Utawarerumono Mask of Truth

Are you all ready for more Underwater Ray Romano?

Attached: [DameDesuYo] Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen - 11 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [B802AEAA].mkv_snapshot_17.08_[2019.04.21_00.21.03].jpg (1280x720, 114.86K)

Oh god yes.

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The anime no longer allows nipples and most of the nudity is censored, There's no point in watching anything past the first season with all the censorship

News flash: there were no nipples in the 2nd and 3rd games, either.

I don't remember any nipples in the first season apart from the OVAs. Am I forgetting them?

More Anju!

Attached: [DameDesuYo] Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen - 11 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [B802AEAA].mkv_snapshot_07.42_[2019.04.21_00.19.53].jpg (1280x720, 79.81K)

When is the release date again?
Also they better not fuck up the mother scene and Yamato's underground reveal.

Why should I? You also posted in your pic why Uta2 failed, how am I supposed to get hyped for S3?

>Hating on Rurutie

Isn't that isekai or am I confusing something? I only know that the anime came out in the 2000s and is based on a VN.

>liking ooc Ruru
Subhuman. You have no idea how much I love Rurutieh


No I'm not ready also what the fuck is this supposed to be?

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It is more of a ||sci-fi||


Attached: [DameDesuYo] Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen - 11 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [B802AEAA].mkv_snapshot_11.31_[2016.02.28_23.25.30].jpg (1280x720, 118.59K)

More original Uta wanking it seems. As if the VNs didn't wank it enough

Should I read this?

Rulutieh was great, the problem was what the anime has done to her. Her love for gay shit was a minor character trait of hers in the game, in the anime it became her entire personality. Gone are the nice and comfy housewife feelings she gives off, all replaced by her raging homo lust.

nop, its in the distant future where our civilization has been wiped out, and the people you see here are artificial human beings

The world really is a simulation isn't it?
I literally just finished downloading this game

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They will fuck it up, won't they?

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Damn brat...

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For her scenes? I don't think so. It's at least obvious that she has a very important scene and popular enough to be animated properly in the Kai2 game. What I'm worried about are Nekone scenes. Her scene in Mikazuchi vs Oshtor fight was completely removed in that game.

I'm reading Dies Irae currently, next I'm planning on reading Muramasa. Should I read Utawarerumono instead?

How did oshtors VA handle the scene anyways? Man, the scene had such great voice acting I wish they could've just reused the one from the game.

Uta is an SRPG/VN, so it's got a fair amount of gameplay too.

Nekone's the worst, anyway. Just remove her from the anime.

nta and haven't read Muramasa yet. A lot of people say that Muramasa is good though but a lot seem to like Uta sequels too. The problem in the latter is that it's too long and you also need to read the first one which is not as good as the sequels.
If you want my biased opinion, read Utawarerumono series instead but since Muramasa is most likely shorter, you could continue with that.

Nekone might be shit, but her I don't want her mom to lose yet another child.

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>Man, the scene had such great voice acting I wish they could've just reused the one from the game.
This but I doubt they could pull that out in an anime. Oshtor VA seems to be ok for me as Oshtor but not as much as for Haku. Some say it's fine

This is the first time I've felt that I wanted to kill someone in the internet. You might want to sleep with your eyes open tonight.

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Murdering someone over calling out your shit taste is pretty immature, user.

Fuck the stupid cat and fuck you.

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Don't mind me. Just being the best character.

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>hey bro, can I see your secret technique?

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Of course.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen - 17 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.04_[2020.04.16_00.57.12].jpg (1280x720, 88.68K)

First time in Yea Forums?
She's not even a cat. Hell, I don't even know what animal she is.

>neko ne
>she's not even a cat

What kind of cat has this tail?

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Lions. Realisticly they are all some kind of mutt with weird ears anyways.

Can't wait for them to ruin the Anju x Kuon fight scene.

The only good thing that will come from this is more Suara songs.

They no longer show any nipples, But they did allow bare butts in the spanking scenes

>that moment when she realizes who is standing in her way
>that scene where they are back in tuskur and haku tells her he's missing a tooth
Man, uta 3 was so fucking long I wonder how they're going to fit all that into 2 seasons?

You mean 2 cours. I doubt they could. They could cut out the long tuskur scenes though and those shota shit scenes. But even then, it's quite hard.

Kuon impregnation NOW

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Man so much shit happened that felt like pure filler. Like that blond guy who was engaged to atuy or that one story where they visited nosuris parents and some other general fag was trying to betray them. If shis wasn't such a fine woman that whole story would've been a waste aswell.

>Her face when you fart in the carriage

Attached: [DameDesuYo] Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen - 09 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [F2E5DAAE].mkv_snapshot_07.38_[2016.03.12_23.21.53].jpg (1280x720, 94.28K)

>tfw you'll never hang out with your bro and commit warcrimes by pouring oil over enemy soldiers and setting them on fire

From the "routes", I rate them as Rurutieh > Nosuri > Atuy. Rurutieh's route is quite important for her development and Nosuri somewhat. Atuy's kinda shit imo but there are some good scenes that came out of it like Oshtor being wary against Basedankekur, Maroro scenes, and Oshtor getting riled up by Raikou despite being successful consecutively.

They did my boy maroro dirty. I swear one or two less encounters with him would've been much better. It almost felt like slapstick after a while.

I'd rather fight him than fight the Fuccboi Squad like 5 times in a row.

>I swear one or two less encounters with him would've been much better.
Speaking of that, the encounter in the war ground was unneeded but the one in the Atuy route is important. The whole fight in the front of the gate can also be shortened or written completely different and it would be fine.
The VN is a game with a lot of unnecessary fights that could be shortened/cut off to fit the whole game in 24 episodes.

I laughed when they said something about the belly of one of them being cut open and he just booked it just to come back one battle later.

Imagine the view from Kuons perspective

I wonder if they will have any cameos for gacha characters.

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Man munechika had a few cakes too many

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Im more hyped for the prequel

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I wonder if they plan on making any sequels or if haku really released every human left on the planet. We were basically contained to japan this entire time, there could be potentially so much left of the world to explore.

If I remember right, wasn't most of the world inhospitable cause it didn't have Ameterasu's enviornmental regulation?

Didn't they crash that shit into earth? Hundreds of years past since they were wiped out anyways, the world might've changed drastically. Also the mikados city was underground, there must've been more of those scattered around.

jesus christ what is that fungus growing out of her face