Define "woman" in 30 words or less.
Define "woman" in 30 words or less
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Incel repellent.
A child I have to lick, sniff, grope and sex with.
Whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore whore
human female
Can have babies
Something that is fickle and oversocialized by nature
What make my penis hard
Women are defined in length by 8 feet and 1 inch or 248 cm, as this is the record length of a grown woman; for IQ it's 228.
Belle Delphine. Delphic belly dancer. Belle Latrine. Shaved baleen. Pulchritudinous porpoise. Labial morphine. Mean hell-teen.
sex x1000
Never had a penis attached to their body
They do get A LOT of insertion tho
who identifies as
who identifies as
who identifies as
who identifies as
who identifies as
who identifies as
who identifies as
produces immotile zygotes
Traduces immobile gargoyles
>human that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes
What do I win
You cannot identify as a woman, you are either a woman or you are not a woman.
A featherless biped of feminine gender
With broad, flat nails.
There are no female birds?
There are but they are not featherless
Often painted in bright color to attract male attention
Impudica lecta defecatrix
>feminine gender
Begging the question
The actual definition is featherless biped without a rational principle (logos).
What about pregnant women with a male child? The penis is attached to their body by the umbilical cord
An adult human female made in the likeness of God.
A female featherless biped with flat, broad nails
Homo erectus minus the erectus(sometimes)
explained in one webm
A terrestrial bipedal bivalve which contains within her a miniature sea full of salt, foam, froth, unpredictably tempestuous storms and tides, that have drowned many a G*d fearing seamen.
Does God look like a woman?
A human with xx chromosomes.
I hate women. Even their sexuality - their only desirable quality - is gross.
No it's not lol the penis is attached to the male
Individual who’s essence is feminine and identifies as such and plays the societal role of a “woman”
Yea Forumserature?
i dont get the modern propaganda of women being respectable or equal or etc
all they have is sex
their one use or value
simple as
today they all want me to pretend that women built all the nuclear reactors in existence today
that women built all of the ballistic missile submarines
that women built all the hydroelectric dams and infrastructure megaprojects
they want me to think that women pioneered all the surgery methods and medications
i dont even know what else but a massive jewish conspiracy can even explain any of this nonsense, how do you even explain the modern world without having to resort to big nosed cheaters who want to ultimately rob and murder you while lying to your face nonstop???
the nigger of the world
Not gonna lie the orange one being pooped out is hilarious.
>i dont get the modern propaganda of women being respectable or equal or etc
all they have is sex
their one use or value
simple as
its because modern liberalism is built on the idea that all people are equal but capitalism is good. its unworkable in theory because unlike Orwell predicted, it actually can lead to totalitarianism
All women are abject
if man was a nigger but not black
source pls
I think the main problem with this board is the near absolute lack of moderation.
Yea Forums has practically become a place where one can post whatever and it will take jannies days to remove it, therefore the board becomes attractive to people who like that.
Other boards’ off topic threads die more quickly and therefore only the already topic interested endemic posters will have a giggle at that.
50% of Yea Forums is off topic and any form of reuest threads should be banned.
lmao this bitch looks like cristoph waltz
The girl goes by NicolRemy. Warning, she does a lot of scat.
The squirting girl is Awesomekate
Woman = a child I can stick my penis inside legally.
A woman is missile-seeking heat
Pure femininity is to be passive or wholly reactive. Compared to pure masculinity, which is active and stable.
A woman is one who is more feminine/passive than masculine/active on spiritual, psychic and physical levels. A woman is perfectly at peace upon reaching perfect femininity, though this is impossible but is always something to strive towards as it reduces the tension of being pulled from the ideal. The same is for men and striving towards perfect masculinity. There are those that can fall at close to the threshold between dominance of masculinity and femininity. They must always turn towards their initially dominant though weak masculine or feminine tendency. An inversion is always wrong because it takes one further away from the Platonic form that they derive from, which weakens them on spiritual, psychic and physical levels and leads to bad outcomes. In short, trannies are gay and only weaken themselves.
Yes, a woman is an object to be acted upon. They have no agency since they're objects thus they can't take responsibility for anything, nor should they have rights.
Technically, women can never achieve the ideal of femininity so they'll never be completely passive. But striving towards it will make them more at peace so yeah pretty much what you said.
A woman is somebody who is unable to press bench 2pl8