Tokyo Revengers


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no you cant

You can't even fix yourself

I love him as he is. There's nothing to fix.

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No way, he needs help.

Yes, but no fixing. He just needs love and acceptation.

This is true of most of us. The normalfags who find this meme relatable are the exception.

>not even 1 panel of Mikey
>ded as shit
He's the only one carrying this now after Draken died.

I told you he was coming and he finally CAME. now he'll finish with SADjiro

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How are they even planning to redeem this guy after he literally killed that other nigga


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Does anyone find bonten arc mitsuya to be really unappealing?

He's literally just a dollar store version of draken, it's fucking horrible how he got butchered.

Demonic eyes

Yeah, he looks like he's just trying hard to imitate Draken and he became terrible in general. This arc ruined most characters for me. I'm only here for Mikey at this point.

Is Mikey gonna get a tattoo?

He won't survive long enough to get one

bruh, south murdered and did lots of evil shit for a long time now. Mikey did the world a favor.

the only thing keeping me going is learning more about mikey/sanzu and ape's potential to cause a shitstorm with his powerups.

You’re making it very hard for me to acceptate you, user

>Mikey did the world a favor.
Not even that. It was a fight to the death South wanted, he would have killed Mikey too if he had won.

We need Mikey to do something and get cancelled again so Mikey lawyers assemble and breathe life to these threads


Who's Mikey petting? Draken and...? Haruchiyo? Who's the black one?

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his big bro.

shota Tora

If Takemichi learned BJJ this series would have ended really soon

Takemichi can fight, he just didn't and let people die and suffer because he's a piece of shit

Kanto Manji cover?

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he physically sucks, the typical BJJ/strongman regimen would have made him able to compete

you think he can fight? LOL

I kind of feel weirded out seeing 30 year old boomers like these guys fighting against people much younger.

Even though most of the cast is like 18-20 years old after the time skip.

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I feel like this but all the time with Takemichi.

I assume you're not up to date with the manga. He's on par with Kakucho in strength. He was actually strong all along, just pretended to be weak.

after we see him struggle like fuck to guillotine that one bloke? HAHAHA, really?

Yes. It's complete bullshit, shits on every arc prior, and makes Takemichi retroactively look like a complete piece of crap for never being "serious" despite all the tragedy going on.
Author dropped the ball hard.

It's slightly less cringe because takemichi is physically the same age as them.

I was hoping for a Kanto cover with the gang uniforms desu. I hope we eventually get one.

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I wish that this took the time travel gimmick seriously and that the author knew a little more about martial arts, half of these kids would have broken hands swinging ungloved punches without training

You mean the other nigga that was a psychotic gangster.
The other nigga that tormented his ex gang to join him ir DIE if they don't.
The other nigga that tormented Draken daily.
And while he didn't order assassination of Draken, he still told to his grunt that killed Draken that he DID WELL. So that other nigga that celebrated death of Draken by starting a war when gangs were still in shock over it so he can kill them TOO.

It's hilarious how fags act as if what Mikey did to South was unwarranted. Especially because before that these same fags were bitching about Mikey for just standing there and not doing shit to avenge Draken, but when he does they start acting as if South-kun was a poor little boy that got killed by tiny evil gremlin for no reason at all.

I think he does know about martial arts. Wakui has said he enjoyed watching MMA or some shit. He just doesn't care about realism. There's even a girl boss leading men now who's one of the strongest characters in the manga.

Girls with the correct striking training can heem blokes, especially around that age. >_> It's not easy and they have to work way harder and dropoff when you become an 8 to a 9/10 in skill/proficiency, but Senju is entirely believable in efficacy.

It's the way they fight which is lame. MMA is really interesting, especially in anime. It'd affect these fights a lot and make a weakling able to believably turn the tables. It's in 2006, right? And he has knowledge of the future. People were untrained as FUCK back then and didn't know about how to counter different styles, how to take/give leg kicks, how to grapple, etc

South was even yelling "this is the end of Draken's requiem!" while charging at Mikey. He was his mocking his best friend's death all the time. It's unfortunate Mikey became a murderer since it sealed his fate as a criminal, but South brought that shit upon himself. And if Mikey hadn't killed him the ex-Toman guys would have been South's slaves by now.


It'd have been cooler if Senju kept dressing and acting like a boy. Now it doesn't make sense why she hated getting wet and wore that saggy uniform to hide her gender if now she's with her tits in the air like it's normal

>making sense
She supposedly saw her brother's jaw hanging open which supposedly traumatized her, yet her motivation was just a friendly dick contest with Mikey prior to 241. Plus she talked about Mikey prior to 240-241 as if she never personally met him. Just heard of him.
>I heard that there was some guy named Mikey. I want to take him on.
240 and 241 were such a last minute bullshit and you can't convince me otherwise.

Wakui is just making shit up on the spot and it shows. Senju is pure waifufag fanservice to pad out the arc, I don't think he has even made up his mind yet on her characterization.

At least we know Wakui still has plenty of ways to deal with the plane incident, since it was told from Senju's POV and she has no consistent characterization whatsoever, she can be whatever it's convenient. My guess is that she'll be used as Sanzu's ultimate trial to prove his loyalty to Mikey and shock the readers who forgot he killed Mucho in cold blood and were expecting him to be a poor good boy who cares about his sister.

I'm afraid this isn't just Senju as much as everything. Just look at out of nowhere Mitsuya's admiration for Jobtanis and chapter being played in fujo baiting way. As if Mitsuya and Hakkai are about to beat Mitsuya's former crushes.
Legendary duo also makes zero fucking sense. They only ever returned to gang life to support Senju, who they practically raised, yet they are now playing gangsters for the opposite team? Unless they are spying for Omi or some shit like that, they make zero sense.

>cowtits is already tired and worn out after defeating 50+ jobbers
>is supposed to be some badass brahman leader

This is pathetic, she's so much weaker than even the lackeys like drakken and kakucho, let alone bosses like izana, taiju, south and mikey.

>Legendary jobbers
I think they just like gang life and now they want to watch over Shin's brother or some shit like that. I doubt they really cared about Senju if they encouraged her to get into the gang world and let it turn into a criminal organization.

>capping herself at 100 all proudly
>worn out after beating 50
>legendary jobbers easily cleared at least 200 Rokuhara men
>even fatally wounded Baji managed to beat 50 mooks in a beat
Wakui has to be making her look pathetic on purpose


Why didn't they do so before? Why claim they were retired and only back as support to Senju? They could've played simps for Shin's brother since start of Toman if they gave a single fuck for Mikey. They didn't. They were pretty much nonexistent in his life. Not to mention that they both wanted to beat him in the war.
So, no. Your arguement makes no sense. Legendary due were never Mikey fags, nor gave a single fuck about him. Especially when compared to a girl that grew up with them.
Anyway, the point was that they had zero interest in gang life after Shin and have only returned to support Senju. Nothing more. Them being in Kanto makes zero sense unless there is an ulterior motive to it.

>wow Shin's brother went to the bad path/the adult criminal world
>oh shit he crossed the line by killing someone and became an unstopppable beast
>well at least we'll watch over him and mediate stuff from his side to avoid more casualties
There. They don't have to be Mikeyfags or anything to join the winning team lead by their dead friend's little bro.

>Especially when compared to a girl that grew up with them.
Weren't they just shown training together when Senju was already a teen?

>I think they just like gang life and now they want to watch over Shin's brother or some shit like that
While I wouldn't put it past Wakui to pull shit like this unironically, that would be an absolute shit tier. As he said . It makes no sense because it would only raise gazillion of questions.
>Why didn't they watch over Mikey before?
>Why weren't they in Toman to support him like they did with Senju?
>Why did they support Senju and came back to gang life for her if they never cared for her?
>Why not just go to Mikey again sooner if gang life is all they cared about and they cared about him as well?
>Why did they waste so much time on this girl they supposedly didn't care about, raising her and training her, instead of doing the same for Shin's brother? If we are to go with them pretending to care for Senju while actually caring for Mikey.
>Why were they so eager to beat his ass back then as well?
I'm sorru, but that motivation, your post, would kill a little character these two had. This shit is on pair with Mitchytards removing any character from Sanzu to make his character solely revolve around Mitchy even though he isn't even the part of the plot that is going on with Sanzu.

Omi went into hiding at one point. Completely alone. Even prior to hiding he spent time partying and never being home. There was no Sanzu during those times to take care of her.

>This shit is on pair with Mitchytards removing any character from Sanzu to make his character solely revolve around Mitchy even though he isn't even the part of the plot that is going on with Sanzu.
As one wise user once said, Mitchy and Mikey fags are the same autists.
Correction: Not their fags, but their self-insertors and their fujos.

Why do you assume I am a Mikeyfag because I predicted completely plausible dumb shit Wakui can come up with to justify this. And I don't think Waka&Benkei can be compared to Sanzu's obsession.

>Mitchyfags this
>Mikeyfags that
>it's the Senjufag!
TR threads are always full of schizos and not even the funny type. No wonder this shit is so dead.

Why do you quote me together with a guy who got your ass hurt when I never even mentioned Mikey fags in the first place? Wtf?

As for Sanzu, I was pointing out that trying to force narrative that legendary duo cares for Mikey's well being when they were never shown to do so in the past is on the pair with Mitchytards who do shit like that with other characters because everything has to revolve around them. It wasn't implication about you, but that this hc is on pair with that.

I know that I'm a ESL, but sometimes I question the reading comprehension of fags in these threads.

Tbf mikey and Ape are the only ones who keep this threads alive

What hc, user? You're just taking a dumb throwaway theory out of proportion and writing bibles over it. Sorry if I triggered your autism. I'll take my leave now.

That's because posters here all ESL.
That's why it is impossible to properly communicate. Kek

>this mad I simply mentioned Mikey fags even though I specified it was only his self-insertors and fujos who are schizos
Further proving my point.
>replying to headcanon tards
That was your first mistake. As proven by his reply to you.

No. Shitposters did. Which is why you fags can't even reach 500 posts anymore. Because they all left.

TR fags are truly special because shitposters are only ones to stay when everyone else leaves. For them to fuck off, tells a lot about these threads.

I hope TR stays around and gets remade. It's a concept more than a series in terms of why it's good. Imagine a reboot in live action ten years later with serious rewrite and Takemichi doing bjj and bitcoin.

It'd be okay if it was actual Mikey and Takemichi discussion, but every thread always ends up devolving into twitter drama or bitching about characterfags instead of the character themselves. 50 posts and we're already there. Amazing.