She literally tried to groom Shinji

She literally tried to groom Shinji

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BASED, but Mari was better at it.

No one cares when women do it. In real life Shinji would have been arrested for raping Misato.

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>its ok when women do it

better her than that faggy angel kaworu

if they're hot


Yes. and you're a faggot for thinking otherwise.

>Eva is offtopic

do you need more coomer threads?

This, but unironically

it's ok when they do it to me

It is, genders are NOT equal. They're just different. Hitting a boy is not the same as hitting a girl.
Female sexuality is about accepting and nurturing, male sexuality is about pushing and provoking and you're a literal tranny if you argue otherwise.
If an adult woman sexually grooms a boy or even a girl, she's really just making them feel good calm and pleasant.
When a man does it, it always puts a psychological trauma on an unorelared kid.

*unprepared child.

>>its ok when women do it
literally yes


I always interpreted this as a manifestation of her daddy/Kaji issues, but then she immediately realizes her mistake.

She sends this teasing provacative letter to a teenage boy because she's never able to hold onto/control her relationships with men, so her tism acts up ands she does this as a weird power play on the boy she's been assigned to, but then upon meeting shinji and seeing that the situation between him and gendo is complicated, and that getting him to do his job is a problem unto its self, she switches gears into serious mode.

She didn't do a very good job of it.

Misato was an awkward autist who only really understood how to interact with men off the clock as a party girl bimbo.

My girlfriend is 20 and I plan on marrying her in the next two years and knocking her up
t. 31 year old

5 years past date of expiry. Girls grow up earlier, at 15 they're adults.
You can have your used goods hag, nothing is gonna happen to her at that age.

>It is, genders are NOT equal.
tell that to society

So long as you two get on and understand eachother and you’re looking forwards to being a dad, go for it homie. I always hated dating anybody younger than me by a few years (current gf of 3 years is only 4 months younger than me, we’re both 32) because I couldn’t really relate to them very well.

>believes in society

>lives in a society

Every non-religious 14 year old in history would be ecstatic at getting to bang a Stacey like Misato and would tell all their schoolmates about it.

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He's underage you mongoloid, he legally can't rape her

Let me guess.. 18?


Yep. Doesn't count, so it's literally never gay.

>uses one of the stupidest memes ever in a failed attempt to justify a cowardice belief

I thought it was a ploy to get him to fight to death to save humanity. Better to use sugar to get someone to cooperate then force them to do something they don't want to do.

it's always okay when the groomer is hot

Alright. Give me a belief that isn't cowardly, then.


statutory rape != all rape

Ehhh...I don't think a 14 year old boy would go flaunting it around, if anything, such a guy would try to keep it secret out of consideration


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based and redpilled

It's also ok when men do it but (((feminists))) made it appear as "wrong" because they're hags past their due dates & they can't have men choosing prime women over them.

yeah. Misato didn't have parent figures and doesn't know how to act maternal. She's trying to care for shinji, but the only way she knows how to relate with people is via her sexuality. Kaji is actually better at being a caretaker type and is notably different from Misato in that he rebuffs sexual overtures from asuka


See? It literally doesn't count.

It's ok when hot people do it (both men and women)

Believing in individuality, believing in putting forth individuality before society.

Literally not a real thing. Shinji is 14 and sexually frustrated because Asuka is a frigid bitch and there is nothing wrong with Misato giving him the time of his life.

kill yourself polfag

Wouldn't you want to be groomed by her?

I just want to be the next beer that she drinks.

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I wish she'd groom me

Fuck off wojakspamming twitter immigrant.

wojaks are twitter now? didn't we invent them?

I'm going to be nice and spoonfeed you. We don't post le epic wojaks or pepes on this board. You can be banned for it. Don't post one again.

oh i'm not the same guy, i was just wondering because i post wojaks on other boards on this site all the time

Go back whence you came, Yea Forumsermin

Yea Forumsnons are afraid of frogs
it's mostly the screaming wojaks that annoy them

私が迎えにいくから待っててネ ღ

シンジくんツエー ღ

ココに注目 !!

Boards are different

is this stupid rule documented anywhere?

What you gonna do about it nigger?

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Shinji/Misato is my favorite Eva ship. I just like the chemistry between them. They're more fun than what Shinji has with either Rei or Asuka.

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