Give your blood to cute isekai vampires

Give your blood to cute isekai vampires.

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I forgot she existed.

But what about vampire single moms?

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>best hair color to bestest hair color

>she was meant to be the main heroine of the past arc
>author decided to reduce her role and make Anna the main heroine because he couldn't control himself
Not fair

More threads need to be not-bait like this.


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Only to the strongest and dumbest.

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We Iranian Embassy Siege now.

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Why are vampires the cutest when they are actually retarded?.

>draw a knight
>call it a vampire

who this

>the other thread devolved into slavefaggotry
>that's half a step away from going full /pol/
may as well use this one then

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One GENTLEMEN thread, one real thread
As is tradition

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For me it' raising the loli I took home with me from isekai

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You are horrible at raising children.

My daughter better learn early on not to trust other kids. BECAUSE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS ALWAYS BETRAY

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Imagine she ends up as the CF that doesn't betray but gets betrayed by his male CF instead.

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>Michiru Kobayakawa
>One of the first friends met, she is a tomboy who loves sports and animals. She lives in the same apartment as Kenichi, and they are CHILDHOOD FRIENDS.
Your daughter is stealing other kid's childhood friend, kill her.

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Better to betray than to get betrayed

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I would, to a cat vamp

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dumb kotpire

It's here.
Dendro volume 17 up, even on pirate sites.

she's not dumb she's broken

>no gas mask

betraying CF for her mother

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CF and her mother should just tag team.

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It was kinda funny to see the maid seethe when her mom fawns over the guy. Too bad the fun scenes are so spread out.

>girls with no lifespan are great
>girls with lifespan are shit
Makoto should just stick to immortals.

Weird how that works.

Do you also have a most bestest hair color and an even betterestest hair color?
What's the point of the word "best" if it doesn't simply refer to the top of the ranking?

Specially now that he is an immortal himself

>girls with lifespan
Lucy, Aya, Sophia, Furiae, Janet, Anna
>girls with no lifespan
Noah, Eir, Momo, Ira
I guess Sophia will graduate to the no lifespan club since Althena said to Eir that she should get an invitation to the divine realm
Aside from Anna and Sophia all the girls with a lifespan are really bad huh

>since Althena said to Eir that she should get an invitation to the divine realm
After she has died, that is.

>implying Sophia is any better than Lucy or Aya
She is the most generic ice queen who had their heart melted by the mc.

Does it actually change anything tho?

Generic ice queen is better than Lucy and Aya

>girls with no lifespan
>Noah, Eir, Momo, Ira
And Dia.

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>Hate women
>Hate gays
>Hate harems
>Hate asexual MC
>Still yearn for isekai with romance
Something's got to give, I might become gay just to read homokino power couple novels

I was caught off guard by the fact that Momo was Makoto's daughter wife from 1000 years ago. Reveals like that make you want to go back and reread the earlier encounters just to see if you could tell something was up or if it was just the author being a hack with their asspulls.

Dhampir travel companion trying to kill her vampire mom for mommy issues that are just disguised daddy issues when?

Makoto's time travel and the great sage knowing him were well foreshadowed to be fair
After the wood country arc with both Biffons "mistaking" Makoto for someone from the past and Momo losing her cool when Makoto told her Biffons talked about the past it was pretty blatant

Momo looks so smug I wish she was more prominent in the story
Also apparently Rosalia is boss enough to fight with demon lords with no issue and Momo is even stronger but the story doesn't really reflect that at all
And the heroes of the goddesses ended up being useless weaklings too

>and Momo is even stronger
She isn't, not really, she has one trick over Rosalie, that being that she is getter at seeing into the future. If it wasn't for that she wouldn't be able to beat Rosalie, but with it she can consistently beat her every time.

just read western fantasy at that point

You say that but the author's note at the last chapter says Momo is stronger due to having more experience and training

Bisexual shota sluts

dudes arm and hand are so small

Caught up on いいご身分だな。俺にくれよ。
It's about a guy who isekais into one of the dudes in an otome game his sister was playing.
The otome game is about the main character stealing the males away from their fiances, and the guy tries to take advantage of this to gain political power.
He has no magic power and is shit at fighting, so he has to basically talk and scheme his way to the top.
His goal is to become king and marry blond drills who is the fiance of the prince, and he's pretty ruthless to anyone who gets in the way of that.
He directly kills his 10 year old older brother and their mom to become the heir of the house for example.

Woops forgot the image

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The art is so bad holy shit

Zero believers goddess' art is all sorts of whack

>ywn get a big tiddy ninja gf with SUBM summon saying "Hey user, wanna play cat's cradle?" whenever you're down
Man, I know it's a standalone volume, but it does really feels like a filler, the AUTISM feels much more subdued here, though Juliet is really cute and Carl being a salty loser is fun to watch.
t. Shion

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That prince is a fag anyway if he abandons blond drills for commoner/lowborn girl heroine

That girl is actually the daughter of protag's wet nurse and his original fiance in the game, not the main heroine of the otome game.
She becomes his second wife.