Broken girls

they are apealing. But why?

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savior complex?

Pure Kino factor?

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are they easy to connect to?

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"I can fix her" is not just a meme, many people believe they can when they are just as flawed. At least in manga you can be sure there can be a change.

If the broken parts are clean, sure

i don't know about that. Since non are perfect with that logic no one has the right to give advice on anyone about anything regarding their character despite how clearly damaging it may be. Although i do agree that irl people don't change they develop.

i like that logic.

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i wonder if people fall for broken girls irl...

i wonder how that expirience is.

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hmmm right...............

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the older the better.

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Because I can fix them

I can fix them. I can fix them all!

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personally for me it's that I want somebody who can self-destruct with me while we love each other

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oh. do explain to me what exactly you want. i am quite keen to know. like expand on your thoughts


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i sure love "broken" girls

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>that latest chapter
jesus fuck I may have underestimated the level of broken this girl is on

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>when the bullied is scarier than the bully

i'm sad, she's sad, let's fuck and afterwards rant about how life sucks. Pretty much the opposite of "i can fix them" more like "we can't be fixed". What about you user?

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One of my Dad's friends fell for this meme and then regretted it. He even tells his friends to never fall for a loony.

Kek what is he reading?

Seeing them being loved makes my heart happy

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It doesn't go very well from the guy that I know.

My hero academia




Miho literally did nothing wrong

Liar Satsuki Can See Death



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They can be fixed?

It's great. You end up being suicidal most of your life and your pen0r stops functioning.


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Most of the time no but people think they can fix them. But in the end a person can only fix themselves. Well it's the same with bad boys becoming good boys.

I like broken girls... they are uniqe i guess. It makes me feel my heart warm. I would not try to fix them and probobly break my self just due to their bad influence but ... just looking at their misery and antics makes it all worth it. Pluss i got a keen intrest in people that like death or are sucidal ecs. From personal expirience they are the best friends you can make. and worse case senario they kill them selfs, or if it's your girlfriend she cheats on you and dumps you. nothing too terrible. It's a presence that makes me feel conforteble.

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God I just want a broken dreams girl to hold hands with me and commit lover's suicide. It's my biggest fetish.

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who is the broken one?

i mean satoko in jun has a better idea. getting killed by your lover and being forever in their mind.

i mean for someone to be fixed it needs change of character, which is inposible without unethical methods (lobotomy , trauma ) and still that is just breaking it down and making it a clean slate where nothing can be painted on anymore. people develop but they don't change.If you fall for a broken girl you must like her as is and if her character develops so be it.

what's happens to the dick?

ENTER Meguritoko

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If you die inside, your dick dies with you!

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What the hell happened to his art

no wonder his crying. its garbage!

when i was depressed i got addicted to porn wtf you on about. I had an erection 24/7

seems good to me.

quite cute too

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Uninteligible satokoese

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that's not broken that's dead.

>"I can fix them"
No you can't, fags. Half of you haven't talked to another human being face to face in years

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Same reason the losers on this board like autistic/awkward girls. They are worried that a woman who has her shit together won't like them because they are losers, so they want a woman who is weak, lower on the social scale than them, either traumatized or socially awkward and therefore dependent on them, so they won't leave.

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I want them to break me

We can fix each other

New chapter when?

>frogposter tourist can't take the cock out of his mouth so he projects on Yea Forums
This is a chadboard, you wouldn't understand what you're dealing with, freak.

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Ideally mine would be crippled as well so she could literally physically not leave. Maybe some facial burns or scarring too for maxed out self-loathing

You can't tell by looking?

I've dated exclusively broken girls, I wouldn't recommend it.


a man of refined taste