>a student of David Foster Wallace
>adapted Thomas Pynchon's Inherent Vice
He's a Yea Forumsizen, right?
>a student of David Foster Wallace
>adapted Thomas Pynchon's Inherent Vice
He's a Yea Forumsizen, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
People with decent jobs shun this place
>a student of David Foster Wallace
like Bill Burr?
Just because someone likes "le meme authors" doesn't mean they use this board
Yea, both studied in Boston
Absolute weirdos love Yea Forums, and you would be shocked at how many high-achieving people are absolute weirdos.
This. Also doesn't Yea Forums get high-profile talent coming in and out of there all the time? There was also that Dutch politician that lurks /pol/.
t. Complete fucking weirdo
He''s the average gen x english mayor dropout. Millennial hipsters worship them thinking they'll get along.
Not all of us
We would though, fr.
His movies are far above the vast majority of American directors and I think it's because he's well-read. There Will Be Blood was also based on a novel
He is a bad filmmaker and a shitty writer.
If you listen to the Marc Maron podcast episode, he had barely anything to say about Wallace, like he couldn't really remember much about him
all high profile "auteur" directors are well read except for the most recent ones.
Yes. There's also one e/lit/ist who ran for state representative. Sean Goonan. He wrote a book called The Foundation for Exploration. It's mostly filled with things everyone here probably already knows but it was a good read. He seems to be a nice guy.
He also made two music videos for Joanna Newsom. Joanna Newsom directly cites a passage from Finnegans Wake in one of her songs.
also directed a bunch of music videos for Haim because their mum was his favourite teacher or something
>He's a Yea Forumsizen, right?
No, he reads and works, the anti-thesis of Yea Forums.
I work a pointless and depressing job, but I don't read.
Scorsese but bad
I liked Punch Drunk Love. TWBB is a bit tedious but still a respectable character study. Other than that I haven't really seen anything I'd consider particularly impressive.
ok juan
ok faggot
Damn bros, I didn’t know starring in porn was like being in a big happy family back in the 70s (Boogie Nights).
Now they rape and exploit you.
The Master > Phantom Thread > Punch-Drunk Love > There Will Be Blood > Boogie Nights > Magnolia
I haven’t seen Hard Eight, Inherent Vice or Licorice Pizza.
ok juan
Hard Eight is probably his worst, but it's not bad. He also didn't have a lot of control over that movie compared to BN. IV is... OK. It's forgettable but interesting. I do like that you have The Master as his best, which I agree with.
I have an actual career, friends, my own apartment, and a girlfriend. You are delusional.
I've just been here since I was 12, and I'm 24 now. As shitty as this place is, there isn't really anywhere else where (some of) the posters actually read as much or, more importantly, where you can interact with people the way you do here. If you're being a fag, I can tell you so. Nowhere else in my life allows that without obscuring it behind layers of politeness and subtlety.
The Master > Phantom Thread = There Will Be Blood > > Licorice Pizza > Inherent Vice = Boogie Nights > Punch-Drunk Love > Magnolia > Hard Eight.
As the other user said, Hard Eight is his weakest but it's not bad.
master>there will be blood>licorice pizza>inherent vice>phantom thread>boogie nights
havent seen the others, though i hated iv, pt, and bn. inherent vice was (to me) the book with all the edges taken off, not nearly as funny as the book. phantom thread was stupid but then again im not a big romance/love guy. boogie nights was a knockoff scorsese with the long tracking shots, classic 70s music and downfall of a dirty american career with drugs and sex.
i think my top 3 are there solely because im young and there themes appeal to me more right now
ok faggot
that's cute
There Will Be Blood > Phantom Thread > The Master > Boogie Nights > Punch-Drunk Love > Licorice Pizza > Magnolia > Hard Eight
This is actually a pretty neat video, thanks for posting it user!
Nah. He's from a generation that particularly worships those authors, specially art fags.
Dude probably browsed pre web2.0 forums, though.
DFW sucks, don't fall for the meme kids!
That said he's no Kubrick
I've seen DFW and TP discussion on facebook groups. I don't think liking popular things is a good metric to determine who posts here.
He can be very eloquent
>PTA takes amazing literature and turns them into horrible movies
>Kubrick takes shitty literature and turns them into the best movies of all time
yea I think Kubrick wins
>That said he's no Kubrick
Thank god
he wishes he was Kubs
I never met people irl that read DFW or Pynchon, I never met people that even knew who Pynchon is. I've met people that read literature.
They are more elite than browsing Yea Forums might suggest.
is this sarcasm?
>no matter what, plots for their movies always come from books
Writers always win in the end. Never forget that.
I always find it funny how writers in comics are considered Gods (in their medium) but writers in filmmaking are just used as pawns and the director is the king. Why is that? Is it because the French and muh auteur theory?
Do you live in the Kongo?
I tried watching Inherent Vice because the trailer was pretty good and I thought I'd enjoy it, but I literally fell asleep while watching it. It's the first time in my life I fell asleep watching a movie. I didn't finish it.
I live in the real world. most people don't read, and those that do, most read light literature. from the few that read real stuff, only a small percentage read those authors.
the internet can be deceiving because minorities scream louder. the silent majority doesn't feel the need to push their stuff
>only a small percentage read those authors
True, but that percentage is still large in real numbers, at least enough to be discussed on the most popular social media platforms.
We're talking about authors whose works have been published in pretty much every language out there, and in the case of Pynchon, even featured on shows like The Simpsons.
I think it's the way writers implement their vision in the work. Comics are a vision of the illustrator and the writer together, usually at direction of one or the other. They're the lead directors of their vision, whereas films are almost always the director's vision commanding all things. If there was a comic that was envisioned by John Smith and he had a team of writers and illustrators make it happen according to how he sees it, but didn't draw or write a page himself, then John Smith gets the glory because it's his vision.
he's not popular. he's an obscure reference. Martin Amis is popular, Bret Easton Ellis is popular. John Updike and Philip Roth are popular. Pynchon is translated because he's top quality, and there's a market for top quality, a niche market, but a market nonetheless.
I'm sure you can find facebook groups dedicated to discuss the most obscure tastes.
>Martin Amis
Maybe in Burgerland. I have no idea who the first guy even is but I know Pynchon alright.
They're all popular, some more than others, but still popular. I'm sure John Coltraine is less popular than Ariana Grande, but I would still think John Coltraine is popular, and wouldn't assume all of his listeners are regulars on Yea Forums.
>Pynchon is translated because he's top quality
Oh user, my translator friends would love if that was how publishers think.
pretty much all "auteur" directors write their own scripts
the way they think is that popular authors, the ones that are going to keep the presses moving and bring in the money, have the priority. but there's always publishers after the prestige of publishing a quality author, even if it's only going to break even or lose them some money and try to make it up with more popular books if it misses the mark.
that's how it works in my cunt. they translate Roth and Amis as soon as they publish something, it took them almost 4 decades to translate GR, but they did it eventually.
magnolia>punch drunk love>the master>phantom thread>there will 8e 8lood>8oogie nights>hard eight>inherent vice
there will 8e 8lood insists upon itself. inherent vice is an em8arassingly amateurish adaptation of an already loose 8ook. many of his movies have acting acting. magnolia and punch drunk love are unique and memora8le.
writers are the directors of comics
>there will 8e 8lood insists upon itself.
>proceeds to choose magnolia as #1
he probably reads literary fiction.... so i doubt he lurks or posts here. faggot
always obsessed with rating best to worst. Why is this?