What did she do to deserve what happened to her...

What did she do to deserve what happened to her? In every arc she got physically and emotionally torn up until she ended up as a schizo trainwreck freak cursed to wander the earth for 10,000 years alone. Meanwhile the people that did this to her get to spend that eternity in buddhist heaven until she learns how to delete them permanently from existence, which is what they all want to happen in the end

What went so wrong?

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Hang yourself frogspamming twitter immigrant.

Please stay on the thread of this thread, which is the bitter fate of Phosphophyllite in Houseki no Kuni

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You first, frogspamming twitter immigrant.

She deserved it for fucking up rutile and cynanbar

When? Do you mean in the final battle, or earlier in the series emotionally? Either way I'd disagree, it was really inevitable in both cases and both of their faults each time.

Tried to obtain knowledge.

Fuck all the gems, Phos shoulda killed em all. Fuck sensei too, do your job nigga. I hate you too shitsha you don't deserve happiness for betraying Phos.

The implication was that Adam praying would have also eradicated the gems, which is why he was refusing to do so

Fucking based, holy shit.


>What went so wrong
Ichikawa didn't get her PS5 until after she fucked everything up. Please understand.

Ghost deserved better.
She was the only gembutt who really, truly cared about Phos.
Shitsha cheated on her the moment she got the chance, Craig turned out to be an obnoxious slut horny for moon dick, Antrac loved sensei more and would've hated Phos for "betraying" him
Yet Ghost, who actually cared for her, is forgotten

The author is a stupid, he thinks that suffering = a good story. The whole thing is nonsense full of plot holes. Not the plot holes morons call plot holes because they don't pay attention or because a story doesn't spell out every detail but actual plot holes. Things in the story which outright contradict each other.

The author sets up that gems, because of their age, never give up on something in order to create a situation where all the gems remain static characters. Then, Phos loses their legs and oh, haha, let's just give up combing the ocean for them. Then Phos loses their arms and oh, haha, let's just give up scouring the ocean floor exactly where we know they lost them and just give up on it.

All of this to create a 'break the cutie' story which wrecks his own logic by replacing Phos' parts so that their personality would change to one which the writer wanted after having created a situation where that can't happen. This is shown when Phos is eaten by the snail which shows they won't give up regardless of how impossible the situation seems. Especially again because we know that no parts of Phos are ever lost, even on the moon their hardness is high enough where it can be recovered. There is no way any of the events after losing their legs could ever happen. This story is nonsense and I had to give up on it because it's the work of a hack

the gems never cared about phos, so they felt no need to help her recover her parts
they have much better things to do, ones they actually want to do

Trusted the Moonies.


troons love this show like flies to shit because all the characters are non binary

Cairngorm is a NIGGER

They do search for Phos underwater, close to shore. But they can't be underwater too long. They mention that they need to apply resin to keep the white powder from washing off, so they don't look "ugly". But later, we see from the Ice Flows that the salt water is actually sentient. Just like the metal, which is supposed to be inanimate, turns out to be actually sentient (when it encases Phos).

Get out of the ocean, and you have a thin layer of salt crystals on you when the water dries. It could be that direct contact with NaCl crystals will fuck gems up mentally, so they need the resin, which they have a finite supply of. It'd be like grafting on a different gem's skin. We see from ghost/cairngorm that a different' gem's skin will make a huge phycological difference.

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It is le buddhism allegory, first noble truth: life is suffering. She suffers because she desires

I think Phos suffers for her own stupidity, naiveness and in-built weaknesses and fragility and everything that came after was just a result of her trying to deal with a problem way bigger than what she could manage.
Was it deserved? Yes, it was her price to pay for what she wanted to accomplish with her current set of skills.

Basically don't try to make everyone happy if you don't have a very good plan, because improvising will break you if you truly care about them. Different people that come from different settings will always find a reason to clash, you have to expect this because the average human ego is quick to find flaws and dehumanize others, finding sin and wanting nothing to do with it except punishment, the majority of people are immature and will stay immature their whole life.
Even with this knowledge, you'll end up as a common enemy trying to disrupt the statusquo for many if you are found out, no matter how good of a person you actually are, no matter if what you are doing is the best thing for everyone.
So if you want to improve everyone's life, don't because it's an endless struggle that will reap rewards only in a very distant future and you are just a monkey that wants reward now. And if you really want to, then don't tell them a single fucking thing because people are dumb and there will always be that one FAGGOT crab trying to fight back improvements because they wants everyone in the future to be as miserable as them and actually enjoys being miserable because it's part of who they are.

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>They all want to disappear in the endSo aren't they basically just making the Buddhist version of Jörmungandr ?

Rutile was a selish cunt that didn't want Padpa to be healed, but be the one to heal her. And the moment Cinna got accepted by the group she immediately dropped Phos (the only one that cared about her before that) and didn't think twice about breaking her and sealing her away for hundred of years.

THEY are a good gem and I will respect THEM very much. Happy now?

Not surprising. Troons make up 50% of all anime fans.

Troons also love idol shows because it's full of nothing but girls and they fantasize about being one, what's your point?

The point is that you should stick to battle shonen and not watch this garbage or idol shows.

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>What did she do to deserve what happened to her?
Consistently choose the worst possible course of action, albeit with usually good intentions.

Basically every bad thing to happen to Phos would never occur if they had just not been a lazy cunt and actually worked at a job instead of running around making promises they never tried to fulfill and picking fights.

True thank god shonens are standards of masculinity without any trannies in it

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There's a reason we bully huntertrannies on this board user. Now you get it.

>it's only in hxh
It's in most shonen retard, one piece, mha, hxh, etc
And they're not even genderless non humans like in Houseki, they're literal actual trannies

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>gets murdered as soon it starts to speak about its backstory
Thank you for such a based example.

>characters keep talking about him in a fond light and use his death as a source of motivation
Not as based as you think.

>characters are villains
I think it is.

You're explicitely meant to empathize with the villains in mha, yes

This is ultimately my takeaway for the whole story.

All the problems originate from the fact the gems don't care about phos. Not in any way that actually matters. Maybe they did care but simply didn't show it properly, but it amounts to the same thing for the sufferer. It all goes wrong when not a single gem takes Phos' desire to contribute seriously. Getting worse and worse from there. Really, it's even worse they didn't reinforce to Phos that they cared even if she can't contribute. Every living thinking creature needs some sense of intimacy to survive. Being useful can be a mental fallback for those that lack it, but not a good one.

What happens when you are neither useful NOR cared for?


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But they're still villains. You are at the end of the day meant to be rooting against them.

And? If the troon is part of the villain group that got a whole arc focusing on them and humanizing them (plus the whole shit with the MC wanting to save their leader or whatever) his death is certainly not written as a "haha based we killed the tranny" like you pretend it was, it was written as a way to make you feel bad about the group losing a good friend to them.

prove it

My issue with this take is it absolves Phos of blame for their own actions and the state of their relationships. The Gem society is highly utilitarian with an emphasis on community and shared responsibility due to its small size and threats posed to it, and Phos is a lazy incompetent fuckup who repeatedly refuses to work and makes a mess when they do. They have been that way for centuries with no real passion to pursue or actual contribution to the community, living essentially off good will alone. Of other gems don't care about Phos its because they do nothing to earn friendship or loyalty, and even then you can clearly see they DO care given they afford Phos protection, shelter, and for some of them they even show concern when they sense Phos is endangered (albeit few do this)

Phos isn't owed companionship and love for just existing. Relationships are built by both parties and Phos is fucking awful at doing it, even with literally 100s of years. The fact Phos never cared enough about the others to devwlop a real work ethic purely to give back to them shows they're just as guilty as the other gems are for their shit interpersonal relationships - as evidenced further by how they make that promise to Cinnabar and then do fucking nothing to try uphold it besides mope.

Phos a shit.

>What went so wrong?
It is one of the ways of interpreting reality.

Currents nigga
And I don't know where you're getting this never give up shit from, the gems are lazy as fuck and adopt an "it can't be helped" mindset whenever anything changes

All of the gems except humanized Phos are osychopaths. Sometimes they pretend to care about each other but that's illusory? as shown by the ease with which the moon gems defect and completely stop caring about their old "friends" on Earth and the gems the Lunarians killed. There is ultimately very little difference between the gems and lunarians, the moonies have just been around a lot longer and hit their mental limits.


That question mark is a typo

Phos makes me hard

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This was the best incarnation of Phos. This is peak performance.

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He trusted the gems.

Why are there so many /pol/tards in this thread, phos’s transition is beautiful
Ghost a shit for keeping my wife trapped inside her, if she was actually a nice gem she would have sacrificed herself to free gormy a long time ago

Any news from the author at all?

Things were wrong to begin with, but phos bit off more then she could chew & was basically a target for manipulation from moon man from way early on as confirmed by his " make them human/ more then human plan" based on his early observation of phos & the first step being ventricous. The only person who could actually stop it was sensei- but sensei has a communication block so he could only yell at and try to tell phos not to go after being useful the way they wanted. Which clearly didn't work, and he had a conflict of interest in trying to stop ( i.e. sensei is old and also wanted it all to end).

But the whole paranoia and schisim developed between phos and sensei that spreads to between phos and all the other gems is the most common root for phos problems with others.

Now was every problem along the way one or the others fault? No, that's too black and white of an approach.
Phos losing their arm was their own teeter tottering, phos projecting antarc onto carn was their own, phos not being able to let go what happened to antarc and deciding to go to the moon, that decision was their own. Because they didn't bother really talking about it with anyone but cinnebar, or the other gems who've also lost gems. They just ran head first into it.

I don't think this means everything is their fault either,bagain thats too simplistic & binary. But phos descent is a great show of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

There was no way to end the conflict between moonies and gems without someone used as a sacrifice based on the goals and predilections of Achemea. If phos wasn't the one to do this, Achmea would have eventually targeted a gem and gotten the same results. Because their definition of "human"/ "beyond human" is skewed to an indivudy who continually suffers and will deal out more suffering ( i.e. "Vengeance being the most human emotion").

Phos just happened to be the ideal gem for it who also willingly stumbled readily into it too.


To me it doesnt make sense how they can convert gems into lunarians with no consequences. They are entirely different beings structually.
But the explanation was waved away. Its like converting males to female with surgery, the individual is still XY chromosomes.

The only ending that would make me happy at this point, is if she achieves enlightenment herself, and there's this whole inner peace thing going on, despite the insane suffering. All the gems and Lunarians are expectant and bored, waiting for the chance to be finally sent to the afterlife, and then Phos merely moves on by ascending or something of the sort, leaving them with a message to find their inner peace too.
Course that's not gonna fly with them, seeing all their effort wasted, and I sure as hell don't picture them ever coming to terms with themselves to escape the monotony.

>unironic gorm waifutard
your wife is literal shit

>Phos shoulda killed em all
what? that's literally what happened. didn't they ask phos to kill them?lol

Fippy bippy
It's a dude

You’re just jealous, gormy is by far the sexiest and purest of all the gems.

I want them to create colossal size gems and come to the moon and destroy them all until all planes in the galaxy are gone