Actually try depending this shit

Actually try depending this shit

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I can neither condemn nor defend it since I don't know the context.

If you kill him (out of anger) then you're letting your emotions control your actions which makes you a woman or a faggot.

how have you not seen S;G user?

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zero isn't canon


Is it Zero? I didn't watch Zero

I don't even remember this.

kys huntertranny plothole x asspull is never coming back

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>If you kill your enemies, they win!
I fucking hate batman.

Batman is more like "Im afraid Im gonna like killing too much"

I love s;g to death but this line and all the "action" scenes on that rooftop are indefensible, absolute trash. Whenever i watch 0 i just forget its in there and focus on the depression kino

The only time I've ever dropped a series in the middle on an episode. In a way, it's impressive that they actually were able to make SG0 even worse than the VN.

I'm not smart enough to understand it so no

Steins Gate is fucking trash.

Rent x Free

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>hunterKEK trying to one-up after getting BTFO

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So you advocate for emotionless killing?

why did they even made it?
S;G was perfect as is. The Kurisutina movie made it even better.
And then S;G 0 turned it all into a huge pile of trash.

>calling S;G 0 shit while calling the movie "good"
I hate secondaries so much it's unbelievable

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Wrong. If you kill someone, he's dead and you're not. You're not the same.

Well if you ask a buddhist or something they'd probably say:
Because we manifest our own realities. If you believe you need to kill another to get something you want or to be safe, then you already believe you're a slave to that thing, and your freedom and safety are conditional.



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Don't blame, batman. The dude is already mentally ill and he doesn't want to jump pass even more lines than he needs to.
Blame the government for not euthanizing them.


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I unironically have never heard of this before.

Trashmen and demons don't get a whole lot of respect their way, but it doesn't change the fact that someone somewhere has to take care of it.

I'm not a schizo

I hate this trope. I think it shows a lack of conviction in your own sense of morality to not dispense righteous justice when it's warranted.

Anime and manga never explain it because the Japanese are already familiar with it.

Daru is half-right, in this context killing the guy wasn't necessary and would have only hurt the killer, but it's totally okay to kill a mortal enemy that hurt your family or you personally.

the VA for this fat otaku is my favorite seiyuu and i refuse to watch him acting this fat fuck character.

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He’s right, but people just interpret it the wrong way. Maybe he should’ve made it more obvious what he meant by that?
Exhibit A of his logic being characters like Injustice Superman.
Of course, there’s no problem with killing pieces of shit if you always stick to your rules instead of being arbitrary (which is what Batman has an issue with and what the quote is about).

>brutally kill a sadistic torturing murder rapist that hates girls including all happiness and love
>ur just as bad
Yes, I fucking used an extreme example and I don't care. Doesn't change the fact there's a point punishing is completely justified along with your catharsis. Shoot this retard.

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Batman's logic would make sense if people from his universe had enough sense to give death penalty to those criminals instead.

Batman literally wants to and has been pushed far enough several times, but he's literally scared he won't stop once he crosses that line. Don't blame him for everyone's retarded moralfaggotry.

Goku literally killed "bullies" left and right knowing it would make everything go away. He was perfect.

Rent free

The problem is anime medium paints a black and white world where you can easily identity who is insane and evil. But the reality is very messy and it's not a good thing to entertain violent impulses against those you disagree with. Everyone was killing everyone in the name of justice during French revolution even though none of them were truly evil and agreed on a lot of things.

The French aren't human, they're an exception.

Idk man, some people are just a lost cause and need to be taken out.

And the French deserve everything bad

No, I meant that I am a buddhist and I have never heard of it.

Injustice superman literally went crazy because of Batman though. He was fine at first until batcuck kept telling him it was wrong to actually have a secure prison system for villains and other reasonable shit until he went full dictator to fight against Batman. You literally shot yourself in the foot even without this because the main motivator for Injustice Superman is the result of Batman not killing Joker.

Reading wikipedia articles and a couple of books doesn't make one a buddhist.

I am from a buddhist country, you smartass.

Fatty mc fat-kun is a fucking otaku so it would make sense for him to have the most otaku opinion ever.

on second thought, what make you qualified to know about Buddhist's opinion?

What? Buddhists think everything is conditional and dependent. That's the whole point of codependent arising and nagarjuna's emptiness. This is in stark contrast to Christians who believe in soul and attributing our actions as originating from it. Free will doesn't make sense in buddhist metaphysics.

NTA. But different countries produced different Buddhisms. It originally used to be badass philosophy with theoretical rigor(I guess because of ancient Indian practice of open debates) but as it went east it changed form and mixed with a lot of native east asian traditions. There's just no one Buddhism now.

The thing that ignored every time this debate comes up. Any real life government, state or federal would have executed most of these villians before they got to this level, and Arkham would not be run by the morons running it. It's just shit writing to keep a fandom that would bitch about permanently killing them happy.

It really is

are hunterCHADS the most rentfree series after Snkeks on this board?

No, you can't blame all of it on Batman. Wonder Woman was the main person pushing Superman toward the worst decisions. On top of that world's Clark being more unstable than the mainline world. Not to mention a lot of bullshit writing that made everyone retarded as plot demanded or broke it's own message like with Harley.

Gook detected, opinion discarded.

What's so wrong with having a character who says that? Does the story present it as objectively correct? I think that prevention is the best policy, so euthanizing "some" people so they don't have to suffer nor allow for them to commit evil acts is arguably a good idea. A person who would be against this but be in support of intentionally inflicting pain/ful deaths is unsound to say the least.

I'm blaming batman because his actions motivated the need for those shitty alternatives. Like you say, Clark was fucked up at that point, and having his former best friend fuck with all of his efforts because of his own moral hangups only led to him choosing the most drastic and hard to undo courses of action.
God kill me before I remember

There can be truth in it depending on the context and the goals of a character.
If your aim is justice, then killing first and asking questions later makes you just as bad as your enemies (if not worse). You are preemptively murdering people and accepting the risk of harming innocents. Furthermore, your decision to take your vigilantism to that level goes beyond committing a simple crime (the vigilantism). You are robbing people of agency and depriving a jury of the potential criminal's peers, or their monarch/ruler, etc. a chance to give their say in the matter. You are in essence waging war on the basic principals of a state, regardless of political leaning. And that's the number one no-no a person could makeif they ultimately want to participate in a society.

Buuuut if you just want to kill people or dont care about justice or any of that political shit (or you're ancap) you're golden.

I'm not saying that Batman doesn't deserve a major chunk of the blame, especially since everyone in that universe is a worse version of themselves as shown when our heroes came in to fix shit. Just saying the lion's share came from everyone taking advantage of clark's mental state or was too cowardly to really put their foot down toward the former until Batman did it. Diana was the worst about it, and kept spiraling since Lois' memory was stronger than the lure of Amazon pussy.
Let's be honest, if Clark's dream where bats kills Joker actually happened, would things really have been better? Or would Clark or one of the others still be a timebomb?

You mean jesus

This thread needs Muramasaman and The Law of Balance

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It's a kill-or-be-killed world, user.
There's too much going on in life to give a fuck about anyone else's inconvenience when you decide to defend yourself.
Those George Floyd riots was a very minute scale of total anarchy.

Wtf kind of character is this?