The only exceptions are those qualities which are peculiar to the man, and which, in consequence...

>The only exceptions are those qualities which are peculiar to the man, and which, in consequence, a mother cannot bestow on her child; these include the masculine build of the skeleton, breadth of shoulder, small hips, straight legs, strength of muscle, courage, beard, and so on. And so it happens that a woman frequently loves an ugly man, albeit she never loves an unmanly man, because she cannot neutralise his defects.

>A lack of intelligence carries no weight with her; in fact, a superabundance of mental power or even genius, as abnormities, might have an unfavourable effect. And so we frequently find a woman preferring a stupid, ugly, and ill-mannered man to one who is well-educated, intellectual, and agreeable.

-Arthur Schopenhauer, metaphysics of love.

How is it that he is always right on everything?

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I'm 6'2''

I hate women


I love women. They'll parrot any social justice virtue currently trending on Twitter but when it comes to their pussies they're shameless eugenic Nazis.

Based. Have you ever raped a foid. In Minecraft of course.

thats why ultimately, consent should be decided by the man or men in her life. this setup would increase birthrates

>those qualities which are peculiar to the man, and which, in consequence, a mother cannot bestow on her child; these include the masculine build of the skeleton, breadth of shoulder, small hips, straight legs, strength of muscle
Those are mostly diploid traits though - they can inherited from the mother's side.

>And so we frequently find a woman preferring a stupid, ugly, and ill-mannered man to one who is well-educated, intellectual, and agreeable.
I thought women preferred rich tall high-status chads, not dumb ugly manlets with social autism.

t. STEM bugman

>this setup would increase birthrates
Go breed your cattle elsewhere, shlomo.


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>implying that roasties don't crave the BBC

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Lol. Based girl. She barely has to put any effort into trolling you guys. Pro tip: there is a wide chasm between what girls say and what they do.

>tfw too smart for gf: the book

i'm a 6'1 NEET, am I gonna make it?

I have sex with women (not prostitutes) regularly and I still hate women.
I want to castrate myself

>In joy and gladness to bear the thing conceived, this is the deed of Woman,—and to work deeds the woman only needs to be entirely what she is, but in no way to will something: for she can will but one thing—to be a woman! To man, therefore, woman is the ever clear and cognisable measure of natural infallibility, (Untrüglichkeit), for she is at her perfectest when she never quits the sphere of beautiful Instinctiveness (Unwillkürlichkeit).

Attached: Wagner 1871.png (412x560, 219.42K)

Statistics suggest otherwise.

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Look at her though. She's not the type who'd have anything in common with a 6'2 doctor engineer either.

sounds contemptible

>tfw 6'2 and broke but still no one is taking me
Feels bad man.

How's it feel to be the king of manlets? I always laugh at how short foreigners are when they come here to Denmark.

t. 6'5

Giving a shit what women say or think is a vetting process of nature, only feminine failed men do this or complain about it. I mean, how much of a pussy does one have to be to think competition equates with Nazism?

Attached: schlopenhauer.png (1007x834, 84.68K)

go back to /r/asianmasculinity

kill yourself tranny

based superior nordic chad

If you do not feel pity for the pathetic female sex, you do not understand Schopenhauer and lack compassion. Weak men allowing what we see today is our fault.

Lots of really sad people in this thread.
> t. 5 foot 4 frog who grew up in the 90s before online dating was a thing, and got laid at 18 and regularly ever since.

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The cult of Nordicism was invented by chinless losers like Goebbels. Hitler was 5'8.

Please don't equate me with those German subhumans, thanks.

This. The man who thinks he can get girls will get them. Be confident regardless and never view yourself as a competitor for girls. Make girls compete for you

Human social dynamics don't apply to the French.

>b-but le nazis also thought that
low iq boomer take, maybe you're a mutt

>this person doesn't share my delusions
>*takes their dick out of your mouth*
>I don't think you're cool anymore, how's that!
lolok you really got me there

>I'm not a Nazi
>Don't equate me to subhumans
You have the coherence of a woman, close enough for me, are you DTF?

>omg le sex!
>what do women think of me?

Attached: fags.jpg (1280x720, 146.77K)

Your so close, anglobro, and yet, you'll never get there.

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It's perfectly coherent, there are better and worse people, but your group of larpers is emphatically in the latter category. You have to be truly pathetic to try and mythologize something as fake as Nordicism and then use it as a cope for your own impotence. I've never met a German or a 'pure Bavarian phenotype' American who wasn't an autistic loser.

>being tall makes one superior
>nordic people are the tallest in the world
>nordic superiority is a delusion because the nazis also believed in it
kek. good little goy slave, let all those shitskin savages into your country, i am sure they will make it a better place and not closer to the 3rd world shithole they fled from. stop being a cuck.

Serbians are taller on average last I looked. Your jewish boogeyman platitudes are so trite they don't even warrant remark. Why tell some sad idiot how sad and stupid they are, when they are too dumb and pathetic to understand?

For the record, women can smell this loserdom on you. Maybe take a shower.

>height makes one superior
>nordics are the tallest race
height is also the strongest correlation to higher IQ. why won't you just admit that you are being influenced by modern biases? whether the nazis believed it or not has no bearing on the truth of the matter, stop being a coward.

Snowniggers tongue my anus.
Extreme size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination is considered a virtue.
Roma invicta.

Are you DTF or not I'm horny

no they aren't you retard, denmark is the tallest nation in the world. how is it a boogeyman when jews control speech on the mainline internet via the ADL partnering with every big tech company, have the most powerful lobbying power (zionism), and put out ww2 propaganda through hollywood? not to mention banking. You are too afraid to talk about these things, I'm pretty sure you aren't even white, you're probably some larping mutt whose faggot 3rd worlder parents ran away to denmark or something.

why are you suddenly telling me to be concerned with what women think of me? at this point you should just post your shit-coloured brown hands, this is hilarious.

being tall is one of the best indicators of higher IQ though, then there is the fact that nordic are the tallest, and nordic countries are pretty commonly accepted as the best countries to live in.

I think it's The Netherlands follower by Montenegro.

This is wrong tho. Height differences account only for 10% of IQ variations.

Y’all retarded. Girls like height but they want a boyfriend more than being single. Hence the short confident guy who approaches girls will fair better than the tall guy who never leaves his room

>being tall is one of the best indicators of higher IQ though
Bugmen have the highest IQs period and they are manlets. M2R2T

Tall bugmen are smarter than short bugmen

Ok, but if we are speaking of the white races it holds true, obviously niggers can be 6'5" and fucking braindead, especially in the US where they were bred to be good farm equipment. Meanwhile chinks are tiny but have higher avg iq.

but they are not wise

6'2 lanklet. Haven't had sex in over 8 years. It's over.

Height helps IQ because more brain mass = more IQ. But it's not a straight relation, you gain at most 10% over what you would have gotten as a manlet. And women gains more %wise than man for the same height increase.

Only holds true for the Netherlands, Finns have higher IQ than them and yet are on average shorter.
Anyways, French and Romanians have the biggest dicks, and by a large margin.

>France and Romania
Kek no, they get mogged by Italy.

Nope, Italy is a good 2cm behind France. They do beat Anglos tho.

If you're below 5'10 you're a manlet. If above, a lanklet.

Imagine what the browncel that made this looks like kek

Not that guy but it's more like .30 cm

Anyone who worries too much about height is guaranteed to be a retard, be they short or tall.

Seriously all the muh sex muh sex muh sex types need to go back to r9k and reddit.

That could just be race
I’ve always seen height as confidence more than anything

This is why literally no one should have to care what women think about anything.

True, simply because more intellectual people (note, not necessarily smart) are less corporeal and therefore weaker, and also more propense to insecurity and anxiety.
If a smart man makes himself strong and confident it's another story.