Give your blood to cute isekai vampires

Give your blood to cute isekai vampires.

Attached: Yue.png (1125x1600, 318.35K)

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Attached: afv2dex89kkv5x5ji6jwlfnu2gxh_gpv_mi_h4_1lm9.jpg.580.jpg (580x441, 45.4K)

I forgot she existed.

But what about vampire single moms?

Attached: 62954.jpg (1306x1920, 357.71K)

>best hair color to bestest hair color

>she was meant to be the main heroine of the past arc
>author decided to reduce her role and make Anna the main heroine because he couldn't control himself
Not fair

More threads need to be not-bait like this.


Attached: loli is the best.jpg (844x1200, 207.56K)

Only to the strongest and dumbest.

Attached: 148a7eabc11eb4fa82b3c3c3353374ee26.jpg (960x1378, 111.78K)

We Iranian Embassy Siege now.

Attached: 13-o (9).jpg (1115x1600, 672.44K)