

Attached: 1624406122422.png (464x721, 325.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the new version of Demoness Sakura.

Attached: 164.jpg (1070x1600, 514.91K)

And it is glorious

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Naga nails

Attached: 1618707621763.png (1920x1080, 1.07M)

Name this final boss

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Attached: 1648849519901.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

I love how demoness Naga looks like in this panel. Will Hana eventually have a change of heart and opinion over Naga & frens after seeing that they're not so bad after all?

unfortunate (and deliberate) senpai positioning though

Nagatoro, lord of the Nas.

Oh that's literally me. Also if that's Naga on the animal, then who's to yoshi?

Attached: oh notoro.jpg (607x733, 58.3K)

Pov: you are Senpai

based naga nails poster


>Sup Shikki, do you need something?


Does someone have the panel with semi-noodletoro from the extras?

power level unknown

Attached: 1649344472706.jpg (1070x1600, 444.65K)

Where is this from? Was it redrawn for volume?

Archive to thread with volume extras?

it was completely redrawn with extra detail by 774


Jesus Christ, that Sakura. Nanashi, you horny bastard.

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>Hairclip is there
>Doesn't do its job

>Saggy tits

>Feel free to typeset the chapter yourself user, any contribution is appreciated
>meanwhile I tried to help with another manga some time ago and everyone got mad and butthurt because I wasn't the usual guy who does it

The nagacommunity isn't so bad and autistic even though it's relatively big.

Damn nigga.
Also, Senpai right on her crotch lol

I don't understand. The first part is a complaint, but then you compliment us?

can't really demand it, so any helping hand is welcome!

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>I don't understand. The first part is a complaint
You don't understand

Nah I'm shitting on the other group. People here only caring if the work gets done no matter who did it is better than people who ask for translations/typeset early because it's taking too long but then get mad if someone else starts doing it.

God I love the demon outfits, especially Naga's.

I didn't understand.
Okay, now I do.

Attached: final_61b432ac28882d00711b1ed2_157251.png (910x896, 536.2K)

>senpai head between naga crotch
this was intentional

Gamo's tits are too big here

>inb4 people calling you gay even though you're right.

maybe they've all matured

I still think that he's blueballing us. We want gamo ass, though i appreciate the boobs
See? I outsmarted you by respecting him instead of you, i win. I deserve a trophy.

buy the volume
support 774


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Hana is intimidated by the power of Gamo's smug, so she imagines her breasts as bigger than they truly are

I kneel, faggot-sama

And now i outsmart you again by stating that in fact i respect you for kneeling. How's that? I call it "The Yoshi Method", the art of using retard power for your advantage.

What are the odds of an onsen chapter during the school trip arc? Extremely high right? Then senpai will unavoidably be naked with all the girls for some wacky reason.

I wanna know this too


Attached: nagatoroquestion.jpg (1280x720, 649.99K)


Still waiting for Mangadex approval, so here's a Cubari link to the typeset. Please tell if there are any errors or changes you'd like to see:

Attached: 006.png (1070x1600, 1.06M)

Attached: oVKlMKQ.jpg (1070x1600, 250.24K)

Thanks user!! looks great!

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Naga's so damn insecure. Now that Naoto grows to be more confident, I hope she also gets some progress.
Good point.

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jesus christ

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BSC vs BFT (Big Fucking Tits)

new chapter when

>Naga's so damn insecure
yeah the little 4 panel comic at the end of the volume really reinforces that

Pity she's been put down too hard by the Breast Violence to appreciate that Senpai caught her again.

looks nice, thank you

I think the BSC Is winning...

Shell shock

>I hope she also gets some progress.
I second this, been waiting for this since nagabrother chapter dropped.
Nagatoro needs to deeply understand her feelings and stop sperging out, Naoto has matured a lot, meanwhile she's still quite stupid, despite being the lovable retard we know and love.

Don't take me wrong, i do not wish for a love rival, but i do wish for her to have a "wake up call" of sorts, a big one. Rabu started it all that time she praised him, and now that's he being a man instead of a pushover, more things are likely to come.
>Good point.
If you say so my dude. I'm honestly pretty fucking bored, as you can see kek.

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Soon... hopefully. It's so slow it's painful to wait.
Yeah. She thought Shikki's womanly charms can sway Naoto. She didn't trust him and she didn't trust herself.