One Piece

Does anyone even like the 9 Red Scabbards?

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Apparently the nips do.

Kinemon’s good, the rest less so. Denjiro was cool when he was a slimy crime boss, would have been nice if he’d stayed a little shiftier rather than devolving into the same oden dick sucking retard that the rest are. Also would have been nice if him and ashura hadn’t been complete jobbers after clearly being shown to be way stronger than the rest of them.

Bullshit, what was their placement in the poll?

>hundreds of icebergs from camps

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Hold up if Aokiji was the strongest why did Akainu beat his ass?

Kiku was the highest placed

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None of them besides Kinemon and Kiku have any fans at all
Anyone that claims otherwise is just being ironic or contrarian

Oh gosh I wonder why.

he didn't

I like Raizo a lot

I just can't bring myself to give a shit about any of them even though some have been in the story for many years.
In my opinion Oda just completely failed with their characters.

They could all die in a single chapter and I wouldn't mind a bit.

Does kaido have a pirate ship? Each yonko has a pirate ship but we’ve never seen kaidos pirate ship before? Is ONIGASHIMA his pirate ship? What the fuck does he sail in.

akainus justice is absolute

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Jack will persevere

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Because she's Zoro's wife (male (female))?

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Is he gonna be the bluno and rescue everyone?

cute girl(male)

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I want to see Fem Akainu fisting Bonney

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He's gonna rescue King and the Tobiroppo will save themselves
Queen doesn't deserve to be saved

They’re based yeah
Takes having sex to comprehend tho

Jack will get back up and murder
>the scabbards
And one piece will be saved

Yes I've been waiting for them to fuck up Kaido since punk hazard, they definitely did some damage to him making kaido slightly easier for Luffy to fight

ZKK soon

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Trips confirm Bonney is going to die

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this panel again?
is oda alright?

The only type of fisting akainu would give a pirate Is the HellHound [\spoiler]

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what's the arab twitter? i forget


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I dont really see what killing kid will accomplish, it's much more fun to watch him be a joke.

Thor move

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How many times is Oda going to draw that wide panel of Luffy grinning evilly?

Luffy kills Kaido and turns Kaido into Joyboy.

until yamato joins

I swear to god if they hurt Katakuri or Brulee..

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And even Kiku fans are just trap loving fags. Nobody cares about Kiku as a character

Would you have sex with a woman in the One Piece world if she told you she had once been a man before actually becoming the opposite sex thanks to Ivankov?

The art looks so sloppy here, I thought it was a fake at first.


shut the fuck up

No because even if they're a woman now they're still mentally ill

You people cant even dump properly

Those are capes though, pretty sure it's Germa

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>would you have sex with kiku
Fixed your question


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It depends on if ivankov df's power running out or if he goes unconscious and the chick turns back into a dude.

What's the arab twitter? I'll do it.

Pretty sure that's Ichiji and Reiju

I feel the same about Vivi

OP fans are underage or braindead, go easy on them

Okiku is a MAN and HE is my WIFE

Reijus Cape is different

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i'ts germa

Luffy was graced with some hax power boast, meanwhile Kaido has been an absolute unit throughout this whole war and he’s still holding his ground.

Reminds me More of inspector gadget


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It's germa they escaped

You know, I can definitely see why people thought G5 Luffy had yellow hair. In some panels, he really does look like he's a Super Saiyan.

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He had barely any screentime compared to the scabbards and yet was way more interesting

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0047 (21040): Kiku
0048 (20940): Izuo
0083 (10488): Denjiro
0091 (8888): Kinemon
0096 (8208): Kawamatsu
0101: Nekomamushi
0192: Kanjuro
0217: Inuarashi
0338: Ashura Doji
0374: Raizo

What happened to the goofiness?

Not really

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Why the fuck do you have the issue on the floor outside?

See he is turning Kaido to rubber.

>bepo is knocked out without having even done anything
bepo bros…….


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>bepo jobbed off-screen without fighting anyone or going sulong
Law ditching his crew to join the Straw Hats fucking when?

bepo bros..

Is Zeus fucking knocked out? Is that why Nami isn't clearing the fire herself with rain?

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I can't believe Bepo is fucking dead....

Kaido will probably go down as the strongest character in OP. Luffy vs Blackbeard will probably be 1v1, and even if Luffy is stronger than he was when he started against Kaido he won't have nearly as large of an advantage (with Kaido already having fight multiple battles in addition to Luffy)

Who are his crew outside of bepo?


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Redon's usual summary would've been real helpful right about now.

>Sulong Bepo will be SBS only

LUFFY is basically Issei, all he's missing is the trademark BOOSTU

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His penguin brothers and Bart. Besides that all jobbers

So how exactly are these punches hurting Kaido when Luffy turns him into rubber on impact?
Just because of the Haki?

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learn niponese

Bepotards will never recover lmao

dont forget the girl

How did he get knocked out?

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*All jobbers.

bepo is a polar bear, the flames are too hot for him. he didn't "job"

So could Luffy have just grabbed lightning all this time?

Oda wants the SHs to take a step back and make the Scabbards look useful instead.

More run piece

You answered yourself


He lost his strength alongside Big Mom.
Jinbe is doing half the work.

kiku and kin are still bleeding...

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With how bad the drawing is
I think a spic is holding him hostage

Imagine still trying to salvage them

She hasn't appeared in Wano actually. Not even when Law's crew was introduced.

Oh look jinbei did another shoulder throw, who Saw that coming

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raizo had the potential to be one of the visually more interesting fights because of his scrolls but oda had him stand still for a year

>jinbe interacting with the scabbards more than the strawhats
Yeah he's not joining.

Probably sugar rules.

damn, so while luffy is jumping around having the time of his life, half his crew is about to burn to death.

that's tuff.

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Why didn't Raizo just use this on Kaido in their initial ambush when he was inside the Skull Dome
He wouldn't die from it, but he would be incapacitated and they could chain him in seastone easy

So...what was Raizo's plan? He didnt know about Jinbe's existence up until the raid began and just happened to meet him there at the mansion

You are acting like he wasn't with Robin for the first half of the raid and then with Sanji and Luffy for some time

What makes wano so good?


Oh shit killer??? And scratch man apoo in this chapter???

ah don't be that way. it was his comeback from the pot incident as well as living up to his title of shinobi.

she has...

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What makes you think it's salt water

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