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Black Clover
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lol this is amazing already
This is reaching Frieza vs Goku levels of absurd, just end this shit already, Tabata.
This is reaching Frieza vs Goku levels of absurd, i love this shit, Tabata.
Is it just me, or are the shadows a lot worse for these pics than usual? Can't see shit
They are better than usual imo.
Leaker has no zoom on his camera, please understand
I'm talking about the guy who's taking the pics, not the actual chapter itself. Is he taking these pics with a notebook or a tablet or something?
holy shit
uhhh is that Yami being donuted again?
>still no noelle
tabata's trying to rig the poll against her himself
Last Page.
great panel
Don't delude yourselves, that laugh has no malice to it, he is not scheming shit.
Devils just have creepy smiles, that's it.
Lucifero is done, this arc is done, im done.
No, the the arm was never removed
Tabata...can you please end this shit arc already please?
Devilbros we're gonna make it
He'll bring back Megi and Zagred back too next time
Needs to end the series. Shit has no stakes.
Nice try MHAtranny, go back to twotter.
Why didn't he help?
Kill yourself
>Patry still just with William
Well, he is not dead, i retract from what i said.
If this was his first introduction, im pleased.
Hopefully speedreaders catch whats going on and don't make a fuss about this shit (they will)
I get Tabata now. His philosophy in storytelling is that villains are fucking losers and they are not to be glorified or idolized. It explains everything.
This is unironically Yuno's best moment.
This fight is really dragging
Indeed, it feels natural, not forced, actual kino dialogue, great art, it has everything.
You suck Yuno, just like this fight. Your cringe phrase is appropriate
Go back.
lol wasn't he supposed to leave? checked btw
Where's the translation for this one?
could make or break the chapter for me
title: The devil king and the boy without magic
*Clap clap*
Adramelech: "This is your victory"
Editor: "Total Victory" (BS btw, the editor always lies in this manga"
It is technically a total victory over Lucifero, he's freaking dead.
Didn't you read? He was always at 50% and was manifested through lesser devils, he literally says he'll come back.
That's because he was expecting to get away, if he could resurrect regardless then there would be no need for Lucifero to flee.
>BS btw, the editor always lies in this manga
You are totally wrong sadly.
Bros....we've come so far. Aster never gave up...that was his magic.
No break next week.
>No heart shown being slain
>B-But he is dead!!
user, don't be a retard.
Captcha: GGWYR
reminder asta will realize noelles feelings
Lilith and Naamah.
>first villains asta faces in his first mission already killed some of the villagers, then kill themselves before they can be arrested and questioned
>asta puts on a brave face and comforts the guy's kid, but has a kino scene where he tells himself that by improving as a magic knight he'll be able to prevent deaths like that going forward
>he actually achieves his goal
And this is a bad thing, why? Would the current plot magically be better if he was like Black Swordsman arc Guts and letting random people get killed left and right?
Don't forget to vote. Voting ends April 31st.
I'm gonna be honest. Everything that led up to this fight and the fight itself was great but I really don't care for Lucifero right now.
He doesn't work overtime.
Literal nobodies.
Yes, every villain needs to murder characters we care about in order for us to take them seriously. How else can we claim Black Clover is a great battle shonen if it doesn't a few people die to delude us into thinking it's serious and for adults? I can't believe Tabata has the nerve to have Asta and Liebe murder their mother's killer instead having him be menacing and kill off more people they cared about? Unbelievable.
Cope, faggot.
I won't. Especially because I suspect this fight could badly influence the votes. I'll continue voting for Liebe
Don't forget, it's rigged.
Cope, tranny.
>I won't. Especially because I suspect this fight could badly influence the votes. I'll continue voting for Liebe
Badly influence the vote? The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Wow, you sure showed him.