/wg/ Writing General

For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler
>youtube.com/watch?v=-6HOdHEeosc [Open] [Open] Brandon Sanderson

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)
>youtube.com/watch?v=4on26mKakgs [Open] [Open]

For advertising

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

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Other urls found in this thread:


is there another /wg/ civil war going on?

disappointed that cat pic isn't a webm

Emily user here.

Someone downloaded my book when I put it out for free on kindle for a limited time! Wow!

So anons, where have you published?

Sure sounds fun!

Is that Wish Mountain?


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This is just something I came up with a couple nights ago and I'm thinking of expanding it and making the courthouse-cave the central setting/tale rather than preamble to something else - which could also be interesting.

Nice, you'd be surprised how far an user book with an evocative title/cover can go even with virtually zero marketing. Congrats

Do the anons from /crit/ still frequent this thread? Seems like this general has changed a lot since the last time I posted.

In March 2021, I decided to take a year long break from writing. I think it's going to be permanent. Writing is too difficult and time consuming. My ego is incredibly fragile. I can sort of deal with people shitting on my writing, but I can't deal with the personal attacks. Enough people tell me I'm stupid/ignorant as it is.

So what do you do with your spare time, then?
Just sit on your dead butt, watch TV, and play video games?
I don't expect my writing to go anywhere, or for anyone to warm up to it, but at least I'm not just vegetating.

I hope you didn't do so after receiving negative feedback from these retards. They're pointlessly critical and usually unskilled in their own work. Trust me -- you're better off sticking with it and making incremental progress. I've been published in dozens of magazines, but only because I stuck through the worst patches.


What are some unique cities I can base my fantasy city on besides the cliche London/Paris/New York examples?

Are you looking for large cities only?

Detroit is one of the most unique cities in America... Was basically run by the French for 100 years and had very distinct culture from New England pioneers, was the "arsenal of democracy" in WW2, went to Hell after the 60s and is now very clean and futuristic looking.

pic is me


There's the other same thread, but it's undergoing a stupid shitstorm right now

Honestly I just accidentally made this thread before checking to see if another one had been made while the old thread was on page 9 without a new thread linked.
Let it die.

once upon a time there was a mouse named George. George! his mother would call when it was time to get up for school. George would get up andeat hisbreakfast very quickly so as not to be late. One day he realised he could fly, unlike other mice. So he flew to school and on the way there he robbed a bank and died in the ensuing fight with the police. R.I.P. George the mouse the end.

What's the point of creating duplicate threads? There was a similar situation on /adv/ with some fuck always posting a second version of the 'ask the opposite gender anything' thread, with the only difference being that one thread had a long and annoying FAQ section. The threads were slightly different. But what's the point of posting the same exact thread as in this case here?

>Nobody here writes.
>Nobody here reads.
>If you describe something you're engaging in purple prose.
>If you don't describe something you suffer from aphantasia.
>You shouldn't describe anything ever anyway because show, don't tell.
>Inner monologues are an old-timey crutch. Nobody should have thoughts, just like in real life.
>Trad publishing is the only way to be a real writer.
>Make sure to have a gay tranny nigger romance in your story, otherwise you won't be trad published.

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Just Write bro

In case you migrated here already, I reviewed your other thing:

- words are cheap, delete delete delete, or better yet make a document called “graveyard” where you cut and paste everything you’ve written you either don’t like or don’t believe fits in the story
-if you’re a good writer you’ll have good taste, if you have good taste then you’ll immediately hate everything you’ve written the many first times you do, delete delete cut and paste in graveyard and keep rewriting until it becomes acceptable to YOU
- if you don’t like your writing that means you know you could have done better. Take yourself up on that bet.
- words ARE CHEAP
- have pride in the amount of pages you’ve trashed
- look up Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 rules for writing
- editing is rewriting the whole thing from scratch.
-Trying to fix a rough draft by focusing on correcting grammar issues is like polishing a turd.

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Forgot to mention up top I’m a master writer

Don't listen to this advice. Get it all out in the outline, an outline is just a first draft but more malleable. Once you know everything that happens, write, and edit as you write. Then do a final pass and trash or merge scenes. Treat your time with respect, and don't be too self-critical. However kill your darlings twice: once in the outline, then again when choosing which scenes to keep or trash.
(I am also a professional writer, and the point of this comment is that there is no single method to writing success, if you think otherwise you are limiting yourself.)

Don’t listen to this advice. Every author you’ve looked up to has had to write a shitton before getting as good as they are now, some have been writing non stop since they were teens. Not saying it’s too late but you have to put in the pages, put in the words, I never said don’t outline I also outline myself but even the outlines I’ll trash and rewrite. Rewrite rewrite rewrite anyone who says otherwise is coping

show us the writing that demonstrates your mastery

Most likely the OP of this one mistakenly thought the previous one had hit bump limit already.

what is the story to my romantic lain concept album?

Boy meets girl.
Boy loses girl.
Boy makes new girl out of spare parts.

How do I write niggers like they’re people without making them too white?

Just write white characters then turn them black. Unless you're writing your characters like, "He inspected his whiteness, basking in his pink Caucasian lack of melanin, as his thick blond hair colonized the air" you'll be fine.

>show us the writing that demonstrates your mastery

It needs some grammar work issues to get fixed but here’s the first two episodes to my philosophy themed comic

First episode of my cartoon

Second episode


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Sup lads.

Link to RR page:

Link to Chapter One audio version:

Link to Chapter Two audio version:

I'd recommend for anyone that isn't interested in video-gamey fantasy and 'magic systems', in a lot of ways its the opposite of a power-fantasy litRPG. If semi-grounded fantasy with a major focus on characters (as opposed to constant high stakes plot) is to your interest, check it out.

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I put this in the other thread too. I used a random first sentence generator. For the first time in my life I’m trying my hand at fiction. D-do u think I have potential? ToT
> It was a chance meeting on a film-set. “Film-set” is pretty generous. There’s never enough money for indie work and what the meager budget could swing resembled something more similar to a blue collar neighborhood drama club’s backdrop than what the average imagination conjures when picturing a set. Pay for the day included a “the experience” and a Wendy’s 4 for 4.

I worked out my issues with prose. I think I was better at getting poems accepted because they take less space AND they take less time to finish. Prose, on the other hand, takes Herculean effort for me to get right. I am envious of prosechads, but if I can put more time and effort in, I may be able to learn how to do it somewhat properly.

What are your writing plans for today, dubyah gee?

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Not today dear, I have a headache.

I'd recommend looking into phonetics. Helped me with my prose a lot. Learning what words to stress to make a sentence feel 'whole' to the ear really helps me. It takes time to do re-draft but the writing becomes a lot tighter as a result.

Working on chapter 16 of my book.

The poetry really sucks, and it seems like you want it to be good. Like the rest of the piece, and despite the imperious tone you've chosen to adopt, there's very little sense of the lyricism and rhythm and flow from which the justification for the previously mentioned "imperious" tone is drawn. Reading this is like watching a toddler put on daddy's shoes and try to walk around. I really, really, really dislike the prose.

Would you rather write a book to then be raped by Hollywood adaptation, or to never have written at all?

I was thinking about this and I think the best way to get around a Hollywood rape adaptation is to make the book public domain before you die. That way people will adapt it (assuming its good/popular already).

Look at all the Alice and Wonderland movies, or Peter Pan movies. Most of them suck but there are a few good ones. I wouldn't mind having my book adapted yearly like A Christmas Carol.

If a Hollywood adaptation of my book was ever made, I'd want my hands in EVERY piece of the pie from storyboarding to casting to the final cut. I wouldn't take a dime of pay for my efforts if that's what it costs me to get it done.
At the least, if I had to choose between them, better to have a book that is praised as being superior to the Hollywood adaptation than to have no book at all.


I feel the same way about my work. If it ever got scooped up I'd settle for nothing less than the best director, best casting, best vfx/set pieces/etc... I'd want 100% creative control and/or input over everything. I don't care how much of an asshole I might sound like after they've drafted up a scene five times and I've told them repeatedly it looks nothing like it should.

My hands and arm muscles got so fatigued I couldn't even hold the keyboard anymore without feeling like puking and crying. Starting to feel better after resting a week, but really, what the fuck, I've never heard of anything like this happening to any other writer ever

I'll be agreeable on adaptation techniques of book to film, since there is a transition of medium, but on the fundamental tenets of the story I don't think I'd budge. Since most my body of work is in very large groups of books, a film wouldn't be enough time to fully adapt my vision. Some user here mentioned an Aristotle quote that says the length of the work increases with its intended scope, or something. I try to keep that in mind as I plan out my work.

Nobody will ever adapt my writing to film, so I'm not worried. It's just not adaptable because it is so heavily tied to the medium of literature itself. Plus, it makes no sense. It's just a constant modulation of patterns in search of the sublime. If the sublime could just be transposed across media, sublime art would be commonplace.

Nobody's going to want to even read it, much less turn it into film.

>I'd settle for nothing less than the best director, best casting, best vfx/set pieces/etc
I'd settle for no niggers.

Much of the story I'm writing hinges on the protagonist's inner monologue and the emotions tied to that, which makes me wonder how it would even work in any other medium. I also despise the current media agenda to diversify everything they get their hands on for no reason so that would be pretty infuriating too.

they messed up the "wheel of time" tv show
if they can mess that up, they can mess up anything
only j.k. rowling had enough clout to get the movies made the way she wanted.

Why can I never finish anything? I wrote over 100,000 words on my novel, (though I knew it would need a rewrite) but I get to within 3-8 chapters of the climax and ending, and I just stop, can't bring myself to finish, can't figure out how to make the last pieces fit.
So I start a rewrite, using the original as draft. This time I get to 50,000 words and stop.
Why am I like this? How can this be fixed?

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What's up guys, quick question: is 'cloistered away' or 'secluded away' (not 'away FROM') a valid construction ? 'Secluded away, I started investigatin the properties of...'

The away is redundant and sounds wrong because it's redundant, it's unnecessary even so it sounds off.

Because you enjoy failure because what drives you isnt the product itself, but the "praise", attention, and urging you get from other people. Stop being a bitch boy and get it done.

But I've never gotten any attention or praise. :(
But I am definitely a bitch boy.