for Kurumi. Are you actually illiterate or something?
It was like two episodes long or something like that and filled with characters no one knew or cared about.
Alright, that's encouraging then thanks. I hope the one near where I'll be moving is nice.
Did it at least have fanservice?
I cared for Kurumi cute girl friend.
>it has Kurumi
You mean it barely has.
Still Catholic. And as bad at fasting during Lent as I am, user.
Eye candy at best if you like the characters designs
God bless, user. Good luck!
That's something, considering how little animation there was dring those episodes.
I only fast during Lent due to parental pressure. My family only serves non-meat on Fridays and I have no choice but to abide. I don't mind it and I'm perfectly fine not eating meat on Fridays, I'm just not devout enough to consider it absolutely necessary.
Smug cured lesbian is terribly cute. She would make a great head of the harem.
>cured lesbian
do you all agree that yoshino is a harlot that will try anything to lure shido into having loli sex?
>sweet ARMS not doing the opening
why tho, that was a staple for the series
Thank you
Is Sweet ARMS still around in the first place?
The last two openings were bland to be honest.
really? sauce?