Boku no Hero Academia


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The chapter begins with the gorilla cop going to Doctor Garaki's cell. The old man is talking to himself, saying that they have spent a long time looking for seeds to cultivate. Seeds that nurtured a hatred towards society and that could become receptacles for All for One. We see a page showing Dabi and Shouto and then cut to flashback.
Touya is burning on Mount Sekoto in despair, saying that he doesn't want to die and that he still needs to show Endeavor what he is capable of. Just as he is practically charred, a man in a suit and hat, who appears to be All for One, emerges from the flames.
On the next page, Touya gets up from his bed in a mysterious facility, decorated with various childish decorations. As soon as he awakens, several children notice his presence and become excited, saying that the sleeper has finally woken up after 3 years. When he tries to say something, he notices that his voice is different. The children call the doctor and we are introduced to a bizarre figure with a sunflower face. Touya asks him to let him out and the doctor refuses, saying that from now on he will live there with his new family.
Touya cannot accept this, because he has said many horrible things to his family and his father must be worried about him. Just then, a voice comes out of a monitor and informs the boy that none of this will be possible, because restoring his body was too difficult. The missing parts have been patched up using other people as a base, so he will no longer be able to use the full power of his flames. They would have liked to recruit him at the peak of his potential, but he turned out to be a failure. Hearing these words he remembers what Endeavor used to say and despairs.

>AFO is responsible for everything
So how is he going to be involved with Spinner and Toga's backstory

I'm completely lost, if AFO had Shigaraki, why was he still picking up kids?

Post yfw Dabi is dying in the next chapters.

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Why not? Hundreds of years old with an all powerful quirk, might as well get as many loyal minions as possible.



Nothing. His death is actually mercy.

Dabi is the most unloyal character Hori has ever written though.

Is DFO gonna happen?

If it wasn't for Endeavor turning him into damaged goods he could have been like Shigaraki for All For One.

This is kinda familiar

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if Endeavor hadn't turned him into damaged goods he would have just stayed him with his daddy

>no face reveal yet
it's 100% happening

However, the voice says that they might be able to revert his body to its former state if he stays there with them for a while and becomes part of the family. Touya tells him to shut up and says that he doesn't want anyone to teach him anything. We see Garaki in present time saying that it was already too late to convince him, not even an all-controlling man like All for One could undo the impact Endeavor had caused on the boy's head. They were keeping several children as replacements in case something happened to Shigaraki and Dabi was supposed to be one of them, but he burned down the facility and ran away. The gorilla cop is confused by the fact that all this was an AFO plan, but the doctor says that they should be careful because that boy survived in some way beyond their knowledge, since his body in that state shouldn't even last a month.


However, the voice says that they might be able to revert his body to its former state if he stays there with them for a while and becomes part of the family. Touya tells him to shut up and says that he doesn't want anyone to teach him anything. We see Garaki in present time saying that it was already too late to convince him, not even an all-controlling man like All for One could undo the impact Endeavor had caused on the boy's head. They were keeping several children as replacements in case something happened to Shigaraki and Dabi was supposed to be one of them, but he burned down the facility and ran away. The gorilla cop is confused by the fact that all this was an AFO plan, but the doctor says that they should be careful because that boy survived in some way beyond their knowledge, since his body in that state shouldn't even last a month.

>The gorilla cop is confused by the fact that all this was an AFO plan, but the doctor says that they should be careful because that boy survived in some way beyond their knowledge, since his body in that state shouldn't even last a month.
Endeavor genes go crazy

Everything so far has been his own fault. AFO also just let him off once he figured he was a waste of resources.

Endeavor never beat his son or his wife. It was always All For One disguised as Endeavor.

RIP All Might's statue

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Shigaraki himself was a replacement for one of his prior candidates which was #6 from Vigilantes. He ended up not using him because of a brain disorder he had and just turned him into a guinea pig for study instead.

>lol dude AFO slapped some bandaids on Touya that how he survived
>then touya burned some dozen orphans to death and left never to see AFO again
kek classic horikoshi

>that boy survived in some way beyond their knowledge, since his body in that state shouldn't even last a month.

But wasn't he
>They would have liked to recruit him at the peak of his potential, but he turned out to be a failure.

He's undergoing a Quirk Evolution + is surviving on sheer hate alone like Shiggy was during the war

Ujiko was just a shitty excuse to how Dabi survived, but him or AFO have nothing to do with Dabi decision to go on a killing spree, starting with the kids in that orphanage.

Garaki says he was surprised when Giran brought Dabi to the League, and when Dabi went to get the High-End Noumu and the two were alone, he comments that he knows it was the doctor who saved him from death. The doctor is happy that he realized this and asks how he survived, but Dabi ignores him and says that by looking at the Noumu, he finally understood what they intended to do to him if he had agreed to stay there with the other children. Then the doctor says that he told him that he managed to avoid death through his flames of hatred and resentment.

>Dabi burning himself alive
>Endeavor likely to freak in learning AfO had Touya & that's why he missed resucing his 1st born
>Both die in their respective battles and meet up in the afterlife on the mountain
I don't like this Pottery

>Then the doctor says that he told him that he managed to avoid death through his flames of hatred and resentment.
foolish little brother, you dont have enough hate

>He's undergoing a Quirk Evolution
Is that a thing?
> is surviving on sheer hate alone
But he didn't hate anyone when he was a kid? Or are you talking about the now when Ujiko said that?

>But he didn't hate anyone when he was a kid?
He literally tried to murder Shouto and clearly disliked Fuyumi and Rei


>Then the doctor says that he told him that he managed to avoid death through his flames of hatred and resentment.
Can someone, please, I beg you, explain this to me? This happened with Shigaraki too, how is hatred saving their lives? Help

>Shigaraki is too angry to die
>Dabi is too much of a faggot to die

He literally said no and left. Pretty based of him

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>But he didn't hate anyone when he was a kid?
Are you fucking serious?

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Literally too angry to die

>how is hatred saving their lives
Hori is a hack

>inb4 he gave Tenko his quirk
>inb4 he gave Toga her quirk
>inb4 he took Deku's quirk

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>Dabi was so autistic he turned down his shot at recovery by mad science

Maybe I should just go to sleep, maybe things will start making sense once I get some rest, or maybe someone would post some real explanation.

I have always been sympathetic to Dabi and still want him to be executed or killed in action for his crimes against his people. Having said that, Yea Forums and others 100% hostile view towards him is without doubt the shallowest opinion regarding any character in this franchise. Dabi is perfectly relatable and having empathy for him does not take being a psychotic to do so.
To quote a popular phrase used by American veterans who were opposed to the Vietnam War, Dabi is to Endeavor and the quirk obsessed society "your Yankee Doodle Boy come home." Endeavor is a great hero, but a lousy parent. Rei is so obviously coddled by the fanbase that it smacks of hypocrisy. Either Endeavor or Rei or even both need to die with Dabi. Let the siblings have their happy lives (I have never liked Shoto that much but he is a good lad) but for the parents to survive as well while the whole family pretends Touya never existed is just cruel and offensive.

What's also great about this chapter is that it shows once and for all that Touya DID LOVE his family but AFO twisted and corrupted him.

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You must have been awake for a very long time for not understanding such a basic shonen cliche

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he literally burned down an orphanage full of children this chapter you schizo


>AFO twisted and corrupted him.
He never talked to AFO, once he asked he left immediately.

It's only a matter of time.

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>Either Endeavor or Rei or even both need to die with Dabi.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

this is so obvious at this point
hori is truly a hack

So it goes
>Dabi jumps into the river and AFO gets him
>takes three years to wake up but the resulting burns are barely compared to now
>Dabi demands to leave but AFO(?) calls him a failure
>Dabi throws a fit because of this and burns the building with all the kids inside then leaves to (???) without ever having contact with AFO again until Giran brings him back


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Assuming Hori wasn't bullshitting when he said Deku's dad would make an appearance, it has to be DfO right?
Kind of crazy.

Yeah, my dad was also an asshole and I had some people trying to manipulate me to their benefit, I guess that justifies me burning orphans alive and becoming a mass murderer

How does AFO manage to just randomly find all these traumatized kids at the peak of their despair?

prove it

DFO will mindbreak this fandom when their ends up being more porn of Deku getting fucked by his dad than any other ship

Touya was a backup vessel for AFO in case something happened to Shiggy.

AFO has nothing to do with his upbringing, he simply burned the whole place down with everyone inside before he could even tell him anything. The kid was already a murdermachine without any need for AFO.

does anyone really care about an 11th hour last minute Dekudad reveal when Deku himself doesn't give a shit?

Like you guys honestly root for this hack shit to happen?

But hatred is an emotion, not a bandage.

Cut back to the fight and Touya says that he has indeed gone back home. As his body was weaker, he had already given up on meeting Endeavor's expectations, but he still hoped that the family environment had changed after these 3 years. But when he arrived at the house, he saw his funeral altar and the infernal training to which Endeavor subjected Shouto. He realized that he was indeed a defective product and his entire existence was already left in the past.
Dabi says that as he exceeded his body's limits, his body started to become disfigured. He didn't want to meet Endeavor again weak like that, so he kept training his flames, and even though his skin burned, he felt no pain from the surgeries that were done on him. The more he saw Endeavor on TV, the more his hatred grew and the more he took inspiration on his techniques. We see a flashback of him praying at the altar in the Todoroki household and he says that at that moment Touya died and in his place Dabi was born.

How did Endeavor make a kid that wants to fuck him so badly?

of course it's DfO, I know hori is a terrible writer but what would be the point of keeping AfO's face hidden all this time if he wasn't Deku's father?

No I don't care, I just hope Deku gets to punch some more people, and hopefully adult Deku looks good in the epilogue.

Stain is gonna show up and shank him

so this little retard could have been welcomed back home at any time but he psyched himself out until he went crazy? jesus christ

>dabi kills dozens of kids on the most painful way imaginable because his dad was a jerk and because he was (allegedly) mindwashed by AFO (even though no one else on that orphanage tried to kill all the other kids)
>people still defending him
I can't think of anything worse he could've done and yet he somehow still attracts fujos and schizos

Deku is already ruined so I only want to see cool shit happen.

Kino. Exactly how I expected

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>when Deku himself doesn't give a shit?
deku didn't give a shit about bakugo's apology either but it still happend, cope

it wouldn't even be cool

>There were people who legitimately believed AfO had no connection to Dabi.
Completely BTFO.

That's really dumb. Like we knew Dabi was an idiot, but Hori really didn't give a fuck.

Well at least that "Dabi saw how Endeavor treated Shoto and wanted revenge" headcanon Dabifags have can FINALLY die now

That would be fucking kino, pure poetry. Dabi used Stain as an excuse, and Stain puts him out of his misery.

So a misunderstanding...
Touya had been in a coma for 3 years.
Endeavor only found his jaw and no corpse.
Many would think his child died in a forest

So nothing we already didn't knew already other than a excuse for him to have survived that fire added to the fact no one influenced him to be a murderer. It wasn't dragged out for more chapters than it needed to at least.

Can I just have Mommy p Nagant fucking Deku's cunt

I dunno, user...

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It's not even a misunderstanding. Endeavor truly was a piece of shit, who kept chasing his stupid goal even after what happened with Toya

An "orphanage" of kids he had no connection to and a place that was like a prison to him. And those kids you are all so upset about where being groomed as villains.

AFO has no connection to Dabi other than giving him free skin surgery. Ultimately Dabi just killed a bunch of orphans in payment and fucked off before ever meeting the guy.

It was explained back in the flashback, he said after Touya died he couldn't let his death go to waste after everything.

>All for One and Deku

>Endeavor and Dabi

What do these two have in common?

Both will have EXPLICIT ON-SCREEN SEX before the end of this series.

i guess it was fine to murder them in an incredibly painful and despicable way then

Dabi literally did nothing wrong, he just keeps winning.

>AFO has no connection to Dabi other than being connected to him.

They were utter failures as parents and need to atone for their first childs anguish and crimes. You can't just sweep that under the rug.

Uh, based?

That was a fuck up from the author. It was all a misunderstanding bro lol

So big, so good.

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even better is if he does it to save iida who went through the flames to help shouto

Ebic win for Dabifags must admit

literal dabischizo cope

They weren't tho. In the beginning of this chapter it was stated that the children was there, there wasn't anything about "upset"

KEK Dabi literally burned an orphanage with kids inside because his dad neglected him. Not even physical abuse, only fucking neglect. What an absolute piece of shit, excuse for a human being

Dabi was a hero all along. He prevented those kids into becoming mass murders

>Touya casually murders other children
Nice character arc, Hori.

I think he means Dabi avoided death after leaving the orphanage. He avoided death after the accident by having other people's organs grafted onto his burned ass.

We know what AFO’s face looks like; we’ve seen all parts of it individually and at this point it’s not hard to piece together.

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Get that disgusting mutant away from my dad

And Dabi was 18 already. Though it should come as no surprise since he attacked a baby with killing intent before

It’s Endeavor’s fault for being so sexy. Irresistible even to his own kids

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>for their first childs anguish and crimes

Holy fuck, you are a retard.

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Dabi literally did everything wrong

He has a quirk for that.


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Not even neglect since there are plenty of scenes of Endeavor trying to talk to him.

Dabi is the most entertaining villain in this shitty series.

Mystique and whatever you call it when when the fact the part of his face we don't usually see has been destroyed by the point when the story takes place.

Also, and this is the point that's funny to me... We've seen almost all of afo's face by this point. There's no mystery of what he looks like. We know both his hair and eye color and the small part around his eyes aren't some huge "OMG what does he look like??!?!?!?!?"

Amazing how Hawks is the top


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I said it hours before we got leaks, but he could have raped a whole orphanage and they'd defend him.

Waking up from a coma after 3 years a patched-up zombie and immediately being told you were a failed experiment by some guy you don’t even know sounds pretty fucked. The kid just wanted to go home and acted out of desperation.

Not even AFO has anything to do with Dabi's deliberate choice of being a mass murderer. He barely woke up and was already killing.


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at this point I just want DfO to happen because of giant mongoloids like you, I want to see you cry about le asspull, will be very entertaining

>flames of hatred

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True, but he needs to be put down, I don't hate him, I really don't, but rabid dogs need to finally rest.

He was 16 but mentally 13 as a result of being in a coma for 3 years

He's a bottom in all my doujins. It's nice that he's always so eager for his fire daddy.

>driven crazy by quirk
>nearly killed in a terrible accident with quirk
>suddenly wakes up in a strange place and told by a complete stranger he was in a coma for three years
>his visage is forever warped and is told he was litterally a Frankenstein's monster like person now
>still loves and yearns for his family and REGRETS his words
>told he can't go see them and that he is a failure who should join his new "family"

OF COURSE HE WENT FUCKING BALLISTIC! Do you Yea Forumsnons not understand empathy in any way?

Okay anons, how broken is Dabi's true form? Number 6 was a regular kid altered by surgery, just like Dabi, and he went Super Saiyan and became a Kaiju.

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>AFO: Now Touya I'll make you a vi-
>Touya: kills all the other kids and staff in a fire 5 minutes after waking up

Bro I wanted to watch the MC deep nakadashi this trap shota prince

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Will Dabifags even like anymore now that he burned his skin off?

They were gonna turn him into a nomu lol. He was literally dead if he didn’t escape the orphanage.

Yes, because he killed children. He's even more of a bad boy than before, so their pussy fixing him is an even greater fantasy.

I have empathy for the poor kids Dabi murdered.