One year ago, today

Chapter 139, the final chapter, of Attack on Titan released.

What did you think? Good? Bad?
Did you laugh? Cry?

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I laughed at all the fags who thought this second rate Muv Luv was good

i wish i couldve been there to see the seething in real time, so fucking badly.

Is it that silly? I think you'd be pretty crushed too if you died and your family didn't give a fuck. Which probably applies to a large number of you.

I gave up on this series shortly after the marley stuff bad. Horrendously bad direction the story took

I wasn't invested in the manga so I laughed at how mad it made the people who were.

>Erenkeks mindbroken to this day.
It was based.

Laught at the smug faggots that didn't listen to doomposterchads.

This was immediately after Eren just committed genocide on a scale never seen before and in this scene he's just wallowing in self-pity there, lamenting that Mikasa could find another man despite avoidng all her previous advances. So yes, it's pretty damn stupid with context.

Imagine if the team for season 4 part 3 doesn’t change anything and we get to see this shitshow in motion.

doesnt matter, normalfag animeonly drones already gobbled up the first part

They have no reason to change it, just like moviefags got BTFO the same will happen to the aoefags

isayama made him a slave to ymir
completely subverting his character
and if eren was really in love with mikasa, he would have spilled the beans way earlier, his explosive personality can't keep that kind of feeling in check
since the hack can't write romance, you get shit like that

Eren had multiple chances to fuck Mikasa yet he never did. His cuck breakdown is unearned and pathetic.

I wonder what is really happening inside AoT committee. Who has majority control? And why haven't they reacted properly to the negative feedback on the ending.


Anyone who didn't see the red flags ever since the cringevengers formed had it coming.

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Armin is meant to be shipped with women only

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Like Mikasa Sensei

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>And why haven't they reacted properly to the negative feedback on the ending.
Because the feedback was more neutral-positive in japan and anyway nips don't publicily complain

I laughed and kept on laughing. This is one of man's greatest comedies.


Mikasa is the best

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Annie living happily with Armin is wrong! There's nothing anyone can say to change my mind about that!


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I realized that all the hype for aot was a waste. Now im like 6 episodes behind the new season


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eren cuckitini

How is it even similar

>negative feedback
What negative feedback? I can only see weebs complaining online about muh Eren. I have yet to see serious criticism from a literary standpoint and those same weebs are still buying all the damn merch.

Green eyes on the baby soon

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Based AAbro

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So true!

What did the Japanese fans think about it?

I love mikasa

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I laughed. I was already disappointed by 137, and I knew that the titanization of 138 would be reversed.
That pic might be the most infamous image, but not the worst thing about the final chapter.

A year? You're joking right? It literally felt 6-9 months ago at most

Why the baby looks like Armin?

Japan was the most accepting of the ending, at least publicly. I know they didn't care for Armin's thank you and sniffner, but were happy that Eren's friends got to live long lives, and that he still cared for them.

I didn't hate the ending. Isayama had no clear idea how to end his conflict and that was obvious since at least 130
I was more disappointed than anything, but honestly the continued ass-hurt by /snk/tards who thought it was the best manga ever made it worthwhile.
Moved on to better manga and now only engage in discussion for the occasional laugh at seethers

I've heard rumors that they were vocal and not happy.

I don't know where else to ask this question so I will try here. What's the reason for 5ch blocking US and Euro IPs?

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Wow, maybe they should start a petition.

With context it makes perfect sense. Erin, throughout the entire story, constantly pull shit like that. As soon as he became a titan, he became hyper self loathing and acted like a child at every opportunity.

Example: his dad stole the founding titan, after multiple years of inactivity from the those who yielded its power. He stole it from people who wouldn’t use it. He knew this. And yet he decided to give up, cry and generally bitch and moan that what his dad did was wrong and Historia should just eat him. He sat around as a sad sack for a good long bit, despite his dad doing the best thing for them.

Erin does this habitually, and his breakdown at the end is typical Eren behaviour.

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The only thing I care about AoT is AA and LH

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pure kino ending

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>I have yet to see serious criticism from a literary standpoint
As a literary autist, I can tell you with utter certainty that there is no real criticism to be made for the ending. It’s solid, and makes a great deal, of sense considering the world he set up. It’s pretty damned well done.

The only honest problem is the sudden relationship bullshit, considered Eren and Mikasa’s relationship has always been familial and not romantic. You can argue that cultural context makes this hazy, but I’d personally argue no, it doesn’t. Otherwise, Eren crying like a bitch and acting like a spoiled child is pretty spot on for his character.

Most of the people crying are retards who don’t understand good narratives and think peak story telling is 4 women forming a haram around a basement dwelling nerd.

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Last chance to salvage SnK died

desu you can perfectly read the two last chapters as eren not actually being romantically in love with mikasa, it works as well, just most fans don't do it

I only have minor problems with it now like how everything crucial was left for the last chapter. The people who are obsessed with shitting on it to this day as if they were personally slighted by it seem mentally ill to me.

I’ll maybe have to reread it with that in mind, because I really thought he just 180’d it to appease fans or to meet some romance quota

I didn't see anything wrong with this particular scene.

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>considered Eren and Mikasa’s relationship has always been familial and not romantic. You can argue that cultural context makes this hazy, but I’d personally argue no, it doesn’t.
If the nature of the relationship was so obvious why would there be a scene where Eren asks her what he is to her? Unless you're arguing that scene is inserted too late also, not that it was never hinted at. Still, chapter 50 is their most romantic moment.

You just know

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Why AA arts so beautiful

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I never read a single page or watched single episode of snk in my life
These threads are still hilarious

>I have yet to see serious criticism from a literary standpoint

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I remember everyone making Lelouch topics, comparing Eren to him as a low-rent copy in terms of his plan

The Zero IQ Requiem was what they called his plan.

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I love the shit out of Mikasa. Literally, I would eat her shit just to be close with her butt.

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Solid post.

Saw some schizo comment about how SnK would spark a movement among the Japanese and Germans about removing the shackles of WWII guilt. Wonder how he felt reading this.