Imagine how tight she would be

Imagine how tight she would be..

Attached: [SubsPlease] Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru - 06 (720p) [22C8B3E5].mkv_snapshot_10.45_[2022.02.14_11.03.07].jpg (1280x720, 91.39K)

I find it weird how animes make girls shoulders and elbows red, whats the reason for it other than easily implying a pointy bone place.

Hentai shine, kinda looks like a 2nd degree burn.

Also, check out these knees

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Between 10 and 20 psi

seek help

the man who gets to fuck Juju and marry her in their universe is the luckiest man...

What about them? How red they are, Thin, Knock knee'd?

I'm keeping up with this garbage just for her, god I gate gyarus

Blush and lust are closely tied. It's a art choice to make the characters seem like their entire body is in heat. Really underappreciated choice they made imo.
Also fuck you OP, there's already a thread and faggots like you have like 20 threads up right now with under 10 posts because you want attention. Good threads shouldn't die for your pathetic vanity.

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