Urusei Yatsura

New reboot information was finally released, including renders of Shinobu and Shutaro. Looks a lot better than the supposed "leaks".

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Other urls found in this thread:


I fucking knew those leaks were fake.


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The supposed leaks having the OG VAs for them clearly showed they were fake. No way they'd recast Lum and Ataru but keep everyone else.

No new animation though...

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But I'm still optimistic! These designs aren't bad even if they are somewhat different.

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Pffff ahahahaha


For a rough comparison I actually put the "leaks" against these designs. It's laughable people actually thought they were real.

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Attached: mendos.png (800x1008, 439.72K)

>inb4 a million OLD GOOD NEW BAD posts

I would do you the favour and start but I'm still laughing.


>the first UY thread that's actually justified in it's existence since early january
>it's fucking dead

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People don't like the reboot.

Do I really have to state the obvious? You know what to do.

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Still no animation or real news. If there had been more replies it'd be just people complaining about the recasts.

oh no I saw a frog, my day is ruined and my sacred thread is in shambles.


>shinobu is an a cup now

No Megane, no watch

Why does she have a bunny emoji on her back? Where the FUCK is kitsune?

and so the retcon begins.

For how little money and passion are put into cashgrab remakes nowadays, one can legit fall for these.
If you look at the details such as the shoes and the sword you notice something is off though.

>Not cell animated

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credit to the fake, at least that shinobu has actual tits even if they were lopsided
what the fuck is this reboot's obsession with reducing everyone's cup size?

>it doesn't have to look good
>it doesn't have to sound good
>it doesn't have to be well written
At least we can consume more product, more porn, more merch. Please take my money I don't need it and you clearly want it so much.

>Mamoru Miyano

Do you really think they'd go through all that effort just for a cash grab reboot, deren?


Id hope so, why not do it properly?

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Look deren-kun, this is made to sell products and merchandise. Rumiko has been whoring off her old properties recently, and these reboot's and sequels have a vested interest in keeping production costs low to get the maximum profit. Unlike the original anime, which started off with a low budget and had to prove itself in order to become popular and gain a bigger budget, this reboot will be a success no matter what they do, because it's a classic property. Therefore they're gonna do the bare minimum.

I can see it,a only animal transformations, no tits what so ever, everybody is flat as a plank, no jokes and shitty backgrounds.

but why not just make it good, contiue on the original?

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>Why not use an outdated production method that no longer has the infrastructure it requires for large-scale productions?
Gee, whillikers, Batman, I don't know.

can't wait for the creamy mami reboot where she uses tiktok

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Maybe you get it with a metaphor: Money beats Soul every time. Your life's worth about as much as you can get at the stock exchange.

Are you stupid or something?
Does fake meat "outdate" real meat?
Are lungs outdated because iron lungs exist?
Use your brain man, cell is king of anime animation

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This is only true because consumers eat up any shit, if people actually give a fuck about what they consume, high quality products are a result.

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Stop getting your knickers in a twist, I don't care if you love cel animation, the fact remains that there isn't any infrastructure to support large-scale productions using cels and there's not sufficient reason for anyone to even try to implement it.


>could do it in the 80s when anime was niche
>cant do it today
fuck the future

What happened to all the talk about it being true to the original?

>three months later
>it's the same two seconds of animation

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Watch the fucking video retard

wait throneritter is secretly based?

>cheap remake of UY
>cheap cold war
>"retro" e cars that all look like shit
>no mainstream rock
I dont like the nu 80s, what a mess

>even the simulation we live had to resort to a fucking souless remake
Can we start over? It's obvious they ran out of ideas

KEK so who will voice Ran? Good luck Ranfags.

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Why today and not on the first or 13th of April? Oh I know because they don't care. Sorry I thought someone who is trying to milk uy would actually care, I know how stupidly me.

*stupid of me.

We will just shove 10 packs of smokes a day down her throat and that voicel will sort itself out in no time

A speak and spell robot, it was the cheapest offer, what can you do.

Hello Lumfrens, I finished Lum's mom but I'm having an issue. I made two versions, one with her looking at the viewer and one looking at what's going in her and I'm at a crossroads unfortunately,



Attached: ranny.jpg (801x783, 41.22K)

(One with her looking at viewer)
(One looking at herself)