Pokemon Thread

Ash is ranked 9th in the world, Greninja is coming back in 2 weeks, and the legendary heroine Serena returns with a new outfit, evolved Pokemon, and bigger breasts tonight.

We've returned to the golden age.

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XY was truly the GOAT

Please just become the greatest and disappear like Red so we can finally have a new MC

Mrs. Ketchum!

Why does she look like she aged like 10 years? She looks like a young adult.

Bet they're going to pretend the kiss never happened

I hope you're not complaining about that.

Guaranteed, then maybe, just maybe XYfags will finally shut the fuck up

Serenachads, we won.

/padt/ lost

>9th in the world
This sounds wrong, but I'm conditioned after years and years to believe Satoshi is Mid-Tier at best.

I just want Ash to have a KANTOOOOOOOO Rush Mode before fighting Lance.

He already beat Drasna?

Maybe if Serena marries him he'll finally graduate.

I want to fuck Serena

>Ash is ranked 9th in the world
Are they trying to end the series soon or something? That seems like a huge jump for Ash considering he barely skated by the Alola league

Serena is returning you fell for a fake leak. At least you guys can console yourself by playing as shadow 8n smash ultimate.

Oh wait that was fake too

>and bigger breasts

Remember when Pokémon wasn’t just nostalgia bait?

Dude would have won a league years earlier if there weren't bizarre asspulls. Oh, Ash you're doing well in the league? Sorry bro, but here's this fedora tipper with a team full of legendarys.

>Ash wins and fucks off with Serena
Would be kino, but it's pokemon so it will never end, shit prints money.

>Ash is ranked 9th in the world
then why does he get his ass kicked by literally whos on every continent?

I get that, but why arent they atleast trying to stay consistent? If random people can be asspulled to fuck him up, where are they now?

calm down Ash

Didn't this happen with Misty too? Girls who like Ash get their youth stolen by him. They grow older and he devolves into even more of a retarded child.

He places against the top-ranked trainers in every region he visits, sometimes losing only to the champ. He should still be pretty much feared and respected by like 98% of the entire trainer population

He was midtier in Kanto and Johto yes. BY Hoenn he was just getting better and better and then Unova happened. He recovered by X&Y and then pretty much stomped Aloha.

Sure, but the other 2% should be like dozens of people at least. Its a ridiculous jump to put him at 9th and say Leon is the best when faggots like Tobais is running around somewhere. The fag barely got by Alola, the literal shitter league.

They are either retconing a bunch of shit for sword/shield wank, or its bullshit.

I want to fuck Serena

Was she always this big?

>and then pretty much stomped Aloha.
He needed luck in the Rowlet battle that got him disqualified in Kanto (charizard sleeping) and the league was a shitter league.

>Ash, your dick.

Is this going to be the usual 'old heroine returns for one episode or two and then fucks off for good' or is she staying?

Dawn stayed the same

She doesn't love Ash then.

Just a guest appearance. Although some guests have returned in multiple separate episodes this season. But she isn't joining the main cast.

>Ash wins and marries Serena
This would be based, however Ash is an immortal who is doomed to wander the Earth for eternity with pikachu.

when is my boy making an appearance

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going multi-region was the smartest direction to take. pure pokekino

I don't watch this, but is there a clear cut strongest trainer?

>9th in the world
I'm shocked his rankings haven't been lost in a vacuum like I thought. Maybe I'll actually catch up on the new series.

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yea, its fucking Leon. Meanwhile tobias gets retconed lol

More like donkey. People only care about it because they self-inserted as Ash. All the characters were awful, the rivals outside of Alain were weak, and Hawlucha was the only Ash Pokemon with personality.

Yeah, he pretty much only won Alola because there were only like 2 other serious trainers in the entire League. And he only battled the other after he won the League, in an exhibition match.

Yeah. Ash entered the Pokemon World Championships, where thousands of trainers from all over the world try to climb the ranks and reach the number 1 spot. Ash started at rank 3,763 and just beat Drasna to become number 9.

He also has Mega Evolution, Z-Moves and G-Max.

>inb4 ash loses this league too

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Man they really are going to right him out so quickly after cucking him out of wins for so long

Don't forget his Battle Bond

They already made him champion in sunmoon.

It's been years and people are still butthurt

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Yes, in the shittiest league of literal scrubs, and likely as a backlash to the cucking of XY. If they were going to cuck him out of league for so long, they could have atleast drawn out the worlds that they had been gatekeeping him from for so long

the Pokémon anime should've ended ages ago. Not even an autist like me can stomach it for this long.

Has he beaten anyone who beat him before like Alain or Tobias

No. Paul is returning at some point so he may job to him. There are still 2 Masters 8 not revealed so we could see a possible Tobais or something still.

How did she age like 5 years while Citron remain the same?

that was some bullshit

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How does ranking even work in the anime (I literally do not watch) but wouldn't the champions all be ranked higher as well as elite 4?

It's a ladder style competition, everyone starts out equal and fight their way up.

It's going to be real awkward when she's all happy to see Ash and he introduces his husband to her

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You will never be a woman.

And you will never be with a woman. Who cares?

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Oh no no no Kasumibros how do we cope?

If I was Ash I would get ptsd from always getting in 9th ish place every tourney.


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If he actually gave a shit about winning those tournaments he wouldn't release 5/6ths of his teams every time he moves to a new region or would capture all the legendaries he meets in the filler movies instead of just befriending them.

I thought cynthia would be ranked the highest.

Ash sure doesn't
Catching is purely Gou's purview

Dirty Kalosian rapist


Satoshi is such a player. Mommy would be proud

He still has nightmares over it to this day

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Always thought that /y/ was better than /u/ but thos thread proves otherwise