What are the biggest asspulls of all time?

What are the biggest asspulls of all time?

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Why do fans of shonen care about asspulls and bad writing in these series so much when they still keep consuming them?

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Because wasted potential is worst than no potential

shonen battlemanga has 0 potential

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If you're a contrarian, sure

Yea Forums was hilarious when Kakashi did the Susano in Naruto.

The only one of those that is genuinely an asspull is the Wanpiss one.

>espada Zero
>jobs offscreen and is never mentioned again
I hate Bleach so goddamn much

Surely you can find a better bleach example than that, Yamny was a literal joke that got offscreened.

Not an asspull

goku being super special one in thousand year space alien god that somehow was unable to fly and in less than year could destroy planets with yellow hair and blue eyed aryan powers was a pretty big ass pull.

The great snake escape in naruto
Everything kubo writes.

Why the fuck is Izanami there. You had so many choices, and you go with one that made sense in-universe and most fans long speculated about?

Hagoromo giving out the Sun/Moon seals was the actual biggest asspull, and arguably the only one that legitimately came out of fucking nowhere. Nothing else even comes close.

Heh, the fight is iconic, so it's forgiven.

Naruto's Kaguya. Naruto's Izanagi/Izanami. Naruto's Nagato's Revive Everyone I Killed no jutsu. Naruto's Kakashi's Perfect Susanoo. Naruto's Baryon Mode. Naruto's Naruto and Sasuke being legendary reincarnations. It's literally Bullshit Pulled Straight from Kishimoto's Ass: the Series

>not an asspull
Care to elaborate? I mean we literally did have an Arrancar state that the Espada went from 1 to 10.

pic related is the biggest

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Questionable choice for a last boss, but she was foreshadowed three times in the 50 chapters before her debut
Everyone expected these jutsu to exist after seeing all Itachi's MS techniques
>Nagato's Revive Everyone I Killed no jutsu.
Rinnegan is an eye that governs life and death, and Jigokudo's power established that there was more to that than just empty hype
>Naruto's Kakashi's Perfect Susanoo.
Not an asspull. It was already established that Rikudo's have a one-time ability to bequeath power from beyond the grave. It was an asspull when Hagoromo did it, but not Obito because there was precedent for it already
>Naruto's Baryon Mode.
Burning out all your chakra for a short-lived suicidal burst of strength is a thing, and it'd naturally be insanely strong if Kyuubi did it. Doesn't contradict or retcon anything, unless literally every new jutsu introduced is an asspull
>Naruto's Naruto and Sasuke being legendary reincarnations.
Foreshadowed since LITERALLY 200 chapters in advance, speedreader-kun

That makes it a retcon, not an asspull. Asspull is when a new element is introduced to solve an unsolvable problem.

You're thinking of a deus ex machina, asspull is when something comes completely out of nowhere with zero foreshadowing.

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Foreshadowed. Try again.

>not an asspull, author started spreading his cheeks x chapters before it happened

bros... foreshadowing shitty writting with generic hints doesn't make it any better

It wasn't. An extra sibling was implied, but the "O SHENRON GRANT MY WISH" bit sure as hell wasn't
>what do words even mean
You can call shit bad writing, that's fair, but an asspull refers to a pretty specific type of bad writing.


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>but the "O SHENRON GRANT MY WISH" bit sure as hell wasn't
You don't have to foreshadow every single thing you want to introduce down to the specifics of an ability. That would be retarded. What matters is that the ability is in no way something that breaks what has been established. Powerful singular abilities that go beyond just physical powers have always been a thing with nen.

Hitsugaya’s Bankai aging him up after all the flower petals disintegrate, what the fuck was even that?


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To be fair the whole scene didn't make sense, why did Ash even turn to stone?

I'll just say the Oden pandering, and Momo was introduced before Wano, but never mentioned him before then.

Mewtwo thought it would be funny

Yeah, that was bullshit
Why is modern fiction so gay? People died all the time in the childrens to young adult books I read before reading manga…seeing Naruto chicken out of Pains invasion having consequences was incredibly disappointing, especially after Shippuden was shaping up to be the part of the story where shit gets real.

There was no point to bringing Kakashi back

Ummm…somehow psychic powers can do that, ok??? Jeez, everybody knows this

It was undeniably a deus ex machina, so it's an asspull. I agree you can't foreshadow every single ability, but a literal reality warper who can just grant wishes, who conveniently shows up just to get the main character out of a bind? Come the fuck on, something like actually does need to be at least hinted at.
The ability doesn't even have a particularly heavy tradeoff or appropriately crazy conditions to fulfill, so no it doesn't fit in with the rest of the HxH lore.

Pokemon can be dicks, but they're not evil unless their trainers are. That's why I think that Ash was only petrified and not killed.

>There was no point to bringing Kakashi back
he was popular with fujos and normal weabs, but yeah kakashi should have died in the pain arc. Same with at least two of Neji/Chouji/Kiba in the rescue Sasuke arc

>It was undeniably a deus ex machina, so it's an asspull.
Not really, no.
>a literal reality warper
Not even a rarity among specialists.

>Kakashi dying before properly fighting Obito

Seven quirks wasn't an assault just a bad plot development.

Obito surviving having half his entire body crushed was also bullshit but then again it's the same series where anyone can do eye transplant in mere seconds just plug and pull

Kakashi is the definition of a roach in a nuclear holocaust. He'll most likely live to see Boruto Next Generations and STILL look the same.


It was blatantly obvious that Kakashi wasn't going to die yet and something was bailing him out. His arc wasn't done, hell we hadn't even found out how/when he got his Mangekyou yet.

Hinata's fake-out death did piss me off though, for all the reasons you mentiomed. And yet that wasn't even the 7th paths doing.

Soft and Wet's Non-existence bubbles
Pell survive explosion
Big Mom fainted after random bomb explosion (she earlier tanked punch that destroyed the entire city)
Road poneglyph
Cell regeneration

>It was undeniably a deus ex machina
It wasn't. Togashi is the one that chose to make gon's illness so severe because he wanted to tell nanika's story. Gon could've been just fucked up but not beyond normal help, he didn't write himself into a corner and needed a deus ex machina to solve it

>Why is modern fiction so gay?
they aren't, you just need to read better shonen

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>7 Quirks
You do remember that it was distinctly established at the start that OFA was made up of multiple Quirks right? And Deku's vision?

>0th Espada
Ok, Yammy would've fell under this if he had any impact to start with, but not only does Ulq and Grimm overshadow him in relevancy, he jobbed even harder after the reveal than he did before.

where were all those quirks hiding during All Might's time holding OFA though?

>Big Mom fainted after random bomb explosion (she earlier tanked punch that destroyed the entire city)

>Not really
Fucking how?? It's literally the textbook definition of one
>No, you see if anyone has any magic powers, then it's not an asspull if anyone does anything ever
Gonna have to be more specific with that one mate. What specialist even comes close to that? The curse-removing shaman is the only one I can think of, but that's a niche enough ability that it's fair game in-universe

All Might was a chad and didn't need a crutch

Pic unrelated?

Super Saiyan was first mentioned by Vegeta when bragging to Cui that he was one.
When Goku went super saiyan, that was an asspull.

>bad plot development.
How? None of the powers are any good on their own except for black whip. They only serve to differentiate Deku from All Might. He's still not All Might level.

she fainted after explosion of some random bomb. how person who easily survive punch that destroyed the entire city (king kong punch) can faint after that?

Cracks me everytime. May not be the biggest, but it is the more iconic one.

>I-It's not an asspull because the author chose this! He could've chosen not to write himself into this corner, but he did on purpose! So it's GOOD writing!
Holy fucking cope, what am I even reading right now

>he didn't write himself into a corner and needed a deus ex machina to solve it
don't you see the nonsense you wrote? Do you think any other power in the series could cure Gon? No, Allula was "created" exactly to heal him.

Is angel's breath an asspull? Gon healed completely including his lost arm back in greed island. Which means someone had a healing ability that was extremely powerful and that person was a friend of ging. If togashi wanted it, that arc could've been about finding that guy instead of nanika. You can hate nanika's plot but that doesn't make it a deus ex machina


>It is not an asspull because the author DECIDED to write it this way and not some other way.
KEK Just take your L and leave, bro.

nta but my issue with it is that it was simply unneeded as it adds nothing to the plot, it really is just hori doing pic related

same for nomu shiggy's hundred quirks since for 99% of his fights he can't use them thanks to eraserhead and decay is still his most dangerous weapon anyway

both serve no purpose, the only reason I can think of for doing that is because hori wanted to give power ups to both the main character and the main villain so their powerlevel would be higher than the rest during the final fight

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You may not have noticed, but this was directly after having her insides fried by Law and taking two railgun blasts to the face.

Everyone knows it's not an asspull.

Bleach has no asspulls because it has no consistent systems.

yami thing is not even a asspull and he died off screen

He unlocked them too fast but that's also Hori rushing the story. Overall I thought it was ok

Nah, but it is really retarded.

not an asspull, he revieved people before

I never understood the meaning of this post. Deku doing protagonist things shouldn't be a negative