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Good thing I put on my lucky socks today so I pass the luck check and it misses.

Why doesn't he get more NTR doujins given his known love of fucking other men's wives?

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You avoided my unavoidable strike, Seibahh!!!!


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gay bulge vs raw ass
peace was never an option

Gay what?
Did you just throw me [...]

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I don't understand how you dodge an undodgeable attack. It reverses causality, so it pierces your heart before being thrust, but then doesn't hit because luck? Doesn't make sense.


>Turns 7
Ah, so that why Scat gets so many shota doujins.

Luck stat means it doesn't do the causality stuff because luck explicitly allows you to defy fate in Fate. It just turns it into a normal (hyperlethal) spear thrust you can dodge or otherwise deal with so long as you're fast/strong enough.

Think of it like Warhammer rules: He automatically makes a hit role, he automatically makes a wound role, but Saber can still get lucky and negate the mortal wound by rolling a 5.

it doesn't magically lock onto your heart. if you get lucky, the aim was slightly off.

>nothing personal

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Oh so that's why Archer is the bottom in most of the doujin with Lancer


It's a curse. Think of Luck as a Magic Resistance stat that only defends against esoteric curses like this.

Saber still got crippled with an unhealing wound even when she survived.


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>large space for breasts
>no breasts

If Gae Bolg is so fast and accurate you can't evade it, except you have plot armor, how is there enough time to block it?

Why is gay??? this???

Yes it does; that's the whole point. It removes "aiming" from the equation altogether by making "heart gets pierced" the first thing that happens.

No because Ferdiad

Assassin killed Cu because he used Zabaniya before Cu used Gae Bolg. That's the only reason. If Gae Bolg was used slightly earlier, he would have won no matter what tricks Assassin had up his sleeve. There's no evading Gae Bolg.

>There's no evading Gae Bolg.
Except all the other times when servants evaded Gae Bolg

Who would win between that and Tsubame Gayshi


Too much of a jobber ingame to command the necessary respect for that.

Cu's foster brother/gay lover

hehehehe aegis goes brrrrrrrrr

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>thought Gae Bolg's reverse causality shit was badass and thought mythological Gae Bolg also never missed.
>Started reading about Cu Chulainn's legend
>That's not what Gae Bolg does, it just literally super fucks a person up by exploding inside of them
>A spear that never misses is Odin's Gungrir in Norse myth

Maybe that's why it keeps missing? Because the Throne gave Gae Bolg the wrong fucking ability?

>his caster version is literally Odin so he has the potential to use Gungnir
>but he's a caster so he doesn't have a lance
E rank luck strikes again

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throne didn't give him that ability, cu just figured it out as a spear technique on his own, like how not!sasaki mastered tsubame gaeshi on his own

I more just figured Nasu thought it'd be as more interesting ability. Not to mention something Shirou could be revived from. But for the sake of the joke I like to imagine from in-universe the Throne of Heroes is massively prone to mythological errors.

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Cu alter kinda gets gae bolg original ability and summer Scáthach throws it correctly

The problem is that Odin is on the same tier as Romulus so he would need a suitable saint graph to be a proper summon and well Cu is a fucking shitty container. Even as a caster, Odin should be able to kick ass if he had the proper container.

Thrown one is just an exploding missile.

If something in FSN is described as impossible, expect it to happen in the next 5 or so scenes.

I'm Irish and the correct pronunciation for the mythological Gáe Bolg Spear is "gaw-bullug"

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You cannot be a bull in Nasuverse without being over-the-top evil (even Gil basically turned asexual and only interested in his golem trap buddy as soon as as he became anything more than a baby-eating villain). Otherwise you might accidentally cuck the virgin MC and make all the people self-inserting into that MC feel bad.

Thrown Gae Bolg doesn't have the heart seeking curse.
It's just a homing attack, so Archer took it head on with his best shield.
The original Fate materials are literally DnD.
There's references to saving throws and everything.

FSN Gae Bolg is really tame compared to myth Gae Bolg.
It's supposed to turn its opponent into bramble

>even Gil basically turned asexual and only interested in his golem trap buddy as soon as as he became anything more than a baby-eating villain
You clearly didn't read CCC

Look, do you remember playing some kiddy games with other kids in the sandbox? Like, when you pointed your toy gun at someone and said "You're dead, drop", and he said "Nuh, uh"? The exact same principle is in work here, except that more work was put into writing down the rules which no one follows anyway.

Reminder that Lancer can't kill Siegfried
>Gae Bolg (held) is rank B
>Armor of Fafnir negates all attacks B and below
The Celtic Chad fears the German Hick

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>Obsession with self inserting
Yeah, looks like you're conceding.

>hax noble phantasm but hardly ever uses it right and smartly


It's shown in HA that they do when they hit properly without the opponent's luck helping. It's ridiculous actually, this and God Hand really have a stupid rank for something that nowadays would be considered A++.
Its curse can't be healed even with Avalon, very cost-efficient, has tracking ability, and can be used as an AOE attack that can be thrown from 40kms away to snipe.
>Lancer can use his runes and Noble Phantasm together to temporarily raise the rank to A, but it'd still be a very disadvantageous fight but "one with some chances."
The material said that Cu can even theoretically defeat Berserker by mixing different runes on Gaebolg to raise its rank, his combat ability was just nerfed too much to actually win twelve times. German hick can stay a hick


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There is a weak spot in his armor and Gaebolg would strike him from behind.

haha he said gay

!!! [GAY BONG] !!!

Nta, but this is a great way to dumb it down, thanks. Ive always found the explanations I've heard lacking.

Fagulus is meant to be tossed around like the bitch he is.

>Otherwise you might accidentally cuck the virgin MC and make all the people self-inserting into that MC feel bad
Yeah, because cucking always makes a story better. You definitely aren't a cuck bitching about ntr not being more common under the guise of "lol, self-inserters are losers".

Lancer would have to know it would fail beforehand. He would probably just try it raw like he did with Saber and bounce off of Siegfried's chest.
And then the moments after that will be spooky for both parties
>Cu will begin buffing himself foe his next poke or run away
>Siegfried will stop fighting defensively like we see him do in apoc manga
It's not as if Lancer isn't aiming his thrusts. If he used it against Achilles it wouldn't automatically target his heel and snake up his body until it hit his heart. even though snaking through the body is exactly what it does in the myth