Whats the perfect novel for every zodiac sign?
Whats the perfect novel for every zodiac sign?
I'm thinking Infinite Jest, for all those with heavy Virgo influence such as me.
>zodiac signs
why do some people treat this shit seriously lol
Sagittarius are always described as adventurous and want to spend time in nature, so Treasure Island and anything in that vein.
Do Scorpios really live life as a constant state of pain?
Yes. Extreme neuroticism is the only thing about the sign that's accurate for me
The Libra made me kek
>I guess I'm only a spudboy, looking for that real tomato
The only thing that really gives me pause when it comes to astrology is personal experience. Almost every single person I've ever been really drawn to or had a significant relationship with was a Scorpio. I'm a Taurus.
>Leos are not big brained at all (although they would like to, and are good at pretending that they are, but anyone who actually is one can see through it)
Gemini: The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde by Sir Robert Louis Stevenson.
Nobody does its just something fun to read about. You shouldn't take everything so seriously.
What do other pisces read?
Im reading some Blake stories right now
Scorpio women should read Ready Player One because its a dire piece of shlock that's akin to having your toenails pulled out with needlenose pliers
Read Barthes and Artaud on the zodiac.
As a Scorpio I enjoy avant garde erotica (Bataille, Pauline Réage) and any paranoid intense conspiracy.
I don't get it.
Women do, retard
Yes. And we are men here. Rather than the zodiac we have personality tests.
Last book I read was the Leopard by lampedusa.
Tell me your Myers-Brigg type right fucking now
Taurus chads read Mishima and Wittgenstein, and then lift weights under a tree
>Nobody does
meet more people
>nobody does
>gets called out for being retarded and that women take it seriously
>proceeds to deflect
>Barthes on the zodiac
is this in mythologies?
>Mishima and Wittgenstein
Where can I find his take?
>t. Sagittarian Artaudfag
Mishima I don’t disagree, because Taurus values physicality and aesthetics so much. But also because Mishima was, I gather, kind of fascistic and Taurus has an authoritarian side that few people realize:
Marx was Taurus and he was authoritarian too.
I thought Aries were chads...
Taurus master race
I think it was in Artaud Anthology put out by City Lights, should be able to find it online.
As a Scorpio I’d recommend The Count of Monte Cristo.
Nothing a Scorpio loves more than revenge.
My father is a Leo. His favorite book is The Killer Angels for what that’s worth.
My mother is a Capricorn. Her favorite book is Gone With the Wind.
Never take it seriously but know enough surface level to tease qts about it
Found it, downloaded it, thank you kindly!
You guys really?
>hahaha what does the cycle of the moon have to do with the sea and women's menstruation. So stoopid
they are smarter than you
pisceschads rise up
If you want to get pussy you need to have some basic knowledge of the zodiac.
/Leo Gang/ reads Plato and Wuthering Heights
I'm a Virgo and u think this is pretty accurate
jesus, how could he possibly know
maybe astrology is real
How does astrology work and why it’s so accurate bros? I’ve never heard a convincing explanation.
>why it’s so accurate bros
Are you guys being ironic when you say this shit?
Astrologybros why do you always ignore us Capricorns? Even in those shitty news outlets where they also cover zodiac signs Capricorns never get talked about. We get talked about so little in fact that I don't even know if there any stereotypes about us.
The stereotypes about capricorns is that you are extremely hardworking and straight up addicted to work. And that you are also kinda greedy and cold hearted.
I am a pisces and like you capricorns alot. I always went along greatly with you guys.
Yeah, that's unironically right. My mom is also a Pisces so I always thought that there's some synergy between these two signs.
It might not be real but if you're dating it just works.
>the feel when the only zodiac I mever slept with is capricorn
Will learning this help me lose my virginity
>zodiac signs are bullshit, that's what science told me!
It couldn't hurt. Every woman believes this shit, just don't get autistic and masculine about it.
>just don't get autistic and masculine about it.
How are my fellow Aquarius' doing?
I'm Libra and the perfect novel is Moby Dick.
So there is that.
all im seeing in this image is that anyone not a taurus or a cancer is cringe
Because it's true you retarded hylic mongrel
journey is kinda a scorpio book. i would say spinozas ethics also is.
> Yeah dude! even though pretty much only ditzy whores still believe in this superstitious bullshit anymore, way back when in ancient times there were educated men who believed in it as well so that actually makes me based again for believing in this retarded shit unlike all those midwit normies who make fun of me for believing in it!
The bell-curve meme and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Take your meds or fuck off back to
I think Zodiac is bullshit but at the same time I feel like Tomberg would have good shit to say about it that would make me reconsider kind of like the arcana of the tarot.
I still think tarot is bullshit too but Tomberg gave me a much deeper appreciation for the symbolic and aesthetic depth of it.