Black Rock Shooter Dawn Fall
You will never have sex this good
I will never have sex full stop
Nyaa now has better subs, maybe perhaps worth checking out
You just know from the weird fucking baby statues, this guy is into some sick shit.
Maybe he just really likes mayo?
Is BRS the new disney princess?
Looks like he gave a lot of mayo to those girls
hey hey hou
hey hey hou
What does the robot man gain from fucking girls to death?
they passed out from the awesome sex, they are alive and well!
I have plushies but I don't hot glue them I swear.
Is she okay?
i want that sexy doll to fuck me
Yea I'm not willing to pay..YET
Are there any good subs yet? If there's no better alternative, I'll sub it if I have the time. No promises though.
La sonrisa NTR...
There are new subs on Nyaa, look for [Arche] Black Rock Shooter - Dawn Fall - 01. The old subs got deleted in favor of this one
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So let me get this straight:
Disney, THAT Disney, publishes this anime, where a real life ken doll fucks girls to death?
These two have been posted on the last thread.
This one was made by an user as his friend requested it but he eventually uploaded it here, this is the latest revision and he claimed he is very confident with its quality.
This one was posted later and doesn't seem to have anything to do with the original user.
>to death
they are NOT dead, cease this defamation at ONCE
Seeing that they now owns FOX and Marvel, i wouldn't put it pass them to go that extreme.
First one is throwing an error for me desu. I'll check the other one once I get around to watching the episode tomorrow.
I still have the file downloaded so I'mma upload it again:
Sex in seasonal anime? And not from a pseudo hentai with a blatant self-insert fucking the waifus? I'm interested now
Find out next week at Disney Channel
Why are the babies pregnant
HE going to be killed, Fukami Makoto always kill hetrash characters
Thanks, I figured it out. I'll give them both a look tomorrow and might throw something together if I'm into it.
I'm the user that made these, they're both mine. I was also involved in the creation of the new subs that were uploaded to Nyaa earlier and I think those subs are the best version, definitely the best subs available at the moment. Look for [Arche] Black Rock Shooter - Dawn Fall - 01
Nice, I can't thank you and everyone involved in this enough. Disney left us completely in the dark with this show so I'm extremely glad people are banding together to make this enjoyable, keep up the good work!
>that tube in her pussy
But is it an inflow or outflow tube?
Why not both?
Because liquids can't simultaneously do both?
Hard to tell so my headcanon is that it is actually connected somewhere down her buttcheek, those tubes are probably keeping her blood circulation flowing so her body doesn't decompose.
Magitech ain't got to explain shit.
So what's the context? He kills them with amazing orgasms or are they sacrifices for some weird religion/ritual and he just has the ability to kill them while they orgasm at the height of pleasure so they don't die in pain?
they pass out from the amazing sex, don't tell me you never done it before
>when she pulls it out
>smol upgrade
I wouldn't know, since you know, I pass out.
He as a robot wants to dominate humans so he's starting by putting human females in their place. Pretty based robot villain.
Why is Strength always butthurt?
maybe her butt hurts?
From what?
Empress probably fucked something up before going into the tube so now DM and STR are pissed, I like how she is when she is pissed though.
She's always the Yaya against BRSxDead Master
>Infinite stamina
>Mechanical penis that can probably extend or go beyond normal human speed, even vibrates probably.
No wonder they pass out from orgasming. I thought they were dead.
do you have to watch the previous series before this?
For the 500th time, no. There is a prequel novel named BEFORE DAWN that details how the world went to shit but it doesn't follow up any narrative set in previous works.
Watch the music video
Everything else is recommended but optional
This one is closer to the game settings, but still yet another alternate universe
going to watch it!
i self-inserted anyway
In South Asia that is
The has only been one episode so far and its barely a 5 minute read. Someone translated it and posted to the franchise's Reddit if you want to check it out.
holy based
This is an MTL by his own admission
This was somehow EVEN WORSE than the shitty original series.
damn, you say that like you saw the whole show already. do tell us more, disney leaker user
same pose as when brs plug out her vaggo pipe