How do you feel about yuri sidecouples in non-yuri manga/anime?

How do you feel about yuri sidecouples in non-yuri manga/anime?

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Yuri is dogshit in any capacity


I feel like you're mentally ill.

Show some examples

It's extremely based

I'm Hayasaka?

Based on what?

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It's nice.

I think it can be very cute if done right.
It helps that I'm not a self-inserter or, even worse, a retard /pol/tard so I am not immediately triggered by it.

Homosexuality is a dead end both genetically and spiritually so it's pointless and a detriment.
Almost as bad as straight side couples that are better than the main couple but never get a satisfying conclusion.

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It should happen more often. Yuri is hot and cute as fuck.


Shouldn't be the girl with the biggest tits. The idea of big tits never being used for paizuri is a disgrace.


Side couples in general are only acceptable if the main romance is good. Which is never the case in a romcom, and very specially not in Kaguya.

I feel like DEJA VU

wrong see inari konkon koi iroha. main couple was both shit and forgettable. side couple was the best part.
holy based

Absolutely incorrect. Astonishingly bad taste, probably does not actually read manga

I don't care. Not reading something with hetshit as focus

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based based based
fuck hetshit and fuck men

Based, women power sis

you will never be a woman

I want to lick her sweat.


Why would scummy dudes back off just from that? In fact I'd think it would make them more likely to keep bothering the women in question.

It was literally the only reason to even watch the god awful second season of Chuunibyou

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Fucking gross nigger. Neck yourself and take that faggot shit to the grave with you.

kyoani was so bad at choosing the original source material to adapt

>another insecure male triggered by that page
It works every time

KyoAni should have made them sisters.

This thread again, huh.

But maintained the yuri subplot


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Post this image to scare away yurifags

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>another tranny self inserting into that page

Many such cases

True. But desu it's not that big of a deal. Like, in an all-girl's school setting, 96% of the cast is statistically just prison gay and will go on to marry men when they graduate.

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Why do yurifags hate themselves?

>I don't care. Not reading something with hetshit as focus

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You're touching too much grass. Clean your feet and get acquainted with anime and manga

I'm not 2D

Yuri is pure headcannon by trannies

Did she get a kiss from a girl?

>Yuri is pure


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Me on the left.

What is worse, a yurifag or a self inserter?

Me behind the corner

This one is shit.

Are you italian?

Yuri is only good when written by women, because otherwise it's just a fetish of self-hating men



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Very pleasant surprise unless I don't care about the characters.

Tell me you retards aren't from Yea Forums without telling me you retards aren't from Yea Forums. Neither of you are welcome here. Get the fuck out and kill yourselves.


Is Chika yuri good news if son


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Nothing about the OP was remotely provocative this time and anti yuri retards are still insufferable crossboarding shit that blatantly can't post with any quality.

Maybe this is a sign to pack your shit and leave to your shithole, you obnoxious self hating trannies.

OP asked how people feel about yuri pairings in non-yuri series.

>another thread from vs schizo
>samefagging to his own posts
>same pics as always
It's been like years schizo, haven't you waste your life enough doing this 24/7?

Kys already falseflagging ban evading schizo
Wasn't getting banned 3 times in a day enough for you?

>lieking yuri makes anyone on Yea Forums a /u/tard or tranny becuz i sed so
Kill yourself, retarded tourist.