A Couple of Cuckoos

TV Anime "A Couple of Cuckoos" will run for 24 episodes across 8 Blu-Ray volumes!

Volume 1 will have a special edition, including bed sheets designed by Miki Yoshikawa
cuckoobros we eating good!!

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Erika a best
Sachi a best
Hiro a shit

notNino will win

Hiro a best and will win the festival and the popularity poll!

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As a Nino bro, who should be my favorite girl?


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Snake Hiro a worst and will lose the Nagibowl and popularity poll.

here's your hiro pantyshot

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>biggest boobs
Hiro confirmed for best girl.
In fact the best girls are directly proportional to their breast size.

Inshallah, my brothers in Islam, we will all support Hiro as Khalifah.

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Based Tenkabro

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I know Erika will win, but I genuinely curious as to how. We're over 100 chapters in and he's still just into Hiro. It also doesn't help that Erika hasn't fallen for him. By this point in Nisekoi, Chitoge was already in love with Raku and they were slowly but surely growing closer.

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Based and redpilled. Erikabros, Sachibros, and Aibros stand united against the Hiro menace.

>I know Erika will win
We all know and the clue as to how was foreshadowed in the latest chapter.

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Easy, Hiro will win. Miki will continue 5toubun's legacy of making the underdog win!

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>was foreshadowed in the latest chapter.
In the raw one? Very nice.

>THK bot didn't get FP

Yotsuba wasn't an underdog, she was always the main girl and the only reason the other 4 sisters exist is so that Fuuts didn't recognize 4 right away since they all have the same hair color in the actual manga. A real underdog win is Sensei from Bokuben since she's a teacher.

>muh bogeyman

I hope that one user will keep collecting your posts for the BTFO collage.

>Hiro will win

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>24 episodes
Huh. We might actually get Ai animated then if the anime end's on chapter 60.

I'm collecting posts from both the Hirofags and Sachifags. Delusional bunch.

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will be the biggest loser after Nino

Erikafags and Sachifags are bros.

>biggest loser
That's Hina.

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No, we are not a monolith. I'm an Erikafag and solely care for her character.

>I'm an Erikafag
Prove it.

We aren't delusional as Hirofag who believes Hiro will win both Nagi and the poll, though.

Hina won the MCbowl, but lost everything else including the ability to have children. Rui lost the MCbowl but won everything else. Interesting manga to say the least.

It really got 24 episodes? Jesus Christ, and I have to watch all of it... been following the manga over two years at this point.

This post is unbelievably based.

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This, she's gonna lose harder than Hiro in any case
Hiro will be elegant and classy even in defeat
Sachi will cry and mope for days on end

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How so?

Plenty of Sachifags believe she can win the poll and you guys shit up countless threads with SACHI SACHI SACHI SACHI.

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You're an outliner.

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Hiro has been taking L's left and right ever since she discovered Nagi and Erika live together, and she hasn't been classy or elegant about it. To be fair, Erika and Sachi haven't either. Only Ai has been, because she's confident in herself.

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Don't care. I'm here for Erika and Erika alone.

>you guys shit up countless threads with SACHI SACHI SACHI SACHI.
KmK threeds suffer the same but with SHINO SHINO SHINO
Worst girls tend to attract the worst fans

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>Plenty of Sachifags believe she can win the poll
Show plenty or you're lying.
>shit up
Total sus. Erikafags never see it that way.

it's true, here's the 8th planned BD release that will contain from 22nd to 24th episode of cuckoos.
also the bonus video here will be about some short miniseries about cuckoos in chibi form called Cuckoo no Ikagen

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Samefag. Hiro and Nagisa a shit.

>How so?
Explain why you like notNino.

Hiro will never crash Erika's wedding while crying

>Show plenty
A thread from yesterday. We were guessing who would win the poll and Sachifags were going on about how she could win. Hirofags were doing the same. I posted in the thread and said Erika will win with a large gap.

>doesn't deny that he's an outliner

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I believe it. Not sure how the popularity is currently, but I recall around chapter 60 or so it was the most popular romcom in print. Maybe it fell in popularity, but animeonlies will bring it back up. Especially because it has a really interesting premise until it devolves into what it currently is around chapter 40.

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Shit taste
They're the best

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Only one post said she would win and it was clearly memetic. On the other hand, Hirofags state it like they believe it's true and promote it ever since the news of the poll dropped.

t. THK

She's notItsuki, for starters.

She's not!Nino or even Itsuki, Erika is her own character. She's a sweet, bright, fun heroine who carries the manga HARD. Sachi is just there to get jealous and Hiro exist for the MC to get over her.

Here for Erika and Erika alone.

Sasuga shit taste.

He’s already showing signs of gravitating towards Erika with the whole changing partners thing for the school competition. It’s a slow process.

it absolutely was not

We love Hiro and Nagisa here

>She's notItsuki,
>She's not!Nino or even Itsuki

We hate Hiroshit and Nagisashit here

Translation is out already.

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KYS. I'm convinced that 5toubunfags keep bringing the series up because its the only other romcom they've ever read. Erika doesn't resemble Nino or Itsuki to a t. Shallow similarities? Yeah sure, she has pigtails like Nino once did and dresses in a similar fashion, she likes to eat like Itsuki, but that's it.

Thank you! She is so beautiful, look at that smile.

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Ami > Akane > Ouka > Shiragiku > Riho
Hiro > Ai > Erika > Sachi
Ruka > Sumi > Mami > Chizuru
Nagisa > Mirika > Saki > Shino
Yae > Yuna > Asahi

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Amazing taste
Just swap Ouka and Akane

That's a funny way of saying Yui.

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It was the best selling weekly romcom manga. It didn't have more total sales than Quints or Kaguya or anything ridiculous like that.

Erika, Yuna, and Yae are the only two good ones on that list. The other series and girls are garbage.

THK is so triggered lmao.



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NGL, that is pretty garbage and contrarian taste.

He's right, though.

His first picks are most or second most popular while his last picks are most or second most unpopular, though

Imagine being a chronic harem shitter. Shit like this is the second biggest scourge in romcom discussion, and grows even more insufferable with every series you swarm to.

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Loser? Excuse me, I see a champ even in defeat. Nino's assertive drive is one of the things that made her interesting and a breath of fresh air in a sea of wishy-washy to passive heroines that saturate the romcom genre. That said, Nino planned to quietly congratulate Yotsuba, but Yotsuba simply couldn't ignore the feelings Itsuki, Miku, Nino, and Ichika have for Fuutarou. Yotsuba apologizing for getting picked and deciding if she had to pick her sisters or Fuutarou and letting Fuutarou wait for her answer made Nino rightfully angry as that kind of sentiment is insulting to her sisters and doing wrong by Fuutarou (even Miku was angry at Yotsuba because of this).

Even after realizing the problem, Yotsuba still sought Nino's approval of her relationship with Fuutarou. However, Nino took Yotsuba's apologetic gesture and indecisiveness towards Fuutarou's feelings as a sign of weak love, therefore she couldn't accept it. But Yotsuba wants to show, nay, prove that her love is equal and she managed to change Nino's attitude by wanting the latter to watch over her and Fuutarou. Nino displayed her resolve with an open challenge to Yotsuba, informing her that she will be watching closely, but if Yotsuba lets her guard down in the time it takes for Yotsuba to show her love is strong, then Nino will use the opportunity to steal Fuutarou right under Yotsuba. Although true to her own feelings for Fuutarou, Nino's challenge was also a way to encourage Yotsuba to keep her on her toes and from failing. The bottom line is Nino is amazing. If only romcom had more "losers" like her.

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>romcom """""""""discussion"""""""""
Fucking kek
Nothing of value is lost

at no point was this selling better than kaguya. i dont know what timeframe youre referring to but its a very real possibility it was being outsold by takagi or bisque doll too.

Nope. None of his first or second choices are the most popular or the second most popular except Yae and Akane.

cringe and shitpilled

Being contrarian doesn't make you interesting.

Hiro is obviously top 2 popular in Cuckoo and the poll will prove it.
Ruka is also second most popular. A real contrarian would like Mami instead.

>Hirofag says Hiro will win but is also doing preemptive damage control claiming Hiro won't get emotionally as a loser

>obviously top 2 popular in Cuckoo and the poll will prove it.
Yea Forums != some poll that isn't out yet. But nice assumption there.
>Ruka is also second most popular.
The gap between Chizuru and Ruka is huge on Yea Forums, and Ruka is more hated than liked.

It was the best selling romcom for awhile lol. Sorry to make you seethe.

Based and redpilled.