I'm never going to read another manga as good as Fire Punch

I'm never going to read another manga as good as Fire Punch

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of course not, it's literally the peak of the medium

How did Fujimoto do it? How did he write a masterpiece at only 24?

Shit man are you going blind?

Why was CSM such a visual step down from FP?

The art in FP was incredible.

His assistants, and also Fire Punch was alot less taxing in the quieter scenes since it's mostly an empty snowly landscape

Never read this but is OP a good example of the art?

Yes. It can be incredibly kino

Attached: So this is...kino.png (810x636, 548.21K)

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He must’ve gone through some shit or took some really good drugs

Then we have a very different idea of incredible.
Though I'll admit is pretty striking.

I see...underage, huh?

Took a narrative dump past the revenge story. Sad, could have been so much more, but the author's brain rotten with pop culture held him back

>dude gore and edge 10/10
This is a 18+ site

Good call OP. You should absolutely move on to better things. There's a whole world of manga out there, and most of it is better than trannymoto's hackjobs.

I'm 30, do you think everyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and mistaken? I think the art isn't that good.

Unironically read more manga for the love of god

You're just objectively wrong user. You can't possibly argue that the art isn't impressive.

that's funny because I'm never going to read a manga as bad as Fire Punch, including Fire Punch

Being impressive is subjective, however I'm objectively unimpressed. The art in the OP looks amateurish and boorish.

You already admitted that it was striking. Quit shitposting retard its humiliating.

I'm never going to read another manga as bad as Fire Punch. I'm glad that as much bad manga I come across, nothing will surpass it.

>he hasn't read Dog Nigga yet

I said was striking.
Though being striking isn't necessarily impressive so I'm not sure why you're struggling to keep up. I simply don't think it's that good. Did you draw this manga or what? You seem very upset.

>Though being striking isn't necessarily impressive
Really? Get better bait my dude.
>durrrrr you mad???
Oh yeah I'm seething.

I'm not baiting you, I don't like the artwork. At this point I'm pretty sure you either created it or have some financial incentive to defend it.

user he clearly doesn't care whether you like it or not. It's inarguably high quality.

It's fine. You just need to go back to plebbit before your parents catch you here :)

>he clearly doesn't care

If you liked Fire Punch, read Shigurui. Has pretty much all the same strengths and weaknesses.

>whether you like it or not
Are you pretending to be retarded or something?

>I'M NOT ANGRY, RETARD!!!111! >:(

Ah so you were just baiting. Have fun with that.

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hey can you suggest some of that world? wanna read some more good shit thanks

also my favorite manga is Gantz and Platinum End so something along those lines would be great

Nah I wasn't, the artwork isn't impressive and that pic doesn't change my mind, sorry. Keep posting though, it's genuinely intriguing how frustrated you're getting over a strangers opinion.

user you have already proven you aren't being genuine. Saying you're mad over and over doesn't help your case. Not replying to your pathetic posts.

>he said the line

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Fire punch was certainly...... interesting.

>Not replying to your pathetic posts.
Who are you talking to?

it's arguable peak fiction

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why did they have to go with the tranny route with Togata, what wasted potential cute gal

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>user you have already proven you aren't being genuine
I don't think it's good artwork. Are you suggesting I'm lying and that I secretly think it's actually great?


I accept your concession.

Redditfags over-analyzing this POS manga always makes me chuckle.

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Overanalyzing is the mark of a great work tho...

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Could someone jolt my memory on exactly which e-celeb is responsible for shilling this on here?

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The birth of kino.

but it looks ass and has more chicken scratches than AoT, must have banger writing for all the hype

Fire Punch was merely OK. And no I'm not giving you recs.


It's not like it's the best panel ever you fucking retard. I loved FP but you're just pretentious

Based. FP made all other shonen unenjoyable since it shits out every other shonen tropes:
>starts out as a generic edgy revenge story
>gets immediately subverted when The Director appears and clearly points out that yes this is definitely a revenge story and then starts fucking with the setting and characters to further the story and make it more "dramatic"
>even goes as far as setting up the most generic battle shounen arc of all time by equipping the bad guys to fight Agi, and giving Agni a cool outfit and hidden battle shounen powerups he can use
>none of this even matters in the fight
>fights are often skipped
>the gigantic shounen battle immediately turns into a meme where tens of thousands of innocent bystanders get incinerated and Agni just gets beat up until he randomly wins through attrition because it's an established fact that he can't be killed, so the fight was rigged from the start anyway
>final boss randomly appears and dabs on Agni
>turns out she was just LARPing as the final boss to fuck with him and is an irrelevant side character
>Agni assembles his battle shounen fighting team
>team gets off screened by a fucking tree
>"final boss" gets off screened by a literal side character
>side character assumes the role of the actual final boss, gets anticlimactically fire poked to death with no dramatic tension or relevance to the overall story
>world gets "saved" only for the retards who inhabit it to McNuke themselves a few years later anyway

pure kino

anyone, all this started after the biggest storytime here on Yea Forums

Fuck off newfag.

That's not very kino

You will never be a woman zoomer

>fire punch
user, it's not even in my top 50.
there's a lot of great manga out there.