Boku no hero academia

Is there anything this madlad is NOT responsable for?

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First for GODbi

the DfO reveal is going to be such a shower of shit, can't wait

AFO caused global warming

Happy together in the afterlife soon.

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AFO did Iran-Contra

AFO did 9/11 and invaded Ukraine

AFO built Polybius

>Dabi was in a coma for 3 years

Why would Ujiko waste his resources on someone who is about to die?

Endeavor's son, and he tried to kill his brother. They needed hate, and lots of it.

Touya was the prettiest sex doll he could use to let out all his frustrations.

AFO is actually hori's real father who can travel between the 2D and 3D planes at will

At the same time Dabi was a liability since he destroyed the whole facility and the people inside not long after waking up, so they let him go without fuzz like that.

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>wake up from a 3 year coma and your entire body has been sewn together using the skin of other people's corpses
>your last memory is burning to death
Putting everything else aside I'd go fucking insane too.

Yes. That's dumb.
When Touya came home, Endeavor would be angry at the clinic.
Endeavor would send the police to investigate

He was already murderous before any of that.

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>Hori regresses on worldbuilding and just makes one character behind everything.
This really is just Naruto for zoomers.

In the end Dabi didn't go back home because Endeavor was training Shoto instead, when he still could've any time. Nothing was holding him back but faggotry.

it's significantly worse than naruto

and that's no small feat

I'm really hoping he doesn't go Full Zetsu, but yeah, it really is similar. I think it's just because Kishi and then Hori didn't want to deal with the realistic way of fixing their terrible fucking worlds, so they made a single figure behind them being so shit.

AFO was the guy Twice ran over by accident and he also killed Twice's parents.

AfO flunked Mustard out of middle school.

Yes, but it is stupid that AFO/Ujiko let Touya flee.
If he went home, the police/endavor would ask where he was.

>Dabi's backstory was half a chapter
Kek and it was also literally nothing.

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>"Where was I? A magical orphanage that saved my life, where I got to frolic and play with other children. Where is it? I burned it to the ground, there's no paper trail, nothing. "
He'd be bunkmates with Rei.

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Don't think too much into it, it just happened like that and that's it. Dabi took care of all evidence and witnesses anyway.

It's because they don't want to address multiple issues because it either makes the world more bleak than they want it to be because it makes the good guys look like enablers or it would take an extra bulk of chapters to tie things up, so they just settle for "X did it".

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Or bunkmates with Moonfish since he confessed killing missing kids and would be a perfect scapegoat for AFO

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I wonder if they know how hacky it is. I genuinely think having shit be resolved off-screen would be less dumb.

Finally, a good post.

But still AFO had literally nothing to do with how Dabi turned out, so Hori is still going schizo here. He doesn't know what to do and still wants to whitewash Endeavor.

Even if they did, Hori, just like Kishi, is at a point where he just wants to finish his manga and take a break. So it doesn't matter to them.

>AFO behind Toga
>AFO behind Twice
>AFO behind Spinner
>AFO behind Overhaul
>AFO behind Redestro
>AFO behind Mustard
>AFO behind Muscular
>AFO behind Oji Harima
>AFO behind the fridge that ruined Gentle life
Impeccable writing

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The current chapter is just trying to establish exactly how Touya survived. Only AfO has to resources to reconstruct a kid that burned himself to death. The only blame AfO has is reviving Touya who later went on his own and turned to Dabi because AfO is the only reason he's alive.

>AFO behind the fridge that ruined Inko's body

>When Hori thought the Black Zetsu plot twist was pure genius.

At the same time, it would be dumb to have him be saved by anyone else. Who else would it be? Stain? Overhaul?

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Recovery Girl

It might've been kinda cool if it was Re-Destro's organization, but there was no hint that they knew Dabi so it would've been a huge asspull.

Let's be honest here he always was Dabi. While AFO had to spend decades to groom Shigaraki into a killer, he didn't need to say a peep to Dabi and he was already going full Michael Myers. The kid he was at 4 perfectly fits the man he is now.

>AFO commissions all the GRAPED art
>does it in minoru's name and with his parent's credit card
>plasters the outside of the 1-A dorm with his commissions
>hides in the bushes watching the students beat the shit out of minoru for being a pervert

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>"You remember that bird you drank, Toga?"
>"It was me!"

>Jiro is sad she has the smallest amount of art

>AFO: Hey Endeavor, wanna hear a joke?
>Endeavor: What is it?
>AFO: Why is Touya similar to you?
>Endeavor: Don't do it--
>AFO: Because you both never technically earned first place and never will.
>Endeavor: flips table

I know, I'm just saying AfO's blame is saving him. He didn't create Dabi, he just let Dabi be born.

Which is a travisty because she's easily one of the hottest girls in 1-A

More like he let Dabi continue

Yeah, this sums it up better.

He made me pee that one time at school

Holy fuck you too?!

While I appreciate his commitment to being a dick for literally no reason other than he finds it fun, the world could certainly use other villains being responsible for bad shit happening.

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