Which fanbase is the most batshit insane?

Which fanbase is the most batshit insane?

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Anything that attracted the attention of tw*ttards




Kyoanus cult members and its not close.

On Yea Forums? /u/faggots, in real life? fujos

Jashin Chan probably. Can personally confirm.

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I mean i am not wrong tho, most of the fan base are gays with weird fetishes or guy who like to fap with gore

Anything with a primarly fujo fanbase (Free, Yuri on ice, etc.)

The people who post in snk and shounene threads are the same

i agree, i mean't to add "this"

Yes! That's me! I want Shuten to play with my innardss and tear pieces of me that she savors right in front of my sobbing face which make the meat all the tastier according to her (in my headcanon).

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Most high school romance with out of touch drama tends to have weirdos as fans who go on endless tangents talking about the characters as if they were real people, mostly projecting their own issues.

kek can you give us some examples

Just look at those Sono Bisque, Kanokari, Kaguya, Cuckoo threads

Kaguya after it took a turn for the serious. Anons hate it but it's still pretty popular in other forums and the comments are all therapeutical in nature.
The few who liked Belle also tend towards this, especially concerning the scene with the abusive father at the end.
Even in series that do not take a turn for the serious sometimes have this problem. How many people were seething at Uzaki-chan threads because they couldn't help themselves but to project their parental issues on Sakurai's father over what was clearly a joke?


Fatetards are mentally ill

t. Rin

anything normalfag garbage, so most shonenshit. some are just more insane because of shipperfags and other tourists invading the board, like your pic related

doesnt matter what the actual story is

Re:Zero has some weird fucks, probably has to do with the amount of yanderes or something.

Hiatusfags. And fujimutto the tranny lover fans too since theyre likely the same exact people

Oh sorry I meant to type the entirety of the Black Clover fanbase

This one.

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Rent free

What the fuck are you even talking about schizo

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idol game anime

I'm sure shounen no abyss fans are all well rounded individuals.
I love that manga, btw.

Vegschizos and its not even close.
>durrrr hiatusxhiatus!
Your obsession is hilarious.

most shounen shit

Fate and fujos, the former is present in more than one board so you see them more often as well.

I've never seen more vitriol than the QQ threads


Anyone who disagrees or doesn't know is a newfriend.

In general? Sailor Moon or Eva.

On Yea Forums? SnKeks and lolicons LARPing as Prillyafags.

This and the gochiusa's. I can't comprehend what the fuck is going on in their thread most of the time.

Probably Boku no Hero, its absurd the amount of shitty OC they create and its always for bakugo or todoroki to have sex with them.

the only metric by which /u/fags are insane is the amount of insecure schizo monstrosities that seethe at the existence and mention of yuri.

The baki subhumans who feel the need to shove their shitty drawn comic in every thread no matter how unrelated it is

Actually completely correct.

t. filtered and uninitiated

it's so easy to lure you crossboarders out of your hole, kek

You want it. You got it. So what now?



No contest

Oreimo. Imagine knowingly watching an imouto anime and getting mad that it's an imouto anime. It's always some incoherent ESL having a meltdown, too.

I wouldn't have been mad if she was a likeable character or at least redeemed herself by the end


it's impossible to read the same formulaic shit for over a decade and be considered sane

Definitely /snk/


Do they really count. They’re shit but they’re only now getting a anime.

reddit thread, kys

Jashinfags are weirdos but they're harmless.


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Yes basically

Not insane, but most annoying are darling fags (both series). Way way WAYYY too much blogposting and waifufagging

Sakura is the canonical winner and Shirou's soul mate.
Deal with it already.

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